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Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:17 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Sudden Sam wrote:

If McCain were to name Colin Powell as his veep, I'd be the biggest GOP supporter in history.

Don't be surprised if he picks Joe Lieberman to steal the Dems thunder. Colin Powell is done.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:28 pm
by War Wagon
I wouldn't mind seeing Huckabee as the VP candidate.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:54 pm
by Tom In VA
Sudden Sam wrote:Wouldn't McCain picking Leiberman kill Farrakhan, Wright and their ilk?!

I agree poor ol' Colin was destroyed when W marched him out front to present the lies and distortions of Rove, Cheney, etc. to persuade the citizenry to back the invasion of Iraq.

If it wasn't for the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Saddam, there would be no conclusive evidence as to the exact nature and status of Saddam's WMD capabilities. Saddam went out of his way to bluff the world into thinking his programs were more mature than they actually were. Plus, he was rebuilding the infrastructure necessary to bring those programs back online. The only thing that intelligence was wrong about was the state of his capabilities at the time.

With him gone and no longer able to play "hide and seek" with the weapons inspectors - when he let them back in four years later, a conclusive rock solid assessment of his WMD capabilities was able to be made.

Saddam lied, people died.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:32 pm
by OCmike
Tom In VA wrote: If it wasn't for the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Saddam, there would be no conclusive evidence as to the exact nature and status of Saddam's WMD capabilities. Saddam went out of his way to bluff the world into thinking his programs were more mature than they actually were. Plus, he was rebuilding the infrastructure necessary to bring those programs back online. The only thing that intelligence was wrong about was the state of his capabilities at the time.

With him gone and no longer able to play "hide and seek" with the weapons inspectors - when he let them back in four years later, a conclusive rock solid assessment of his WMD capabilities was able to be made.

Saddam lied, people died.
WOW!...Easily the most objective, insightful, non-biased summary I have read of the Iraq War to date and what led up to it.

A solid RACK.

Now get out!...this is a smack board, faggot. Non-biased opinions are never welcome. :D

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:17 pm
by .m2
Sudden Sam wrote:
If McCain were to name Colin Powell as his veep, I'd be the biggest GOP supporter in history.
Well, I guess you're enjoying benefits of the current economy.... (the worst since WWII)

Psssst! Just a heads up... the GNP is all "highest" when a Democrat is the President.

You'd have to go back over 50 years for this not to be the case.

Now if we could just get rid of a few of the "red" states... we might have gasoline prices that are somewhat reasonable.

P.S. Leave your.... "the gasoline prices are market driven" for some dipshit that's interested in buying bridges.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:43 pm
by OCmike
.m2 wrote: If McCain were to name Colin Powell as his veep, I'd be the biggest GOP supporter in history.

Well, I guess you're enjoying benefits of the current economy.... (the worst since WWII)

Psssst! Just a heads up... the GNP is all "highest" when a Democrat is the President.

You'd have to go back over 50 years for this not to be the case.

Now if we could just get rid of a few of the "red" states... we might have gasoline prices that are somewhat reasonable.

P.S. Leave your.... "the gasoline prices are market driven" for some dipshit that's interested in buying bridges.
What a fucking idiot. You live in a state that has been run by an ultra-libby Democratic Legislature for years and years and...well, you get the picture. Under their watch, we've developed a budget deficit so huge that the state of CA's bonds were down-graded several times until they reached BBB status, which is a half-step above junk bond status. Much of this was due to the legislature increasing state program spending by a whopping 10% during the internet boom, then refusing to curtail that spending by one fucking penny after the internet bubble burst.

I know, Link?

How about this: ... A9659C8B63

Of course, the Dems sought to bridge the budget shortfall by taxing the fuck out of businesses, many of which just left the state, rather than pay the ransom sought by our beloved leaders.

Here you go: ... -20-03.pdf

And of course they continually have raised gasoline and other taxes to "fix and build new roads", only to use the $$ to fund their pet projects, causing people to leave the state left and right.

