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Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:55 pm
by Dan Vogel
This is another stunning tragedy for our country. I fear for students across the nation in all grades of study. If my wife did not work part time I might have my own children in home schooling. As long as guns are available to citizens we have to fear this kind of incident. When will our country come to it's senses? Other lands don't have people carrying weapns around and blowing others away like they are playing some video game. Only in America. Let's just say enough is enough and move toward a sane, free, and reasonable society. Can't people realize this? It's not difficult. Nobody should have to fear going out in a public place. This is sick and it makes me sick in the pit of my stomach.

Bless all who were impacted by this latest event.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:16 pm
by PL
anyone have an updated bodycount yet?

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:19 pm
by Dinsdale
PL wrote:anyone have an updated bodycount yet?

Here's a link --" onclick=";return false;

Too bad the professor/staff weren't exercising their Second Amendment Rights -- there'd be a lot more students alive there today.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:20 pm
by Biggie
Dinsdale wrote:
PL wrote:anyone have an updated bodycount yet?

Here's a link --" onclick=";return false;
You really crack me up sometimes.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:25 pm
by War Wagon
Dan Vogel wrote:Other lands don't have people carrying weapns around and blowing others away like they are playing some video game. Only in America.

You don't really pay much attention to world events do you, Dan.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:49 pm
by BSmack
Dan Vogel wrote:This is another stunning tragedy for our country.
Stunning? Negro please. :meds:

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:53 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dan Vogel wrote:I might have my own children in home schooling.
Isn't playing laundry inspector in the evening enough for you?

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:13 pm
by Biggie
mvscal wrote:He got stuck on my cock and I haven't made it over to the drapes yet.
RACK all Biggie Cohen resets.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:19 pm
When will our country come to it's senses?
I'm going to go Scholastic on you soon if you don't learn how to use a fucking APOSTROPHE, Dan, you fucking handwringing ninny

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:20 pm
by Dinsdale
I don't see a problem with his punctuation. He's just dumbing it down for you.


Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:25 pm
by PSUFAN does the student know what the teacher is offering?

Sin, B-FlowChartInterruptus

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:28 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:I don't see a problem with his punctuation. He's just dumbing it down for you.

Apostrophe, comma, what's the fucking difference? Any grammatical port in a storm Dinsy.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:36 pm
by Dinsdale
These deals always end so well for you, so I can see where you'd enter another.

Newsflash, dipshit, the same rule applies as always -- the grammarsmack only comes out after someone makes a grade-school-failing mistake while running intellismack/education smack.

Otherwise, I couldn't really care any less. But butcher the language while speaking of someone else's intelligence/education, and you just painted a bullseye on your back... which you do quite frequently.

I'll eagerly await your "Oh yeah, well your stupid" response.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:52 pm
by Bobby42
R-Jack wrote:Hate to break it to you, but the last few school shootings have taken place in college.
Since the VA Tech shooting on April 17, 2007, colleges and universities across the country have ramped up security policies, emergency notification procedures and active-shooter training for its police and security forces. Shame on them if they haven't.

As the investigation unfolds it will be interesting to see how Northern Illinois fares against the scrutiny.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:07 am
by smackaholic
what hasn't changed is the ridiculous "gun free zone" bullshit.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:45 am
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:Newsflash, dipshit, the same rule applies as always -- the grammarsmack only comes out after Dinsdale gets his ass handed to him

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:24 am
by Dinsdale
So... who had 4:45 PST in the BSmack BODE Declaration Pool?

WAR -- The Inevitable

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:29 am
by bbqjones
chortling over here boss.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:09 am
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:So... who had 4:45 PST in the BSmack BODE Declaration Pool?

WAR -- The Inevitable
Talk about the pot and the fucking kettle dude. You calling out someone for self declared bode is like OC Mike calling out someone for being bald. Or Charger Mike calling out someone for taking unnecessary risks with a motorcycle. Or Raider James ragging on someone for using too much hair gell.

