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Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:38 am
by smackaholic
WTF is with this shameless bullshit. Yeah, I know, we live in a republic, not a democracy, but, last I checked we are supposed to actually let the people vote for their leaders.
How can these fukkers get away with this shit?
Who picks them?
I can't imagine that even the strongest democrat shill here can condone this bullshit.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:22 am
by Diogenes
They are a reacton to the gender and racial quota system for delegates set up by the McGovern rules instituted by the DNC after the 1968 convention. These rules diminished the role of the party establishment so much that Supers were created to partially compensate.
In other words, corruption to compensate for mob rule.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:50 am
by smackaholic
Mob rule?
Yuo mean the concept of voting on something and going with the majority?
What a concept.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:17 am
by Wolfman
Have to find it ironic that the "Democratic" Party that says they place such great value on
the concept of "one person-one vote" has such an abomination as a Superdelegate !
Nice going.
Question--do Uberdelegates get free health care ?
(and these people want to govern the country ???)
PS--Glenn Beck interviewed some late twenty-something female who is a Superdelegate.
Her thoughts were just what you'd expect. "Change--health care--help the workers---yada-yada"
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:08 am
by BSmack
Republicans have "super delegates" too.
The original reason for the super delegates was so that if the candidate tanked so badly (like by nominating a VP candidate who had received electroshock therapy) between the primaries and the convention that he/she requires replacing, it could be done. On the surface, it wasn't a horrible idea, and it certainly is in line with the principles of representative democracy as these delegates are all appointed by virtue of their elected positions. However, in practice the idea flat out sucks and should be abolished by both parties.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:24 am
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:Pssst!
Republicans have "super delegates" too..
"Superdelegate" is an informal term for some of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention, the quadrennial convention of the United States Democratic Party.
The convention delegates who are not superdelegates are selected as a result of party primaries and caucuses in each U.S. state, in which voters express their preference among the contenders for the party’s nomination for President of the United States. Delegates supporting each candidate are chosen in approximate ratio to their candidate’s share of the vote. In some states, the delegates so chosen are legally required to vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged, at least on the first ballot at the convention. By contrast, the superdelegates are seated based solely on their status as current or former elected officeholders and party officials. They are free to support any candidate for the nomination, although many of them have publicly announced endorsements.
Both the Democratic and Republican party have a number of state level unpledged delegates that are chosen by each state's party through convention, caucus, or state party leader vote (depending on how that particular state-party body has decided to choose them)[1]. The state level unpledged delegates tend to vote for the candidate who received the most votes from their state (although they are not required to and some state parties give them more leeway than others). Many state Republican party delegations are made up entirely of unpledged delegates which gives them the distinction "winner take all". Even with these traditions, unpledged delegates are allowed to change their vote at any time before the national convention. This is why both the Republican and Democratic parties have the potential for a brokered convention. This is far less likely for the Republican party where the traditions are more strict and there are far fewer unpledged delegates who are given a free hand.
The Democratic party takes the concept of unpledged delegates a step further by having a large number of Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) unpledged delegates that are not associated with any particular state. Sometimes, the term Superdelegate is used only to describe Democratic PLEO delegates, and other times it is used to describe all Democratic unpledged delegates. This article discusses only PLEO unpledged delegates." onclick=";return false;
BSmack wrote:The original reason for the super delegates was so that if the candidate tanked so badly (like by nominating a VP candidate who had received electroshock therapy) between the primaries and the convention that he/she requires replacing, it could be done. On the surface, it wasn't a horrible idea, and it certainly is in line with the principles of representative democracy as these delegates are all appointed by virtue of their elected positions. However, in practice the idea flat out sucks and should be abolished by both parties.
After the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the Democratic Party implemented changes in its delegate selection process, based on the work of the McGovern-Fraser Commission. The purpose of the changes was to make the composition of the convention less subject to control by party leaders and more responsive to the votes cast during the campaign for the nomination.
