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Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:29 am
by Dinsdale
65 and sunny tomorrow.
I'll tell you how the beach was.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:42 am
by Dinsdale
88 wrote:It is nearly impossible for a plaintiff to win a slip and fall case in Ohio.
Rouind these here parts, there's people who list "Slipping and Falling In Grocery Stores" under "profession" on their tax forms.
RACK Ohio, I guess.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:07 am
by Dinsdale
88 wrote:You're fortunate not to live in a shithole like Ohio.
Thanks, Marcus.
But it was a little nipply today -- only about 50 all day. I was all bracing for freezing rain and stuff.
Glad the window of shitty cold weather has closed, actually.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:08 am
by War Wagon
88 wrote:
My commute is typically 90 seconds. I opened an office 0.5 miles from my house.
You've got an SUV so you can drive a half mile to work? I don't suppose walking is ever an option. You've got a treadmill for that, right?
War the American Way!
We've got freezing rain/sleet/freezing rain going on tonight. Lights are flickering on and off.
Been there. It sucks, and all of Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Iowa feel real sorry for you. I've still got tree limbs down in my back yard from Decembers ice storm, waiting on the thaw that never comes. :brad:
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:17 am
by Brock in Va Beach
I haven't seen snow in 3 years. We're in a tornado watch right now. I'll take that over the white shit anyday.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:20 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:I've still got tree limbs down in my back yard from Decembers ice storm
I don't have a digicam, but I think Im riding with someone tomorrow who does, or at least a fancy phone version of one. If so, I'll see if I can't do some sort of miniPET.
The drive down US26 to the Coast is unfreaking real right now. The day-and-a-half of 100+MPH winds ripping through did some unbelievable shit to the forest. There's spots where whole hillsides (sorry, didn't mean to lose you with the "hills" reference, Flyovers) where every tree on the hill snapped off 20 feet up... thousands and thousands of acres of it. Most of it was next o clearcuts, where there's no natural winbreak anymore. But just in view of the highway, there's enough downed timber to supply the USA for a loooong time. The freakishly large Sitka Spruce, a landmark to both modern day U&Lers, and the original U&Lers, Lewis and Clark, finally bit it after 750 years. But anyhoo, the devastation is absolutely mindboggling. Can't see the shoulder of the road in many places, since ODOT just went through with an army of chainsaws, and dragged the hundreds and hundreds of trees off the side of the highway, and left them there. The gaurd rails took a pretty serious beating, too.
All that downed timber is great for the forest ecosystem. Notso good for people, though... all tat ground level fuelcould be a big problem in a long dry summer. The Coast Range rarely has big burns, but when it does... watch out. Becomes uncontrollable until Mother Nature says otherwise.
It's amazing more people weren't killed in that storm. Wasn't too bad here inland -- but the Coast took a beating for the ages.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:31 am
by Cuda
88 wrote:
I got to my feet, left knee torn out of my pants and blood tickling down my leg. At that moment, I realized that every person on the first floor of my building just witnessed me take the hard fall. I gave them a weak thumbs up and proceeded into the office. When I got to the top of the stairs, two of the ladies from the adjacent office met me at the landing and asked if I was OK. Fuck. Who didn't see me fall?
Spit on it & rub some dirt on it, you pussy.
Get back to us when you get some actual accumulation- that much doesn't even qualify as a trace
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:32 am
by Ken
Dinsdale wrote:65 and sunny tomorrow.
I'll tell you how the beach was.
'bout 55, most likely cloudy, w/a windchill of 45.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:44 am
by War Wagon
Cuda wrote:
Get back to us when you get some actual accumulation- that much doesn't even qualify as a trace
Knock, knock... hello?
It's ice, you dipshit. Not the feathery stuff you normally get in ski resort towns like Dungver. A 1/4" of ice will shut an entire city right the fuck down and create havoc on the unfortunate dumbfucks stupid enough to be out on the roadways in it.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:45 am
by Dinsdale
Ken wrote:
'bout 55, most likely cloudy, w/a windchill of 45.