Once again, here you go: ... nia11.html

And since they don't fix the freeways and flat out refuse to build new ones in congested areas (some of which have had the same freeway capacity for decades), you get this:

Top two shittiest traffic cities and five of the top twelve. Props to us.

Only the shitbag politicians in Sacramento could enact laws, snarl traffic and pass taxes so burdensome that people would even consider leaving a state as beautiful as CA. And you would have libbys run the White House as well? Fucking brilliant...

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:55 pm
by .m2
OCMike is having a problem differentiating local, state and federal governments.

Why am I not surprised ?

Oh yeah.... he's the guy that thought Oakland and Berkeley were on the peninsula.

P.S. Dipshit

You'd be hard pressed to find any state pushing a budget surplus in this well oiled economy you moron!

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:48 am
by OCmike
Shocker that you don't have an intelligent response. <-----Pssst, not really.

CA not only isn't running a budget surplus in our nation's current economic freefall, but they've been running a budget deficit of at least $20 Billion since 2002, thanks to California Democrats and Democratic Governor Gray Davis(Who the party had Prez Candidate hopes for before he got his bitch-ass recalled for turning this state's economy into a clusterfuck, as I'm sure you're aware).

And maybe you haven't heard, Beavis, but politicians (other than Ross Perot-types) don't just pop up out of nowhere and run for President. Most start out at the state or local level, move to the national level and then make a run for the big chair.

And before you start painting with your broad strokes, I'm no McCain honk. In fact, I think all three of the dopes up for the presidency are tools. We've got a lunatic lefty in Shillary, a lunatic righty in McCain and a left/middle moolie with barely more than a high school diploma on his resume`.

Lastly, Dubya aside, who has basically ass-fucked the economy with his administration's policies and the money pit wag-the-dog war he's running, virtually all Presidents have little effect on the economy and the results of any changes they DO make often aren't seen for years or longer.

For instance, how much of the surplus seen under Clinton's tenure was due to his policies. Yeah, "all of it", right? :rollem: As a resident of the Bay Area, I know you're not stupid enough to believe that...or I hope anyway. The boom, the stock market surge in tech and other stocks, combined with the innovations in computer technology at the time made a shitload of overnight millionaires as well as creating thousands of upper-middle class jobs. And guess what...all of those millionaires pay taxes. Figuring the surplus/Clinton correlation out yet, dumbfuck? Hint: There is none.

When the bubble burst, just as Clinton was leaving office, Dubya takes over and gets the blame because it happened under his watch. Fair? Hardly. Dubya gets plenty of blame as far as the current economy goes, but there was no way that that surge in ultra-over-priced stocks and IPOs was going to last.

What'll most likely happen during the first couple of years of the next administration? Probably the corrective measures they've attempted in the past year or so will have taken affect and that Prez will claim that he turned the economy around after Bush put it in the shitter. Same story, different administration.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:03 am
by .m2
I'm gonna PM OCMike and see if he's interested in bridges.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:17 am
by bbqjones
im gonna pm ocmike and rack him.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:17 am
by OCmike
This isn't going well for you.

BTW, (0 new messages) says that I'm still waiting for my PM. And no, I don't want to hear about your favorite massage parlor in Japantown, either.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:19 am
by bbqjones
ive never been out of the country. unless you count jamaica, the bahamas or mexico.

i went to canada once too-btw to gamble at a shitty casino.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:50 am
by .m2
OCmike wrote:BTW, (0 new messages) says that I'm still waiting for my PM. :paul:
Why am I not surprised.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:06 am
by OCmike
Image + Image + Image + Image = Image

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:27 am
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:Powelyp has always been a nutless pusbag. If he hadn't been such a fucking handwringing pussy, we wouldn't be fucking around in Iraq right now.
You're right about this, but not for the reasons you state. If he had nutted up to Bush and Cheney and told them he wouldn't carry the bag for their lies before the UN, we never would have gone to Iraq in the first place.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:45 am
by Dr_Phibes
Sudden Sam wrote:
She seems to be absolutely obsessed with race.
Wow that's weird. Seems to be the subject of every second thread, here on PSU's Plantation.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:54 pm
by BSmack
Sudden Sam wrote:

Links at end of first paragraph to actual thesis.

