Re: Obamatross
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:23 pm
There you go again, practicing the old, divisive politics that turns people off.
Why are you so afraid of change?
Why are you so afraid of change?
For shame.mvscal wrote: The list included $1 million for a hospital where Mr. Obama’s wife works, money for several projects linked to campaign donors and support for more than 200 towns, civic institutions and universities in Illinois.
Now when will McCain denounce Hagee?Barak Obama wrote:Let me say at the outset that I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy. I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it's on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue.
You mean other than publicly fellating Hagee a few weeks ago? You mean other than supporting his militant Zionist organization that is trying to set in motion the "End Times"?McCain has no relationship with Hagee.
Did you pause for even a nanosecond before mashing the submit button to consider just how fucking stupid this makes you look?BSmack wrote:Fuck you if you think for a second I'm going to play the game by your rules.
I pictured tears in eyes.Cuda wrote:Did you pause for even a nanosecond before mashing the submit button to consider just how fucking stupid this makes you look?BSmack wrote:Fuck you if you think for a second I'm going to play the game by your rules.
Sorry, not going to play the guilt by association game.Toddowen wrote:BSmack.....better get that toast out of the oven before it's charred to remnents so unpalatable that he wont even be able to keep his seat in the Senate.
And to think that just a few weeks ago, we were being told that Barak was an avid Christian, and to check out his church credentials. I think this would have worked out better for him if he had attended some nice quiet mosque instead of that place where he has been a member for almost 20 know, the place that gave Louis Farakkhan a lifetime achievment award?
There's still time to write up a game plan with Hillary at QB.....I think you've got to send her in.
Apparently BHO isn't old enough to remember Gary (follow me if you want, but you'll just get bored) Hart-penceToddowen wrote: And to think that just a few weeks ago, we were being told that Barak was an avid Christian, and to check out his church credentials.
You say you're not going to play their game...BSmack wrote: Sorry, not going to play the guilt by association game.
...and that's exactly what you end up doing.BSmack wrote:BTW, after hearing what Rev Wright had to say, I'm having a hard time getting myself worked up about it. Sure, he speaks to 60 style race politics with his rhetoric. So what? Should not a President hear from non homosexual, ex-Marine Christian preachers too? Why is it OK for Rev Faggard to participate in weekly conference calls with the President of the United States in between his busy male prostitute and meth schedule but it's somehow a problem for Barak Obama to have Rev Wright for his pastor?
Hey, here's a news flash. IMO, almost ALL preachers are full of shit in some way. I mean think about it, they're a salesman selling a product (salvation) that they know nothing about. Not a one of them has ever died and been resurrected so they could come back with literature about the benefits of buying into the "afterlife upkeep program" disguised as organized religion. So with that in mind, I'm not going to get that worried about preachers until they start lobbying for aid to Israel as a tool to hasten the "End Times".
More like "baseball with the cardboard tube from Christmas wrapping paper".Cuda wrote:As usual, B-Monica tries to play tennis with a badminton racquet
You mean like Bill Clinton was after the Jennifer Flowers story hit? The Wright story doesn't even rise to the level of scandal.poptart wrote:Straight up, your man is ass-fucked.
I give him more credit than hating just because he's black.BSmack wrote: Of course I know mvscal just hates him because he's black. So I expect him to hammer away at Obama.
It doesn't need to.B wrote:The Wright story doesn't even rise to the level of scandal.
Because you assume I want to see McCain in the Oval Office? hahaFurthermore, if you really thought Obama was the weakest Dem, you would be keeping your mouth shut right about now.
More rackable words have never been typed.poptart wrote:We're pretty well fucked no matter which of the three ends up winning.
We have a pool and a pond... etcBSmack wrote:BTW: Obama picked up another 7 delegates from the Iowa caucus thanks to Edwards supporters who voted for him in the state convention.
mvscal wrote: he's {a} black separatist and militant Marxist.
Give me a fucking break. Have you ever BEEN to a black church? I know the ones around here would consider Reverend Wright a political moderate. If judging black politicians by how "radical" their preachers are is going to become the norm, then you might just as well remove 99% of them right now.Toddowen wrote:I'm wondering if Howard Dean and the Democratic Party had knowledge of Barak's long time involvement with this church before they decided to put their support behind him.
Cindy Sheehan Backs Obama's America-Hating Pastor
No wonder Barack Obama has made only perfunctory attempts to distance himself from his rabidly racist and anti-American "sounding board," Jeremiah Wright. Moderates will forget all about Reverend Wrong, as the Obamination's mainstream enablers can be counted on to let the story die. As for Obama's radical Left base — they have all the more reason to vote for him.
For example, Cindy Sheehan, whom the mainstream media anointed with absolute moral authority, backs Wrong to the hilt:
I sit here behind my computer screen in solidarity with Rev. Wright. Not only do I not denounce him, but I support him in telling the truth.
Mother Moonbat enthusiastically embraces the appalling claim by Obama's spiritual mentor that 9/11 was America's just punishment for being so awful:
Yes, with arrogant American exceptionalism, we were indignant when almost 3000 of our brothers and sisters were killed on 9-11.
