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HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:11 am
by War Wagon
Any of you bums seen this yet?

Just watched it, and it didn't suck, other than the delegate from New York abstaining from the vote for Independence due to there being 150 British warships in New York harbor. Pussy.

Kudos to Thomas Jefferson.

Nice document.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:21 am
by RumpleForeskin
Did Jefferson's document mention anything about all glass diques are created equal? ... 20&t=27516" onclick=";return false;

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:25 am
by War Wagon
I think I've clicked on the books and films forum twice in 3 years, this being the 2nd.

All glass dicks are not created equal.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:31 am
by RumpleForeskin
War Wagon wrote:I think I've clicked on the books and films forum twice in 3 years
Damn. We knew literature frightened you, but we had no idea it was this bad.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:45 am
by War Wagon
I'll readily admit that I don't read as many books as I used to with the advent of Al Gores internet.

That's a bummer, but at the same time, no one writes the English language today the way they used to.

Seriously, today's authors and every last one of us, would be thought illiterate simpletons by the founders.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:21 am
by Mikey
Read the book a couple of years ago. It was a great read.

I think if I read Chernow's Hamilton biography I might get a different point of view.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:21 am
by Mister Bushice
War Wagon wrote:I'll readily admit that I don't read as many books as I used to with the advent of Al Gores internet.
Not to mention that once whitey read through the entire Curious George series three dozen times, even he noticed the concepts in the books were beginning to be clear ("Curious George learns the Alphabet" was an enlightening whitey milestone on the 35th read), and then there was no where to go except for viewin' brazen new model forklift pikturs on the innernet, and girl boobies when he could spare time from them forkies.

click click clickety click & yer thar, man. It's a beautiful thing.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:47 pm
by Goober McTuber
The Big Pickle wrote:Just my luck....born 150 years too late. :cry:
Tough break for all of us, considering that you’d be dead by now.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:02 pm
by indyfrisco
Goober McTuber wrote:
The Big Pickle wrote:Just my luck....born 150 years too late. :cry:
Tough break for all of us, considering that you’d be dead by now.
Yeah but think of all the black cock he could have taken up the ass had he owned about 20 or 30 of 'em. A real life chain-gang-bang up the Pickle-poop-chute.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:09 pm
IndyFrisco wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
The Big Pickle wrote:Just my luck....born 150 years too late. :cry:
Tough break for all of us, considering that you’d be dead by now.
Yeah but think of all the black cock he could have taken up the ass had he owned about 20 or 30 of 'em. A real life chain-gang-bang up the Pickle-poop-chute.
Better page the janitor. Stanley fukken Pickle's gonna make a huge mess after he reads that.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:58 pm
by Neely8
Jsc810 wrote:Hey, y'all remember that if you cannot afford a lawyer then one will be provided to you thingy? Steve-o and Douchebag have heard those words before. Anyway, turns out that John Adams guy is in part responsible such American notions as a fair trial and legal representation of the defendant when he represented some British troops charged with murder following the Boston Massacre.

Props to him and stuff.

Yeah that case was the basis for most of episode 1. Not to mention he got those British soldiers aquitted in a New England court.

Paul Giamatti is outstanding!! Great job by him in this.

Never saw someone tarred and feathered but damn that looks painful......

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:05 pm
Never saw someone tarred and feathered

Stick around...Kevnic has the telltale scarring - and the perverse glee.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:09 pm
by .m2
mvscal wrote:Good to see it hasn't completely gone out of style.



Hey, if you work at Bristol-Myers Squibb.... you get what's coming.

That guy got off easy.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:15 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote: HBO has done a great job. They really bring the colonial aesthetic to life and the language is authentic without being forced or stilted.
Yep, knocked it out of the park. There aren't many shows on TV that'd I'd consider watching a 2nd time, but this most certainly is one of those. Makes that premium tier cable package worth the extra cost.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:41 am
by Mister Bushice

Just watched Episode 4. The first Presidential election.

Thanks to a hinky make up job, predictable acting skills and the episode of House he was in, I couldn't help but think of Washington with a thermometer sticking out of his ass.

No Fucking merlot.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:49 pm
by Neely8
Mister Bushice wrote:Dammit.

Just watched Episode 4. The first Presidential election.