She seems to be absolutely obsessed with race. Then again...that was the subject of her thesis.

Maybe she's grown out of it?
The more important question is, have you? You CONSTANTLY post news stories having to do with race. It is as if you have this obsession with exposing every flaw, real or imagined, about not just African Americans, but black people worldwide..

And now you come here trumpeting Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis? Seriously, go fuck yourself you fucking hypocrite.
I'm not a fan of any of the candidates, by the way.

If McCain were to name Colin Powell as his veep, I'd be the biggest GOP supporter in history.
Of course you would. It would absolve you of all of your white guilt. Have you ever considered voting for the best candidate?

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:58 pm
by BSmack
Dr_Phibes wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:
She seems to be absolutely obsessed with race.
Wow that's weird. Seems to be the subject of every second thread, here on PSU's Plantation.
A simple pictorial depiction of the average T1B members views on race.


Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:26 pm
by Dr_Phibes
Well, you're all completely out of your minds regardless, but for christ sake - what an all consuming issue. If the yanquee pig bruthaman and honky didn't have each other to natter at, I'm wondering what would everyone do to occupy their time, it's like a vicious, gossiping knitting circle.

What a pointless waste of energy.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:57 pm
by OCmike
Dr_Phibes's like a vicious, gossiping knitting circle.

What a pointless waste of energy.
We've been coming here to viciously waste energy for eight years now and you're just now coming to realize that?

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:29 pm
by Dr_Phibes
thank you for your criticism, Mike. I am stronger for it. :oops:

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:44 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
BSmack wrote:
A simple pictorial depiction of the average T1B members views on race.

I thought posting personal information on T1B (Cuda's pic) was a big no-no.

You're looking for a banning, bro.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:51 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Michele Obama only begins to scratch the surface as to the true dynamics of racial animosity and strife in America. How much in denial/ignorance are you?

If you're in any way considering McCain as anything but a total nightmare of unbridled military spending and waste, as well as being personally unqualified for any public office, you are very ignorant. Pssst...being tortured in a box for five years qualifies one for extensive therapy--that's it!

O-Mike, how long can you stand bearing the fake mantle of Deregulation--as it's been proven again and again to invite disaster? How long can you mouth the spoor of right-wing hacks? You are really pathetic.

Obama...why not? He's rational, intelligent, non-criminal, and so far has refrained from any shameful obeisance to the Israel lobby. What's not to like, or trust?

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:25 am
by poptart
LTS TARD2 wrote:Obama...why not? He's rational, intelligent, non-criminal, and so far has refrained from any shameful obeisance to the Israel lobby. What's not to like, or trust?
The fact that you like him is all the reason people need not to vote for him.

Why was Mrs Obama sounding so damn serious in college?

Darkies have the right to get drunk, high and laid in college.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:07 am
by Uncle Fester
I can understand some of the angry black nationalism from Chicago's South Side, but Michele Obama grew up as a frickin' princess. She's a poseur.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:35 am
by OCmike
NickFrisco wrote:If you're in any way considering McCain as anything but a total nightmare of unbridled military spending and waste, as well as being personally unqualified for any public office, you are very ignorant. Pssst...being tortured in a box for five years qualifies one for extensive therapy--that's it!

O-Mike, how long can you stand bearing the fake mantle of Deregulation--as it's been proven again and again to invite disaster? How long can you mouth the spoor of right-wing hacks? You are really pathetic.

