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Microsoft site certificate question

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:14 am
by Mister Bushice
We're contemplating getting a MS site certificate of authenticity( Not a server cert) in order to resolve some active X issues and (hopefully) stabilize some other problems.

Anyone ever deal with this? Apparently you have to have everything on your site resolve to one URL for it to work, but beyond that I am not yet sure it's worth the money or time for the aggravation that MS products always seem to generate.

Re: Microsoft site certificate question

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:00 pm
by ElTaco
Can you be a little more specific about what you are talking about? The only thing I know thats MS and Certificate of Authenticity has to do with the software stickers that are included with the software they sell. MS doesn't have a CA to issue any type of certificates for the web. Who are you purchasing this from and what is it? Links?

Re: Microsoft site certificate question

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:41 pm
I'm with ET. "Site"...what does that mean? Website, or your organization?

A google brings up info about the Certificate of Authenticity. If that's what you're referring to, then that is simply an effort to verify the purchase of your software.

Unless you're planning on locking everyone's PCs down into a MS environment, then you're always going to have ActiveX/Update/configuration issues. Your network professionals should be able to handle that.

Re: Microsoft site certificate question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:11 pm
by Mister Bushice

Sorry, I used the wrong words. I believe "Microsoft Trusted site" is the correct term. The intent ( as far as I understand it) is that you pay a fee and fill out some application and MS gives your website a "Trusted Site" cert to allow MS PC based users to accept content from the site without question. I'm not an MS guy, so I really don't know any of the details.

FYI I'm in the middle of a rather large and complicated merger with another business and this issue came up. I'm against it as I believe, like most MS shit, it will only result in something else to fix or update. They have active X issues that have caused some headaches due to incompatabilities with the various versions of windows and MS Office that users have, and they think that this cert will solve them.

Just looking for some unbiased info on it.


I've been running my business on a web-based, php driven MYSQL unix server. Part of the merger deal is that we are using the other companies website set up because it is fully automated ( I'm only at about 65% - the rest of it is in development and would probably take another six months and somewhere between $5-10K to complete, depending on how far I took it.)

The cost of bringing my system up to where their system is now is clearly a waste of money, the downside is they are all MS based, including their database.

I tell you one thing, though. Having experienced this MS based site as compared to my unix one, hands down mine has more flexibility, far fewer problems, and doesn't rely on a shitload of licenses from anyone to keep it running.

But the benefits I'll be getting from the merger will outweigh those minor details. I'll be able to retire early because of this.