If we weren't so arrogant, we would have realized that we had it coming. Sheehan notes that we dealt too roughly with Japan during WWII, since the Pearl Harbor attack didn't kill many civilians. We supported state terrorism by helping Israel defend itself from Palestinians who ask only for free money and to be left alone to kill Jews in peace. Even now America commits unspecified terrorist acts in Afghanistan and Iraq by oppressing gentle Taliban and al Qaeda freedom fighters — forcing them to travel backwards in time to punish us on 9/11, the day the chickens came home to roost, according to Ward Churchill, Jeremiah Wright, and Cindy Sheehan.
As for Michelle Obama's lack of pride in her country, the She-Hag proudly shares it:
I wish I could be proud of a nation that tortures people and imprisons them without basic legal rights. I wish I could be proud of a nation that has a sitting president that has been responsible for killing almost a million innocent Iraqi people in a misadventure that was based on lies and is for profit. I wish I could be proud of a nation that rapes its poor people to feed the already rich in a demented reverse Robin Hood affect. I wish I could be proud of a country where over a million children are homeless and hungry every night. I wish I could be proud of a nation that left our black brothers and sisters hanging off of their roofs after Katrina.
In short, if you agree that America sucks, vote Obama!
Yea, and I play center for the Lakers.mvscal wrote:he's {a} black separatist and militant Marxist.
Actually, that lie has already been exposed. O'Bama invited a freelance reporter/blogger along to services last year and was observed by the reporter nodding along wth the anti-white, anti-USA screed of the week.mvscal wrote:That claim would actually be more credible than Oshitskin claiming he was never in the audience when Wright went off on one of his whitey hating rants. .
That's where I am as well.Mike the Lab Rat wrote:More rackable words have never been typed.poptart wrote:We're pretty well fucked no matter which of the three ends up winning.
All three of 'em are frigging disasters.
PSUFAN wrote:
That's where I am as well.
You people?Dinsdale wrote: You get the government you deserve. And since you people haven't demanded better, you haven't gotten it.
Never underestimate the power of large groups of really stupid people.War Wagon wrote: Are you even allowed to vote, Dins?
Here's a link to Kessler backpedaling like hell away from his bogus story.Cuda wrote:Actually, that lie has already been exposed. O'Bama invited a freelance reporter/blogger along to services last year and was observed by the reporter nodding along wth the anti-white, anti-USA screed of the week.
link to the story: ... 80870.html" onclick=";return false;
I'm sorry, I guess I'm not understanding your position. While others are going to the polls in November (regardless of their position, BTW), you're hanging out of your window yelling, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," and you feel that you have the logical high ground here?Dinsdale wrote:PSUFAN wrote:
That's where I am as well.
Yet when November rolls around, you'll vote for one of them.
You get the government you deserve. And since you people haven't demanded better, you haven't gotten it.
They rollout special-interest tards, and rather tan sticking your head out the window and yelling "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," you just decide on the lesser of evils.
"Ponderous" doesn't even do that justice. "Suicidal" is a better term for it.
Yes, it was a bogus story. Follow the link I posted. You know, the one about how Kristol had to publish a retraction and how Kessler's story has been shot full of holes.mvscal wrote:Bogus story?
Sorry, I don't answer loaded questions.mvscal wrote:Stop ducking the question.
FTFY, MonicaBSmack wrote:Sorry, I don't answer loaded questions that can only end up making me look like a dumbfuck.mvscal wrote:Stop ducking the question.
LMAO, literally.Toddowen wrote:
l to r- memorial to Barak Obama's bid for the White House; Bsmack
I attend church yet I don't buy into the whole Garden of Eden, Noah and his giant cabin cruiser, an idyllic place awaits me when I die mantra they espouse....mvscal wrote:
Now how can all of that be true (and it is) and Obama not be in substantial agreement with Wright's philosophy?
Goober McTuber wrote:I'm sorry, I guess I'm not understanding your position. While others are going to the polls in November (regardless of their position, BTW), you're hanging out of your window yelling, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," and you feel that you have the logical high ground here?Dinsdale wrote:PSUFAN wrote:
That's where I am as well.
Yet when November rolls around, you'll vote for one of them.
You get the government you deserve. And since you people haven't demanded better, you haven't gotten it.
They rollout special-interest tards, and rather tan sticking your head out the window and yelling "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," you just decide on the lesser of evils.
"Ponderous" doesn't even do that justice. "Suicidal" is a better term for it.
However in your case, you're not propping your pastor as your close friend & spiritual advisor and then claiming you never heard any of that crazy, horible stuff about a Garden of Eden, Noah's giant cabin cruiser or idyllic place that awaits you when you die.Felix wrote:I attend church yet I don't buy into the whole Garden of Eden, Noah and his giant cabin cruiser, an idyllic place awaits me when I die mantra they espouse....mvscal wrote:
Now how can all of that be true (and it is) and Obama not be in substantial agreement with Wright's philosophy?
I attend for other reasons....I'm not sure why everything has to be an all or nothing proposition for you (e.g. you buy it all or you buy none)....
that's not the way it works.....
He did no such thing. Why must you lie?mvscal wrote:When Wright screams, "GOD DAMN AMERICA" five days after the 9/11 attacks