Obama...why not? He's rational, intelligent, non-criminal, and so far has refrained from any shameful obeisance to the Israel lobby. What's not to like, or trust?
You know, to be honest, it was going to be tough to muster up the energy to vote in this election in the first place, considering who's running. But to be honest, I was leaning towards Obama because I hated him the least...right up until you threw your hat in his corner. Now I think I'm going to vote for McCain just to piss you off.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:44 am
by Mister Bushice
Princess Obama wrote: "I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second."
Here's to hoping she comes in black first and first lady second.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:06 pm
by BSmack
Person saying "game over" with 7 months to go = Idiot

The nomination is over. The general election is just beginning.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:19 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:There is no getting past this "Black Liberation Theology" bullshit. It's Willie Horton, Mike Dukakis in a tank and John Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia all rolled up into one nasty shit sandwich.
The way "around" the bullshit is to expose it for what it is. Namely, it is bullshit to compare Obama's politics to Wright's. Anyone who does so is either stupid, lying or both. Obama has a 10 year legislative record to pick apart yet the best opposition research can find on him are 3 quotes by his PASTOR?

Seriously, go unfuck yourself.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:32 pm
by Uncle Fester
I knew that was coming.


Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:43 pm
by Goober McTuber
So much for the “supportive emails” angle.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:51 pm
by War Wagon
LTS TRN 2 wrote: If you're in any way considering McCain as anything but a total nightmare of unbridled military spending and waste...
Try doing a bit of research next time before KYOA, LTS TARD II

Or at least be somewhat aware of current events.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:59 pm
by Uncle Fester
If you tell me that your bestest buddy there on the
left is really mvscal, I think my head will explode.


Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:02 pm
by Goober McTuber
The Big Pickle wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:So much for the “supportive emails” angle.

Are you telling me that you got trolled again?

Why am I not surprised. Why don't you just think about it for a minute.
OK. I thought about it. You’re a fucking retard.

RACK Fester.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:08 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
BSmack wrote:Namely, it is bullshit to compare Obama's politics to Wright's. Anyone who does so is either stupid, lying or both. Obama has a 10 year legislative record to pick apart yet the best opposition research can find on him are 3 quotes by his PASTOR?
Its Obama’s long standing association and considerable financial support of this asshole along with the lack of admonishment for what Wright stands for that is most disturbing. This doesn't bother you Bsmack? ... and_wrong/" onclick=";return false;
I HAVE known my rabbi for more than 20 years. The synagogue he serves as spiritual leader is one I have attended for a quarter-century. He officiated at my wedding and was present for the circumcision of each of my sons. Over the years, I have sought his advice on matters private and public, religious and secular. I have heard him speak from the pulpit more times than I can remember.

My relationship with my rabbi, in other words, is similar in many respects to Barack Obama's relationship with his longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright. But if my rabbi began delivering sermons as toxic, hate-filled, and anti-American as the diatribes Wright has preached at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, I wouldn't hesitate to demand that he be dismissed.

Were my rabbi to gloat that America got its just desserts on 9/11, or to claim that the US government invented AIDS as an instrument of genocide, or to urge his congregants to sing "God Damn America" instead of "God Bless America," I would know about it straightaway, even if I hadn't actually been in the sanctuary when he spoke. The news would spread rapidly through the congregation, and in short order one of two things would happen: Either the rabbi would be gone, or I and scores of others would walk out, unwilling to remain in a house of worship that tolerated such poisonous teachings. I have no doubt that the same would be true for millions of worshipers in countless houses of worship nationwide.

But it wasn't true for Obama, whose long and admiring relationship with Wright, a man he describes as his "mentor", remained intact for more than 20 years, notwithstanding the incendiary and bigoted messages the minister used his pulpit to promote.

In Philadelphia yesterday, Obama gave a graceful speech on the theme of race and unity in American life. Much of what he said was eloquent and stirring, not least his opening paean to the Founders and the Constitution - a document "stained by the nation's original sin of slavery," as he said, yet also one "that had at its very core the ideal of equal citizenship under the law; a Constitution that promised its people liberty, and justice, and a union that could be and should be perfected over time." There was an echo there of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who in his great "I Have a Dream" speech extolled "the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence" as "a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir."