These comprehensive changes left some Democrats believing that the role of party leaders and elected officials had been unduly diminished, weakening the Democratic ticket. In response, the superdelegate rule was instituted after the 1980 election. Its purpose was to accord a greater role to active politicians." onclick=";return false;
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:28 am
by BSmack
Republicans have winner take all primaries in the mix. That's why Romney is now slurping on McCain's thick and gorgeous while Dems are still voting in meaningful primaries. Both parties have roughly the same percentage of uncommitted delegates, be they called "super" or otherwise uncommitted.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:44 pm
by smackaholic
The republicans do have winner take all states, which is equally bullshit. They DO NOT have superdelegates.
The more I think about how fukked up our election process is, the more I just feel like saying fukk it and stay home.
I think the dems have gotten away from winner take all for the wrong reasons. They know that it will result in a fairly close delegate count. This will make the bought and paid for supershill delegates the deciding factor. And we all know who's getting them, don't we, hillary.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:56 pm
by Goober McTuber
The one good thing we get if Hillary is elected is 4 years of suckaholic fuming and sputtering.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:34 pm
by Mikey
Why do you Repbulifarts GARA how the Dems pick their candidate?
You're going to vote for somebody else anyway.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:35 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:The republicans do have winner take all states, which is equally bullshit. They DO NOT have superdelegates.
Yes They Do. ... orecard/#R" onclick=";return false;
Note the part of the delegate count that says "unpledged RNC".
A superdelegate by any other name stinks just as much.
The more I think about how fukked up our election process is, the more I just feel like saying fukk it and stay home. I think the dems have gotten away from winner take all for the wrong reasons. They know that it will result in a fairly close delegate count. This will make the bought and paid for supershill delegates the deciding factor. And we all know who's getting them, don't we, hillary.
Obama is the nominee unless he's found in bed with a dead woman or a live man. Period. End of story. There is no way in hell superdelegates will be able to subvert the will of the voters without causing the breakup of the Democratic party. This isn't 1968. Well, except for that part about America being stuck in a quagmire halfway around the world thanks to a lame duck President who now cares more about his "legacy" as a "war President" than saving the lives of the troops he is needlessly wasting.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:03 pm
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:Obama is the nominee unless he's found in bed with a dead woman or a live man. Period. End of story. There is no way in hell superdelegates will be able to subvert the will of the voters without causing the breakup of the Democratic party. This isn't 1968. Well, except for that part about America being stuck in a quagmire halfway around the world thanks to a lame duck President who now cares more about his "legacy" as a "war President" than saving the lives of the troops he is needlessly wasting.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:35 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:smackaholic wrote:The republicans do have winner take all states, which is equally bullshit. They DO NOT have superdelegates.
A superdelegate by any other name stinks just as much.
When the name is PLEO it sucks considerably worse.
The Democratic party takes the concept of unpledged delegates a step further by having a large number of Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) unpledged delegates that are not associated with any particular state. Sometimes, the term Superdelegate is used only to describe Democratic PLEO delegates, and other times it is used to describe all Democratic unpledged delegates.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:35 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote:There is no way in hell superdelegates will be able to subvert the will of the voters without causing the breakup of the Democratic party.
I laughed.
You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?
That Obama is the nominee? I figured that out after Super Tuesday.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:39 pm
by Cuda
Let's hope he doesn't figure it out- at least until it's too late.
Way too much comedy potential there. First the initial clueless denials, then the bitter recriminations. And, finally, the whining. Comedy Gold, every bit of it
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:59 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Clinton is leading 228 to 138 in superdelegates, dumbfuck.
Make that 139 superdelegates for Obama. David Wilhelm (former DNC Chair and Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign manager) just announced for Obama. ... _article=1" onclick=";return false;
And there's still 600 out there waiting for their chance to side with Obama.
Go fuck yourself. Your dream of running against Hillary is crumbing.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:00 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Actually, it's more like 430 and if the proportion holds at 60/40 (there is no reason to believe that it won't) it's over for Oprah Odumbfuck barring a total wipeout of Clinton in Texas and Ohio. Superdelegates are party flacks. They don't give a fuck about Hussein's alleged charisma and they certainly don't give a fuck about you.
