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Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:18 pm
by Charles De Mar

Tackling Foul Language in Children


Children can pick up bad language from people they regularly intract with, such as drivers, servants, ayahs, etc...

by Some Fucking Retard

Using bad words or abusive language is increasingly becoming a problem in growing children. Most of us have experienced it but when it comes to dealing with it, we often don't know what to do.

• First of all, we need to determine exactly our child is picking up this language from. Let us honestly examine our own language and see whether we are using foul language in front of our children. If yes, then let us stop it immediately.

• Children can pick up bad language from people they regularly interact with, such as drivers, servants, ayahs, etc. So keep an eye on whom they are talking to and, if necessary, warm the foul language user.

• Make sure that the TV programmes or the films that the child sees contains no objectionable language because media can easily affect the child's vulnerable mind.

• Make the child understand that it is unacceptable to use bad language. Tell her that bad words hurt people.

• Explain to the child that only undesirable people use bad language. If necessary, you can even tell the child the actual meaning of some bad words. This will make her remember their foul meaning the next times she feels tempted to use them and she will restrain herself.

• However, don't make foul language an issue because sometimes children, instead of stopping, continues to use such language as they feel it will get our attention or will demonstrate their power. So try and handle the situation delicately.

Children are like sponges who soak the atmosphere around them. they naturally imitate what they see happening around. As parents and guardians. It is up to us to see that we provide our children with the right role models to follow and the right atmosphere to grow in.

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:28 pm
by YumYumSaladBar
Jsc810 wrote:You ain't got much sense, do ya boy? Taunting DB and The Crew is like poking a stick at this:


Your best bet would be to just slowly back away and say you're sorry.
hahhahahhahhah...go on, do it again. it tickled :lol:

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:32 pm
Let's face it - some of the Crew are inept, and the rest are DEAD, so...

Still and all, Charles Yumyum has much to fear if they get him in their grimy clutches. Douchebag is too fucking stupid to take the easy wins we all have been suggesting for him, maybe these guys can serve.

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:32 pm
by Charles De Mar
Jsc810 wrote:You ain't got much sense, do ya boy? Taunting DB and The Crew is like poking a stick at this:


Your best bet would be to just slowly back away and say you're sorry.

GFY, google it.

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:34 pm
by YumYumSaladBar
PSUFAN wrote:Let's face it - some of the Crew are inept, and the rest are DEAD, so...

Still and all, Charles Yumyum has much to fear if they get him in their grimy clutches. Douchebag is too fucking stupid to take the easy wins we all have been suggesting for him, maybe these guys can serve.
While Douche will try to eat his way out of trouble...

We are the fcking Chefs


Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:27 am
by RadioFan
Nice C&P

I'm fairly certain even Douchebag could've figured that one out, not to mention your home address. BEWARE of the DOUCHE.

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:52 am
by Cuda
YumYumSaladBar wrote:
We are the fcking Chefs
KC Paul meltdown in 3...2...1...

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:18 am
by jerome moore

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:27 am
by RevLimiter
Cuda wrote:
YumYumSaladBar wrote:
We are the fcking Chefs
KC Paul meltdown in 3...2...1...
You wish. :hfal:

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:36 am
by Brock in Va Beach
I read the title and immediately thought this thread would be about Toodowen's mom.

I'm actually kind of saddened about the actual topic. I haven't heard from his mom in quite some time.

Re: Raising up a Douchebag

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:59 am
Hey kids!

Go fuck yourselves!