The problem for Obama is that Wright, the spiritual leader he has so long embraced, is a devotee not of King, - who in that same speech warned against "drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred" - but of the poisonous hatemonger Louis Farrakhan, whom the church's magazine honored with a lifetime achievement award. The problem for Obama, who campaigns on a message of racial reconciliation, is that the "mentor" whose church he joined and has generously supported is a disciple not of King but of James Cone, founder of a "black liberation" theology that teaches its adherents to "accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy."

Above all, the problem for Obama is that for two decades his spiritual home has been a church in which the minister damns America to the enthusiastic approval of the congregation, and not until it threatened to scuttle his political ambitions did Obama finally find the mettle to condemn the minister's odium.

When Don Imus uttered his infamous slur on the radio last year, Obama cut him no slack. Imus should be fired, he said. "There's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group."

When it came to Wright, however, he wasn't nearly so categorical. Oh, he's "like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with," Obama indulgently explained to one interviewer. He's just "trying to be provocative," he told another." Far from severing his ties to Wright, Obama made him a member of his Religious Leadership Committee -- a tie he finally cut only four days ago."

Such a clanging double standard raises doubts about Obama's character and judgment, and about his fitness for the role of race-transcending healer. Yesterday's speech was finely crafted, but it leaves some troubling questions unanswered.

Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;.

© Copyright 2008 Globe Newspaper Company.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:22 pm
by Tom In VA
Thanks for the article TWIS.

Obama isn't looking to good with the added perspective. Think I'll start leaning towards Hillary. ... s_par.html" onclick=";return false;


The Pinocchio Test

Clinton's tale of landing at Tuzla airport "under sniper fire" and then running for cover is simply not credible. Photographs and video of the arrival ceremony, combined with contemporaneous news reports, tell a very different story. Four Pinocchios.

Musical Interlude:


Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:25 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:There is no way for Obama to separate himself from that political ideology.
There is no need for him to separate himself from an ideology that he has never voiced or voted for. All you can do is jump up and down and point to Reverend Wright as if he were Huey Newton, H. Rap Brown, Sister Souljah and Professor Griff all rolled into one. Of course, any sane person knows that Rev. Wright's positions are as relevant as McCain's "spiritual guide", Reverend Parsley. You know, the guy who wants to take us back to the Middle Ages so we can get on with the 9th Crusade.

But yea, feel free to delude yourself into thinking that Obama can be swiftboated by a candidate that has his own platoon of nutcase preachers on staff.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:45 pm
by BSmack
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:
BSmack wrote:Namely, it is bullshit to compare Obama's politics to Wright's. Anyone who does so is either stupid, lying or both. Obama has a 10 year legislative record to pick apart yet the best opposition research can find on him are 3 quotes by his PASTOR?
Its Obama’s long standing association and considerable financial support of this asshole along with the lack of admonishment for what Wright stands for that is most disturbing. This doesn't bother you Bsmack?
Did you not listen to Obama's comments on Wright or his speech in Philadelphia? He has unequivocally rejected and denounced any and all of Wright's divisive rhetoric. The nuance that seems to be escaping Obama's critics is that Obama will not then reject Wright as a person just as you or I would not reject a friend who spoke in the same kind of objectionable tone. We seem to be mired in a mode of thinking that requires our candidates to surround themselves with only people that are ideologically pure of heart and to reject and cast off anybody whose opinions do not conform to what the mass media or rival campaigns see as politically orthodox.

Shall we continue down that road? For if we do, it begs the question of what kind of advice and counsel a President who only surrounds himself with advisers who are certified to be ideologically "pure" will receive.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:51 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:For if we do, it begs the question of what kind of advice and counsel a President who only surrounds himself with advisers who are certified to be ideologically "pure" will receive.
Good Point

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:58 pm
by Uncle Fester
Up until being dragged down in recent weeks, O'Bama has been running as a "beyond-racial" candidate. His success in the red-states with the predominantly white populations speaks for itself.

As for McCain, in November he'll be seven months older than he is now (which is "older than dirt.") He's one angry meltdown or Gerald Ford-like gaffe away from killing any lead he has in the polls.