It's a coinflip right now.
You went from "You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?" to "It's a coinflip right now".
BTW: The most recent national polling data shows Hillary's support eroding rapidly. When I say rapidly, I'm talking a 5-7 point shift since last week. Mark my words, Obama will crush Hillary in both Texas and Ohio. Her replication of Rudy's big state firewall strategy will be just as "successful" as Mr. 9-11's candidacy.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:13 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote: Obama will crush Hillary in both Texas and Ohio.
He has to or he no shot at all. I can see you're starting to melt a little, though.
If by "melt" you mean, "is certain that Obama will be steamrolling McCain this fall", then just call me fucking Chernobyl.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:55 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:No, I mean that if you clowns go into the convention with the race as tight as it is, Onogga has ZERO chance of pulling out a win in a brokered convention. All Shillary has to do is keep it close.
There will be no brokered convention. Did you not see the results yesterday? The exit polling data? The resignation of yet another top Clinton campaign official?
We are moving into the endgame. All that is left for Hillary is to bow out with some dignity.
I couldn't care less who wins the Dem primary. There isn't anybody in the race in either party who isn't a disasterous fuck up.
By all means, please stay unmotivated.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:46 pm
by Cuda
BSmack wrote:
We are moving into the endgame. All that is left for Hillary is to bow out with some dignity..
BWAH... Think about who you're talking about.
All that's really left is for Hitlery or Bubba to drop a N-Bomb while the microphone is on.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:51 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote: Did you not see the results yesterday? The exit polling data? The resignation of yet another top Clinton campaign official?
Who gives a shit about any of that? The delegate count is the only thing that matters and Osoftsoap doesn't have anything that could even remotely be construed as a commanding lead and that's with several significant states still in play not to mention over 400 superdelegates undecided.
Damn, you're a more optomistic mouthpiece for Hillary than Jim Carville. At least Carville will admit that Hillary is behind.
Now that's coming from an adviser to Hillary's campaign. And a very high level one at that. I would add further than Hillary needs a minimum of 55% of the vote in both Texas and Ohio to remain viable. A 51-49 win means she and Obama split committed delegates nearly equally. That's just not good enough to keep Hillary afloat. She need commanding victories in both states, especially considering that with Vermont and Rhode Island on the same day, a split in Ohio and Texas would likely result in a net delegate gain for Obama.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:10 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:You are a straight up fool. An even or nearly even split in Texas and Ohio gives her the nomination. Vermont and RI are irrelevant.
They are hardly irrelevant if the end of the day produces a net gain in delegates for Obama. Hillary HAS to cut deep into Obama's pledged delegate lead. A Split in Ohio and Texas does Hillary no good whatsoever.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:30 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:No, she doesn't. All she has to do is keep it reasonably close in Texas and Ohio. The superdelegates will put her over the top.
I always knew you favored making weed legal. I didn't realize you favored using weed while posting. Seriously dude, pass some of that happy shit over my way.
In case you forgot, the remaining superdelegates will move to the candidate who has the most committed delegates. There is no other alternative save the destruction of the Democratic party. Period.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:13 am
by Mister Bushice
BSmack wrote:mvscal wrote:No, she doesn't. All she has to do is keep it reasonably close in Texas and Ohio. The superdelegates will put her over the top.
In case you forgot, the remaining superdelegates will move to the candidate who has the most committed delegates. There is no other alternative save the destruction of the Democratic party. Period.
Says who?
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:46 am
by Diogenes
Mister Bushice wrote:BSmack wrote:mvscal wrote:No, she doesn't. All she has to do is keep it reasonably close in Texas and Ohio. The superdelegates will put her over the top.
In case you forgot, the remaining superdelegates will move to the candidate who has the most committed delegates. There is no other alternative save
the destruction of the Democratic party. Period.
Says who?