Thanks to a hinky make up job, predictable acting skills and the episode of House he was in, I couldn't help but think of Washington with a thermometer sticking out of his ass.

No Fucking merlot.
He was the creepy neighbor in Disturbia as well.....

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:13 pm
by OCmike
Neely8 wrote: Never saw someone tarred and feathered but damn that looks painful......
I remembered hearing from one of my history professors that tarring and feathering plugged your pores making your body unable to sweat and causing death from hyperthermia. This thread made me remember that, so I got curious and I looked on the internet. Turns out he was full of shit. In fact, I couldn’t find one instance anywhere where a person had died from a good T&F job.

I *did* however find this:
There was a report of a swindler being tarred, feathered, and ridden on a rail near Pigeon Forge, TN, in the 1990's. In addition to six weeks in hospital, he spent three years in prison for his crimes. His attackers were never identified.
The 1990's?! Nice to see TN's society is progressing nicely on pace with the rest of the country. :meds:

I mean, where exactly does one acquire tar in the 1990's? Do you hijack some dude with George Hamilton's skin tone driving an F150 pulling a trailer on the way to a roofing job? And even if you managed to score some hot tar, do you then bust into some 80 y/o lady's house and steal her pillow? When was the last time a feather pillow was easy to come by...1950?

Then again, it IS Tennessee... You can probably score a bag of loose feathers and some Equate 300 degree tar from the Super Wal-Mart. No doubt locals are pissed off because they used to buy their hot tar and bagged feathers from a local family-run redneck shop before Wal-Mart came to town.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:41 pm
by Tom In VA
OCmike wrote: I mean, where exactly does one acquire tar in the 1990's? Do you hijack some dude with George Hamilton's skin tone driving an F150 pulling a trailer on the way to a roofing job? And even if you managed to score some hot tar, do you then bust into some 80 y/o lady's house and steal her pillow? When was the last time a feather pillow was easy to come by...1950?

Then again, it IS Tennessee... You can probably score a bag of loose feathers and some Equate 300 degree tar from the Super Wal-Mart. No doubt locals are pissed off because they used to buy their hot tar and bagged feathers from a local family-run redneck shop before Wal-Mart came to town.
I chortled.


Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:12 pm
by War Wagon
Mister Bushice wrote: Just watched Episode 4.
It was terrific. The scene in King George's court was riveting, as was Washington taking the oath of office.

I'm not much into watching TV these days other than sports, news, and maybe some old movies, but this series has simply been remarkable.

Great acting, costumes, sets, and most importantly, a great story to tell.

RACK! HBO for pulling this off. Can't wait to watch the final 3 episodes play out.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:57 pm
by OCmike
mvscal wrote:
OCmike wrote:I mean, where exactly does one acquire tar in the 1990's? Do you hijack some dude with George Hamilton's skin tone driving an F150 pulling a trailer on the way to a roofing job? And even if you managed to score some hot tar, do you then bust into some 80 y/o lady's house and steal her pillow? When was the last time a feather pillow was easy to come by...1950?
Yeah, nobody uses tar or feathers anymore except hicks from Tennessee. :meds:

Way to miss the point entirely, dumbfuck. One more time, for you slow fucks in Mission Viejo, even if you wanted to tar and feather someone, say, today, do *you* have access to hot tar and a bag full of feathers? No, you don't. Get it now?

I mean, even if you're the most resourceful dipshit in SoCal, what do you do, tell your buddy to hold the shyster down while you make a run to La Brea with a huge ladle and go chase down a mallard in MacArthur Park?

I'll be back in four hours. Wait right here...we'll show this fucker how we handle our shit OC-style. - mvscal

Nice "take", idiot.

Errrr...sorry for hijacking the thread. Let's get back on topic.

If you juxtapose our modern day legal system with that of Adams' time, one might find it quite easy to draw parallels between what Adams advocated and displayed in his courtroom tactics, who am I kidding... FUCK YOU, MVSCAL, YOU FUCKING FUCK!! I'LL CUT YOUR FUCKING NUTS OFF!!! C'mon, guys...someone hold me back. YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!Pssst...seriously, it looks like he's about to hit me.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:30 am
by Mister Bushice
I think Adams just banged his wife in the five hole. They didn't do death star shit back then. No lube.

