Just wondering what my fellow agnostics will be doing for the upcoming "Rolling Stone" weekend?
While many of you will forgo Sunday sleeping, practice some sort of hygiene, break out that fine JCPenny's suit and part with your hard earned money to prop up the lavish lifestyle of the shillman for your imaginary friend, I will be opening camp for my 9 yr. old's baseball team, BBQ some babyback ribs and maybe even getting in some golf if the weather allows. [/smack]
Yea, I know it's a week early, but this is really just a call out for some stupid wabbits to show there whiskered wittle faces [/springreindeer]
For some reason, I have a strange, unexplainable urge to run up and punch that rabbit in the face. It's similar to the way I feel after reading posts by Kid Gashville.
Fester, normally calm and peaceful.
Re: Heathen Easter Thread
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:17 am
by KC Scott
I wanna go high five this one
Re: Heathen Easter Thread
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:23 am
Rack this thread. Fuck the eggheads
Re: Heathen Easter Thread
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:02 am
by LTS TRN 2
Well the fellow in the Jesus suit looks rather cross, while the happy bunny is getting some tail. Frankly, I've never understood the question. One is vigorous and enthused, while the other is ascetic and grim. Ever notice that the business model of the Rottweiler of the Vatican
("gettin' paid!")
is exactly the same as Fat Tony Salerno's?
("Who's this fuckin Rico?!")