You could be a coastal weatherman. Pretty safe bet
Pretty much sums up this time of year at the beach... with notable exceptions. In summer, it switches to "65, wind chill 60. 55 right before the sun comes up."
Was some gnarly algae blooms going off last week. Lots of reddish-brown water hitting the beach... not sure if it's Red Tide or what. Probably making the clams unsafe to eat, although I havent been keeping up on the shellfish warnings. Doesn't seem to bother the seagulls, though.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:51 am
by War Wagon
e wrote:
it was 70 degrees this past weekend.
Yeah, with 50 mph SW winds that knocked down more hanging tree limbs into the mosh pit that is my back yard.
And it went from 70 to 30 in like three hours with 30 mph North winds. A thaw infers more than 48 hours, eric.
Crazy ass fucking weather.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:21 am
by Wolfman
Around 80º today--- I had to go to Moorehaven to umpire a high school softball game--but
my brother who is here for March says beach conditions were never better on Sanibel !!
If you ever decide to take a break from winter again-it will still be there.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:23 am
by War Wagon
e wrote:i got all my downed branches piled up the day after the ice rolled through. finally got around to bundling them about a month ago and had the city pick them up on the day they had set aside to work our neighborhood.
Sure you did, superstar.
Have you forgotten that your 'hood is my hood?
All the tree limbs
still stacked up on North Oak Trafficway and Nashua Drive say you're a lying fucktard.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:51 am
by Uncle Fester
We've had the usual snow and ice here in the Twin Cities, but the real ballbuster has been the cold. Lot's of double-digit below-zero temps and that's before you factor in wind chill.
But Goobs is the guy you need to talk to for winter horror stories. I haven't been down in Madison for a while, but I know they've been hit with over 80 inches of snow along with cold temps, rain, ice, slush, locusts, dog and cats living together, etc. If my parents are any indication, Madisonians are feeling really pissy about winter right now. In a month or two, they're going to have Noah-like floods to add to the fun.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:29 am
by War Wagon
e wrote:
i just might be a fucktard but if i am, i'm a fucktard with a clear yard.
God love you for preaching KCMO city gospel to a lifelong resident.
All's I can say is that your yard doesn't have many trees...
old trees...
tall trees,
BIG fucking trees, around it. Hell, I'm
old too, and I just don't have the energy to go out there and cut and bundle that shit up into 4' bundles.
Four foot bundles and nothing over 3" in diameter? Let me get out my tape measure to gauge the circumference of that fucking BIG tree.. :roll:
Nah, I'll just pile that shit up in the corner, once it warms and drys up, that is.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:41 am
by Mister Bushice
Do you live in a wintry porn video world? It Looks like some giant Cock demon is giving your neighborhood a facial.
whitey wrote:
You've got an SUV so you can drive a half mile to work? I don't suppose walking is ever an option.
a 1/4 inch of ice on the ground and you think a walk is a good idea?
I used to think the doctor dropped you on your head as a baby whitey, but now I've begun to realize you must be taking head flops to the pavement off your car hood regularly on your own time.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:41 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
88 wrote:Here's how it all went down. You see, I live just west of Cleveland, Ohio. Mother nature showed up about 7:30 a.m. with some freezing rain. Coated everything with a 1/4" or so of fuck you. I backed out of the driveway, put on the brakes and slid across the street. No harm. No foul. Damn slippery, though.
My commute is typically 90 seconds. I opened an office 0.5 miles from my house. So I inch my way into the parking lot, and park in one of the spaces. I had the radio on and decided to finish listening to the news. Today is voting day in Ohio, you know.
So after five minutes or so, I turn off the engine, open the door and proceed to put all of my weight on my left leg as I exit my rig. Whoops, there I go. In a goddamned nanosecond I'm flat on my back, with the lower half of my body tucked neatly under my SUV. I went down hard as hell. KABOOM! is probably how the good Dr. Seuss would have described it.
