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Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:34 am
by poptart
Spin Zone



Take your pick.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:38 pm
by Tom In VA
Spin Zone, or here is fine. Plenty of political threads in this forum. Just because Pickle posted it doesn't make it a bad post.

Did you actually read the article pop ?

Ignoring the poster - Pickle, and the author of the article (alleged) - Buchanan; I'm struggling to figure out what's wrong with the content.

Sure, it belongs in the Spin Zone, but T.R.O.T.S ?

Compelling article Stanley, probably your best post ever.


Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:39 pm
OK, guys. Make it famous.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:46 pm
by SunCoastSooner
I grew up in mostly African-American communities and they are every bit as racist as any white community. Kind of like the south being labled as the racist section of the country yet I heard the terms n*gger, nog, etc used much more frequently in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania than I ever did in Texas, North Carolina, or here in Florida.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:47 pm
by BSmack
SunCoastSooner wrote:Kind of like the south being labled as the racist section of the country...
100 years of Jim Crow will do that.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:54 pm
by SunCoastSooner
BSmack wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:Kind of like the south being labled as the racist section of the country...
100 years of Jim Crow will do that.
I understand that B, that isn't to say that it isn't more prevelant in reality else where today.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:23 pm
by Tom In VA
SunCoastSooner wrote:
BSmack wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:Kind of like the south being labled as the racist section of the country...
100 years of Jim Crow will do that.
I understand that B, that isn't to say that it isn't more prevelant in reality else where today.
Playing Devil's Advocate here, what does "today" have to do with it ? Dialogue amongst whites and blacks will always include some reference to the past. We're doing it now with Obama. His past record of association with Wright somehow indicts him as sharing those same racist views.

So if Obama can be held accountable for some past. Why wouldn't it be expected that a country be held accountable for it's past ?

The buzzword "balkanization" stems from the separation and re-igniting of hatred towards differing ethnic and cultural group in the Balkans after the Soviet Union disbanded. Hell, some of those grudges go back to the 14th century.

At some point we need to get beyond justifying racism based on yesterday's crimes. I don't know how to do that on the scale that is necessary and I don't think it can really be done. It is America, and you are - as an individual - allowed to despise whomever you choose and for whatever reason. Hell, you don't even need a reason. But if that reason is racially motivated, so be it.

But those who hold political office and set policy should be scrutinized for their thoughts on the matter of race.

Bottom line. You can't overcome racism with more racism. The dialogue should be framed in the best sense possible to not place other people on the defensive. It should be framed in RESPECT for each other as humans, fellow countrymen, and for my money - children of the same Father.

To suggest that I am not allowed to take pride in who and what I am, because of the sins of people who look my ancestors is disrespectful. Likewise it is disrepsectful to dismiss the pain caused by those sins and relegate them to "yesterday's news".

If we can stop calling each other "racists" and try to find a foundation of respect. Maybe we can move on.

I think Buchanan's text is spot on. Let's acknowledge the pain we've caused each other, but let's move on and focus on what we've done FOR each other in this country. I think it was a more powerful message than Obama's speech.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:25 pm
by Cuda
SunCoastSooner wrote:
BSmack wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:Kind of like the south being labled as the racist section of the country...
100 years of Jim Crow will do that.
I understand that B, that isn't to say that it isn't more prevelant in reality else where today.
Why don't you jizz-swappers go get a room?

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:36 pm
by Tom In VA
mvscal wrote:All they're doing is picking at a scab.
I disagree. In fact, much of the problem we see today is that it is an effective means of manipulation. This in turn, "disenfranchises" another segment of society. I think "turning the page" or "moving on" as it were, is the in the best interests of "the children" but I think a simple "get over it" tends to invite conflict.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:47 pm
by Tom In VA
mvscal wrote:But I like conflict.
Apparently, we all do.

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:49 pm
by Cuda
For the nog, just breathing is whitey's way of "inviting conflict" wrote:March 27, 2008
Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal Given Another Break
The boobs running our judicial system continue to dither around concerning the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who with the help of overwhelming evidence was convicted of murdering Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner a generation ago.

The psychopathic Abu-Jamal is in a class with Tookie Williams when it comes to personifying the reason we need the death penalty. Yet a federal appeals court has refused to reinstate the death sentence he so richly deserves.

No one in his right mind doubts Abu-Jamal's guilt. The court upheld his first-degree murder conviction. It's just a question of how seriously we want to take shooting police officers in the back. The race card is being played yet again, with Judge Thomas L. Ambro whining that blacks weren't given a chance to apply jury nullification to the case of a brother killing a white cop.

The odds that this scum won't die of natural causes are long. In the meantime, maybe he can tape some more college commencement addresses, as he has for U.C. Berkeley, Antioch College, Occidental College, and Evergreen State College.
Or then again, there's always the loony idea another moonbat recently signed on to:
Charlie Crist Open to Paying People for Being Black
Possibly the most preposterous notion to come from the radical Left is that blacks should be given free money expropriated by force from everyone else as a reward for having ancestors who were given a hard time — just like the ancestors of every human being on the planet. I won't insult the reader's intelligence by explaining the absurdity of thinking this unjust and profoundly moronic concept would improve race relations. But someone needs to explain it to Florida's Governor:

The resolution stops short of calling for reparations for descendants of slaves, though Republican Gov. Charlie Crist said after the vote that he was open to the idea "if we can determine descendancy, certainly."
The resolution in question consisted of idiots like Crist wallowing in the neurotic white guilt that is creating monsters like Barack Obama and his circle of America-hating, racist kooks.

Horrifyingly, Crist appears to be under consideration for McCain's VP. There are limits to what conservatives can forgive.

If that mofo doesn't have AIDS, nobody does

Re: Pat Buchanan is a PICKLE! Goes ape on Obama

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:52 pm
by SunCoastSooner
mvscal wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:So if Obama can be held accountable for some past. Why wouldn't it be expected that a country be held accountable for it's past ?
Obama is being held accountable for his past and his current associations. Holding a country responsible for actions which were taken by people who have been dead for nearly a century is idiotic.

These dumbshits need to turn the fucking page already and get over it. All they're doing is picking at a scab.
Rack! Personal accountability! It isn't mine or my father's fault that some ass hat 150 some odd years ago who is on his family tree owned someone elses great great great great grand daddy.

Before my ex wife and I got married I met her maternal grandparents and for the first three months her grandmother wouldn't speak so much as word towards me simply for the fact that I have Choctaw heritage and she was a Cherokee because apparently some ancestor of mine who was a Tribal Chieftan burned her home town to the ground during the Civil War; even reffered to me on more than one occassion as Niggerchaw (which is rather common a phrase used by Cherokees to this day to describe my tribe because it fought for the Union and took in escaped and freed slaves). We were both flabbergasted by it. I didn't hold a grude that those same ancestors were forced to run to Kansas on the "Trail of Ice and Blood" by hers.

You want to hold me accountable for my personal actions do so! Youwantto hold someone else accountable for their personal actions do so. But don't try and blame me for something than someone who has been dead and gone for over a century did!