And while I agree with whitey on the scenes where Giamatti is featured and the overall production, the dude who is playing George Washington acts the same way in this as he did as a mightier than all cop, and the nose make up was just goofy.

That scene with adams and the british jermajesty was compelling.

all the women are rather titless, though. Unwar living in a titless age.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:33 am
by Adelpiero
745 central HBO west

first 4 episodes

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:17 am
by bbqjones
i th ink is sucks

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:06 pm
by Diogenes
John Adams-First American Neocon.

Equally hated by the Jeffersonian Left and the Hamiltonian Right.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:47 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:... without a declaration of war from the Congress.
You trying to draw Dinsdale into this thread?

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:49 pm
by Diogenes
mvscal wrote:You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Just because You don't know what the fuck I'm talking about (as usual) doesn't affect the fact that I know exactly what I'm talking about.

The fact is that he was a centerist who refused to be swayed by either of the extremes of his day. Then, it was the decision to avoid unnessecarry and counter-productive war with either France or Britain. Now it is ignoring both the Isolationist Right and Anti-American Left.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:11 pm
by Mister Bushice
Diogenes wrote:
The fact is that he was a centerist who refused to be swayed by either of the extremes of his day. Then, it was the decision to avoid unnessecarry and counter-productive war with either France or Britain. Now it is ignoring both the Isolationist Right and Anti-American Left.[/b]
Oh for Christ Sakes. He was a man who lived by his principles, not his political affiliations. He didn't ignore anyone based merely on their political beliefs.

His stance can best be defined by his very own words to King George "I must avow to your Majesty that I have no attachment but to my own country.”

That hardly defines him as a neocon.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:18 pm
by Diogenes
mvscal wrote:
Diogenes wrote:The fact is that he was a centerist who refused to be swayed by either of the extremes of his day.
Close enough, but a rather odd definition of "neo-con" to say the least. Based on their policies, neo-cons are on the far left of the political spectrum.
"Neocon" was a term invented by the far left (Michael Harrington, to be precise) to disparage what was traditionaly known as Liberalism (AKA the 'Vital Center') for not wanting to surrender in the Cold war. At which point they started refering to themselves as 'liberals' because they couldn't win squat running as Progressives, Radicals, the New Left or any of their other incarnations. Just because their bullshit paradigmn took hold, doesn't make it valid.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:21 pm
by Diogenes
Mister Bushice wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
The fact is that he was a centerist who refused to be swayed by either of the extremes of his day. Then, it was the decision to avoid unnessecarry and counter-productive war with either France or Britain. Now it is ignoring both the Isolationist Right and Anti-American Left.
Oh for Christ Sakes. He was a man who lived by his principles, not his political affiliations. He didn't ignore anyone based merely on their political beliefs.
So he was a George Bush prototype?

Thanks for playing.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:39 pm
by Mister Bushice
Idiot. JA's principles put the United States first, before any of his own needs, wants, political or personal aspirations.

Bush's principles never put our country first. They never have, and never will. Bushs religion, his legacy, his oil pals, and his limited intellect always ranked higher on his list. Bush just happens to THINK that equates to putting his country first.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:47 pm
by Diogenes
Mister Bushice wrote:Bushs religion, his legacy, his oil pals, and his limited intellect always ranked higher on his list.

Remarkably similar to what the extremist dolts on both sides said about Adams. As are the statements in the post above.

And equally full of shit.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:32 pm
by Diogenes
mvscal wrote:Looks like your idiotic hero just stepped on his dick again.
White House Presents Plan To Aid Subprime Borrowers

The Bush administration yesterday unveiled a plan to rescue 100,000 homeowners at risk of foreclosure by relaxing eligibility standards for government-backed loans and encouraging lenders to forgive a portion of their debt. ... c-business" onclick=";return false;
Good job, asswipe. Keep carrying water for this fucking imbecile.
Like I said before...

Too much of a uniter, not enough of a divider.

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:19 pm
by OCmike
Mister Bushice wrote: Bush's principles never put our country first. They never have, and never will. Bushs religion, his legacy, his oil pals, and his limited intellect always ranked higher on his list. Bush just happens to THINK that equates to putting his country first.
His limited intellect ranks high on his own list? Wow, he really IS stupid. :lol:

Re: HBO's John Adams

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:22 am
by Mister Bushice
Yeah, that one gave me a headache writing it. :)