I got to my feet, left knee torn out of my pants and blood tickling down my leg. At that moment, I realized that every person on the first floor of my building just witnessed me take the hard fall. I gave them a weak thumbs up and proceeded into the office. When I got to the top of the stairs, two of the ladies from the adjacent office met me at the landing and asked if I was OK. Fuck. Who didn't see me fall?
Anyhoo, apparently no less than a dozen people bought it in our parking lot today. It is fucking bru-tile right now. We've got freezing rain/sleet/freezing rain going on tonight. Lights are flickering on and off. I've decided not to do my regular workout tonight. I'm going to sit here in my sweat pants drinking a couple of jiggers of feel good and call it a night.
Whoa, this could've been me except for a few minor details.
We got this shit starting about 6:30 last night. Most of the schools are closed today. It was a little slippery going outside, but fortunately, I haven't bought it yet.
My office also is about 0.5 miles away from home (opened in December, btw I also have another office about an hour from where I live, albeit not by choice). The parking lot is really small, though, and the idiots who work next door to me hog all the spaces, so I usually wind up parking out in the street. Fortunately, it's free, and although there's a nominal two hour time limit, it's never enforced. Today will be a benefit, in that the road undoubtedly will be a little less slippery than the parking lot would be.
I have court about an hour's drive away this afternoon, and I'm dreading the drive already.
As for the nightly activities, I was looking up stuff for my son to do at the Y since basketball just ended, and came across adult water polo on Wednesday evenings. I hope to give it a try tonight, since I won't be able to do it the next two Wednesdays.
Btw, it was 60 degrees here on Monday. Outside in shirt sleeves all day. Unfortunately, the shitty weather has returned with a vengeance.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:55 pm
by BSmack
Terry in Crapchester wrote:My office also is about 0.5 miles away from home (opened in December, btw I also have another office about an hour from where I live, albeit not by choice). The parking lot is really small, though, and the idiots who work next door to me hog all the spaces, so I usually wind up parking out in the street. Fortunately, it's free, and although there's a nominal two hour time limit, it's never enforced. Today will be a benefit, in that the road undoubtedly will be a little less slippery than the parking lot would be.
Since when do attorneys not set up reserved parking spots in their building's parking lots?
I have court about an hour's drive away this afternoon, and I'm dreading the drive already.
I wouldn't worry too much. The Thruway will be bare pavement by then. I'm assuming you're either going to Buffalo or Lyons. If it's the Erie County courthouse, all the lake stuff will be well south of you. If it's Lyons you're going to, fuhgettaboutit, we're not even expecting an inch south of 104.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:25 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:My office also is about 0.5 miles away from home (opened in December, btw I also have another office about an hour from where I live, albeit not by choice). The parking lot is really small, though, and the idiots who work next door to me hog all the spaces, so I usually wind up parking out in the street. Fortunately, it's free, and although there's a nominal two hour time limit, it's never enforced. Today will be a benefit, in that the road undoubtedly will be a little less slippery than the parking lot would be.
Since when do attorneys not set up reserved parking spots in their building's parking lots?
I rent an office in an old building on Main Street. I suspect the building was here before cars were common.
In any event, the "parking lot," such as it is, has an entrance (between two other buildings) that's only about 1 1/2 carwidths wide. There's space for, at a maximum, three cars. The people who are next door to me were here before I was, so I don't bother fighting over it, when there's usually plenty of space on the street. Not to mention that getting your car out of the lot, when full, can be a bit tricky.
I have court about an hour's drive away this afternoon, and I'm dreading the drive already.
I wouldn't worry too much. The Thruway will be bare pavement by then. I'm assuming you're either going to Buffalo or Lyons. If it's the Erie County courthouse, all the lake stuff will be well south of you. If it's Lyons you're going to, fuhgettaboutit, we're not even expecting an inch south of 104.