Don't stop him while he's being so positive. That and a McRINO coronary could lead to an American revival.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:55 am
by BSmack
BSmack wrote:Mister Bushice wrote:In case you forgot, the remaining superdelegates will move to the candidate who has the most committed delegates. There is no other alternative save the destruction of the Democratic party. Period.
Says who?
Says anybody with a clue. Myself and millions of others would have no problem pulling the lever for Hillary Clinton IF she wins the nomination honestly. But there is no way in hell I vote for her if she gets the nomination by any means other than through a majority of the elected delegates. And you can bet the same will go for millions of other voters who will take a very dim view of their votes being negated.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:59 am
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:No, she doesn't. All she has to do is keep it reasonably close in Texas and Ohio. The superdelegates will put her over the top.
With the added benefit of REALLY REALLY REALLY pissing off the n.i.g.g.ers.
They see Barak as their messiah and when the Klinton Machine fucks him out of the nomination, they will feel pretty well plunger fucked too; they might even torch some cars and liberate some big screen TV's & designer clothes
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:10 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote:Says anybody with a clue.
Right. That must explain why they're breaking 60-40 for Hillary right now.
Not exactly. 11 superdelegates have endorsed within the past 7 days. Of those 11, 9 have endorsed Obama and 2 have endorsed Clinton.
But hey, feel free to spin all you want. It will only make me laugh all the harder when you have to swallow the idea of a black President.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:02 am
by War Wagon
Cuda wrote:mvscal wrote:No, she doesn't. All she has to do is keep it reasonably close in Texas and Ohio. The superdelegates will put her over the top.
With the added benefit of REALLY REALLY REALLY pissing off the n.i.g.g.ers.
They see Barak as their messiah and when the Klinton Machine fucks him out of the nomination, they will feel pretty well plunger fucked too; they might even torch some cars and liberate some big screen TV's & designer clothes
Riots in the streets of Dungver. That'll be worth watching on CNN.
Seriously though... I believe Bri's dead on. He's crushing Shillary. The super delegates will flee from that bitch like a bad case of herpes.
Obama is our next president.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:59 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
When did Obama turn into Malcolm?
He's just another establishment hack, who'll tow the line for big business, big pharma, the M.I.C., foreign lobbies...
You people don't inhabit the state of reality.
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:47 pm
by Cuda
O'bama is't so much Malcolm X as he is Nelson Mandela, promising that every coon would have a washing machine. Then when Mandela won, department store clerks had to turn away jigaboos by the thousands who showed up to demand their free washer & dryer. Same thingie with O'bama
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
James Carville at the Builders Show wrote:For both you Democrats out there, I got good news for you. We have to literally talk our way out of winning this election.
For the Republicans, being a lifelong member of the Democratic party, I can assure you we are perfectly capable of doing that.

Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
Cuda wrote:O'bama
Dude is Irish?
Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:24 pm
by BSmack
More superdelegate news.
From NBC's Domenico Montanaro
The Obama campaign announced Christine "Roz" Samuels, a DNC member and superdelegate from New Jersey, switched her support from Clinton to Obama. NBC News can confirm that Samuels had been supporting Clinton.
This also changes the superdelegate count more so than just a usual pick up because, in baseball terms, it helps in both the win and loss columns.
The NBC News Political Unit superdelegate count now stands at Clinton 260, Obama 181. This brings Obama's post-Feb. 5 superdelegate endorsements to 11-2 over Clinton. (And Clinton's lost two, including Samuels and Tom Lantos, who passed away.) Super delegate numbers reflect totals gathered by the Political Unit from the campaigns and public endorsements.
The Obama campaign also announced the endorsement of former Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee, of Rhode Island. Chafee switched his party affiliation to independent after losing his seat to Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, who is supporting Hillary Clinton. Rhode Island holds its primary March 4. ... 64722.aspx" onclick=";return false;
Yep, those superdelegates are really breaking for Hillary.

Re: Super Delegates
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:30 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:Sure. He could be Irish. He's whatever you want him to be, Goobs. You name it, he'll pander to it.
Cool. With a name like McTuber you know I’m as Irish as it gets.