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BSC-Bear Stearns
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:56 am
by battery chucka' one
Okay, it took a tumble last week (to say the least), but the day after, it was up about $2 per share and yesterday, the price doubled. Down a bit today. It's currently at about $10 per share. I'd be very curious to see what it does tomorrow. Anybody out there watching closely for some quick bucks?
Re: BSC-Bear Stearns
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:13 pm
by KC Scott
You probably know by now, but JP Morgan upped the buy offer to $10 per share to placate shareholders and the US public in general since the Fed backed the worthless paper BSC owns.
Essentaily, we as tax payers now own BSC though we will never see a nickle on our "investment"
Re: BSC-Bear Stearns
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:55 am
by War Wagon
Good move by the Fed. Worldwide Market Chaos would have ensued otherwise.
The American taxpayer seems to be the last solid bet.
And actually, we'll probably make a dime or two off that deal.
Re: BSC-Bear Stearns
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:58 pm
by poptart
The American taxpayer is straight fucked, Wagon.
Settle in.
IF ... your 401K manages to stay afloat until your retirement, the VALUE of the dollars in it will be about 20% (if you're lucky) of today's value.
The feds/criminals can't de-value the dollar like they are by printing fake money and continuing to lower interest rates.
It is NOT a solution, and the bill WILL come due.
It's a dog & pony show.
Two things absolutely have to happen.
We must return to (or very close to) the Gold Standard.
We must balance our nation's budget -- we simply MUST end the spending insanity.
It's tough medicine, to be sure, but it beats the shit out of the alternative.
Soup kitchen time.
Ron Paul is/was the only candidate with the nuts to speak DIRECTLY to the issue.
Re: BSC-Bear Stearns
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:08 pm
by Adelpiero
buy gold
they are printing $$$ like they are the banker in Monopoly.