I'm heading to Lackawanna, which is south of Buffalo. Hopefully, not quite far south enough to have the worst of it.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:45 pm
by Mikey
It's not 80 degrees here, but there's a lot of this going on in the local hills right now. Best time of year, especially after a winter where there was a decent amount of rain. Everything is green (it will all be brown by July). Cloudy in the morning and a sunny 60 or 65 in the afternoon. Got a bumper crop of weeds this year, though. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna break down and finally buy a riding mower.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:07 pm
by Goober McTuber
Uncle Fester wrote:We've had the usual snow and ice here in the Twin Cities, but the real ballbuster has been the cold. Lot's of double-digit below-zero temps and that's before you factor in wind chill.
But Goobs is the guy you need to talk to for winter horror stories. I haven't been down in Madison for a while, but I know they've been hit with over 80 inches of snow along with cold temps, rain, ice, slush, locusts, dog and cats living together, etc. If my parents are any indication, Madisonians are feeling really pissy about winter right now. In a month or two, they're going to have Noah-like floods to add to the fun.
We passed the record for snowfall weeks ago (76 inches). They think we’ll wind up hitting 100 inches before we’re done. We already had one flooding a couple weeks ago when it rained all morning melting some of the snow and a number of the storm sewers clogged up. Water up past the bottom of car doors on Zeier Road by East Towne.
Snow is still piled up to the top of my mailbox. And they’re predicting light snow for 4 of the next 5 days. It’s just part of living in God’s Country. Gotta rack God’s crazy sense of humor.
BTW, Fester, the Capital Times is ceasing daily publication.
It's no accident, of course, that the paper is being reincarnated -- at least for now -- as two free weekly papers with higher circulations and a much larger staff than Isthmus. As one Cap Times employee puts it, "At last, Capital Newspapers has found a way to combine its twin obsessions of shutting down the Cap Times and harassing Isthmus out of business." ... icle=21607" onclick=";return false;
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:12 pm
by BSmack
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm heading to Lackawanna, which is south of Buffalo. Hopefully, not quite far south enough to have the worst of it.
My condolences. Though if the guy you're defending lives in Lackawanna, chances are prison would be an upgrade in living conditions. Maybe you could explain that to him over the phone?
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:15 pm
by RumpleForeskin
64 Degrees
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:20 pm
by BSmack
RumpleForeskin wrote:![Image](
64 Degrees
98 degrees
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:54 pm
by Charles De Mar
Has Algore approved of this thread?
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:25 pm
by Cuda
War Wagon wrote: A 1/4" of ice will shut an entire city right the fuck down and create havoc on the unfortunate dumbfucks stupid enough to be out on the roadways in it.
Mag-chloride much?
Or is it just another case of "if you can't make meth out of it, we don't want any" that seems to be the basis of every decision you KC yokels make?
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:38 am
by War Wagon
Hey 88, looks like you fucks got hammered again, only worse.
20 inches of snow in March? That has to be a record. Now just wait for an epic thaw to occur and cause massive flooding.
It was 7 degrees here this morning, but thankfully all that white stuff stayed south and east on it's way to blasting the Ohio river valley.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:07 am
by War Wagon
Wow. That's fucked up.
Rack you for keeping a stiff upper lip, but dude, you're buried alive.
Re: Mother Nature has BODE
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:58 am
by smackaholic
Brock in Va Beach wrote:I haven't seen snow in 3 years. We're in a tornado watch right now. I'll take that over the white shit anyday.
I've done winters in the northeast. I've done a winter in chicago. Neither is as sukk ass as they are in your neck of the woods. Spent 4+ lovely years in nofukkk while in the navy. The winter isn't all that long, but any more than about 3 nano seconds of that nasty ass 37 degrees, windy and rainy is too much.
Give me 20 degrees and snowing any day over that shit.
I still get chills thinking about how fukking miserable and cold the balls to 4 pier watch is in january. Glad those days are over.