:meds: x infinity

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:32 am
by Dinsdale
So, I suppose with all of your analogies, providing a link to one occurrence shouldn't be a problem for you then?

Just one will do.

Happy hunting, dude... since you won't find any such thing. But it might keep you busy for a few hours, which would be a blessing for this board.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:01 am
by Dan Vogel
Jsc810 wrote:Yes, bless all those victims and their families.

But sorry, Dan, this country isn't going to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. And even if it did, the nutjobs would simply find another way to carry out their crazed plans.
A person can kill others without a gun but killing multiple people in a single incident pretty much requires a firearm. I understand the 2nd amendment but I also understand common sense. The country needs to take steps to provide for the safety of the citizens. Isn't that part of the job of governement? Yes it is. Hopefully Clinton or Obama can take a stand and motion to change or eliminate the 2nd amendment. You can think what you want but that is common sense in 2008. It isn't 1776 anymore.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:12 am
Isn't that part of the job of governement?

You've posted about sexing up your own kids, you've posted foreplay banter with mvscal...but the above is definitely the MOST DEPRAVED shit you've typed yet. What do you want the government to do for you NOW? Dan, squeeze out your toothpaste? I hope your innards wetly slap into your pantlegs TODAY, you scum

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:14 am
by Mister Bushice
Dan Vogel wrote: A person can kill others without a gun but killing multiple people in a single incident pretty much requires a firearm.
Oh, really?





Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:56 am
by smackaholic
Dan Vogel wrote: A person can kill others without a gun but killing multiple people in a single incident pretty much requires a firearm. I understand the 2nd amendment but I also understand common sense. The country needs to take steps to provide for the safety of the citizens. Isn't that part of the job of governement? Yes it is. Hopefully Clinton or Obama can take a stand and motion to change or eliminate the 2nd amendment. You can think what you want but that is common sense in 2008. It isn't 1776 anymore.
Ever heard of these big shiny things called cars?

Ever hear of a crowed bus stop?

Mix in an 82 year old lady and viola!!! Instant fukking carnage.

Ofcourse the fukks that tend to populate bus stops are generally better dead, but, that's besides the point.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:13 pm
by Dinsdale
Dan Vogel wrote:Hopefully Clinton or Obama can take a stand and motion to change or eliminate the 2nd amendment.

I couldn't agree more.

Then the justification is there for the well-armed citizens to seize the White House and give it back to its rightful owners -- the American People.

And I'll enjoy shooting your traitorous ass right in the face (face, ass... same thing on you).

Actually, Bush's repealing of the 4th Amendment was all the justification that was neccessary, but us nutjobs are waiting for a complete breakdown of civil rights, so as to drum up the most support and encounter the least resistance from traitors as possible.

And trust me... we're out there. A LOT more of us than you might think. We were given a set of instructions to ensure freedom. It's just that the Average Joe is a fucking coward, and won't stand up for his rights. But to think everybody suffers from that same cowardice is naive and foolish.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:27 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dinsdale wrote: Newsflash, dipshit, the same rule applies as always -- the grammarsmack only comes out after someone makes a grade-school-failing mistake while running intellismack/education smack.

Otherwise, I couldn't really care any less. But butcher the language while speaking of someone else's intelligence/education, and you just painted a bullseye on your back... which you do quite frequently.

I'll eagerly await your "Oh yeah, well your stupid" response.
Oopsdale wrote:So, I suppose with all of your analogies, providing a link to one occurrence shouldn't be a problem for you then?

Just one will do.

Happy hunting, dude... since you won't find any such thing. But it might keep you busy for a few hours, which would be a blessing for this board.
Shit. It took 30 seconds with a search on your name and the word grammar, which is good, because I only had to read two of your tedious threads to find it: ... it=Grammar" onclick=";return false;

You don't just run grammarsmack in that thread, it's a fucking pedantic grammarsdale stampede.


Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:30 pm
by warren
To the gun control freaks, I have this to say: they are not legal (accept by special circumstantial permits) in England, where I live half of the year and they still blow each other away.

Secondly, how are you going to convince all of these criminals to just hand over millions of firearms? Oh I know, just say please.

I guess you could just go on house to house searches and violate everyone's constitutional rights in order to seize them.

Oh, but wait, you are the same type of moron that thinks the Homeland Security measures violate people's civil rights.

Get a freaking grip, Timothy Mcveigh killed hundreds with ammonium nitrate, errr fertilizer for you lefties.

Kooks kill with whatever means neccessary and if someone in these classrooms were armed maybe you wouldn't be lamenting this tragedy.

As usual, liberals feel pain, and conservatives think how to stop it.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:40 am
by SG's Son
Guns rule.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:14 pm
by Dan Vogel
Tim McVeigh killed a lot of people but couldn't kill the exact people that he wanted to kill. It was anonymous killing. It was done to send some sort of a sick message. We see these things happen sometimes. But the school gun killers have their sites set on some specific people that they want to inflict harm or death on. You need a gun to do that. And just turn on your tv at news time to see how many people got murdered by a firearm that day. You can wake up any time now people.

Most of the gun supporters like to use hunting as an excuse to continue to let people own guns. They sell food at the grocery stores don't they? So you don't need to hunt and kill defenseless animals. There is not a reason for it. It's stupid and shows a very low IQ or some emotional issue. Just admit that guns are for killing and our country would be safer if they were eliminated. The founders of the constitution wouldn't have ever imagined that killing of citizens by other citizens would be going on at the rate it is or they wouldn't have settled on letting people own their own weapons. Let's have some common sense.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:25 pm
by bbqjones
Dan Vogel wrote:Just admit that guns are for killing and our country would be safer if they were eliminated. The founders of the constitution wouldn't have ever imagined that killing of citizens by other citizens would be going on at the rate it is or they wouldn't have settled on letting people own their own weapons. Let's have some common sense.

did i really just read this?

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:44 pm
by warren
bbqjones wrote:
Dan Vogel wrote:Just admit that guns are for killing and our country would be safer if they were eliminated. The founders of the constitution wouldn't have ever imagined that killing of citizens by other citizens would be going on at the rate it is or they wouldn't have settled on letting people own their own weapons. Let's have some common sense.

did i really just read this?
No, he's right dude, we would have won the revolution with harsh language and slingshots.

Much more humane.

I hope these people are trolls or at least don't bother to vote.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:10 pm
by Mustang
Dan Vogel wrote:Tim McVeigh killed a lot of people but couldn't kill the exact people that he wanted to kill. It was anonymous killing. It was done to send some sort of a sick message. We see these things happen sometimes. But the school gun killers have their sites set on some specific people that they want to inflict harm or death on. You need a gun to do that. And just turn on your tv at news time to see how many people got murdered by a firearm that day. You can wake up any time now people.

Most of the gun supporters like to use hunting as an excuse to continue to let people own guns. They sell food at the grocery stores don't they? So you don't need to hunt and kill defenseless animals. There is not a reason for it. It's stupid and shows a very low IQ or some emotional issue. Just admit that guns are for killing and our country would be safer if they were eliminated. The founders of the constitution wouldn't have ever imagined that killing of citizens by other citizens would be going on at the rate it is or they wouldn't have settled on letting people own their own weapons. Let's have some common sense.
Yeah, guys that hunt pheasants and deer really need to have their guns confiscated. Let's let the deer population explode further and have an even worse ecological mess on our hands. After all, it's more humane to hit deer with cars or have them starve or be disease ridden than to take them out with one shot. Brilliant.

As for gun control, oh that works wonders. No guns ownership is allowed in the city of Chicago and Washington DC. Let's all move there because the criminals aren't allowed to get guns and of course, they follow the rules don't they? All those murders in Chi/DC are just an illusion.....

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:21 pm
by Raydah James
Its very upsetting to see that 1smoothG didnt start this thread.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:58 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
You guys are fucking IDIOTS to be pissing of Dan like this. The guy has got some serious pull with the feds. Legions of slick-haired dudes in black suits and Matrix sunglasses are still showing up at my front door step and hiding behind garbage cans, just watching my every fucking move. I regret the day I plowed the rectum of D-Vogel's wife.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:18 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:So... who had 4:45 PST in the BSmack BODE Declaration Pool?

WAR -- The Inevitable
Talk about the pot and the fucking kettle dude. You calling out someone for self declared bode...

Mister Bushice wrote:
So, I suppose with all of your analogies, providing a link to one occurrence shouldn't be a problem for you then?

Just one will do.
Shit. It took 30 seconds with a search on your name and the word grammar, which is good, because I only had to read two of your tedious threads to find it:

You don't just run grammarsmack in that thread, it's a fucking pedantic grammarsdale stampede.


So, see if I got this right...

When asked to provide an example of where I did the self-BODE-declaration thing, you instead chose to link up an example of grammarsmack (which I've made the rules of usage quite clear on)...

And then posted a "YHKYOA"? AFTER using the tried and true "calling the kettle black" line?

I don't think "priceless" quite does that justice. It was like a double-secret KYOA.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:23 pm
by rozy
Dinsdale wrote: But butcher
Who stole Dinsy's password?

Oh, and what a bizarro way of seeing you guys get trolled...

Using a shit troll to spread nonsense. pfffft

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:32 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
l to r: T1B, Dan Vogel

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:57 pm
by Mister Bushice
Mace wrote:
Yep, he'd have been spot on responding to that one.

That WAS what I was intending, thus the reference to grammar smack in my reply, and a link to where he did EXACTLY the opposite of what he claims.

Hell, all of Clavensdales posts blend, one into the next. A stream of interconnected bullshit.

Besides that, aren't ALL of his posts Self Bode declarations without the :bode: icon? They certainly read that way.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:03 pm
by KC Scott
Dan Vogel wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:Yes, bless all those victims and their families.

But sorry, Dan, this country isn't going to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. And even if it did, the nutjobs would simply find another way to carry out their crazed plans.
A person can kill others without a gun but killing multiple people in a single incident pretty much requires a firearm. I understand the 2nd amendment but I also understand common sense. The country needs to take steps to provide for the safety of the citizens. Isn't that part of the job of governement? Yes it is. Hopefully Clinton or Obama can take a stand and motion to change or eliminate the 2nd amendment. You can think what you want but that is common sense in 2008. It isn't 1776 anymore.

Yea he's a tard troll, but what the hell.........

My best friend is doing a 12 week FBI course in Md. - One of the classes is counter terroism. They have law enforcement from all over the world. He told me in the dicsussion on domestic terrorism, as they were talking about the KKK, a cop from Uganda asked "how do these people exist?" so the instructor tried to explain they belended into "normal" everyday lifr, then expounded their first ammendment rights to free speech, etc. .... dude was stunned, and someone asked him what they did when radicals gathered there - he said "We shoot them" which drew a hearty response from the class.

Most of the countries that have cops at this training have banned handguns, if not all ownership of private arms. The irony though is that all have far more incidents of terrorism than we do here in the USA. A

lthough I'm sure there are some that call will call what happened at NIU., the Nebraska Mall, etc. terrorism.
I call it lack of retaliatory firepower on a whack job.

Re: Northern Illinois school shooting

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:55 am
by trev
Can someone please tell me why the insane seem to be shooting up the schools like no other time in history? What is it about our society that is allowing it? Is it environmental? WTH is it? Why are we seeing it more than ever? I'm hoping Warren, dins , or KC scott has something to say on the subject. Somebody.