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Re: This Just In...

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:54 pm
by OCmike
88 wrote:Mumia Abu-Jamal is still guilty." onclick=";return false;

Shocking, huh? I think we need some more street protests.
I'm sure Jesse already has his shakedown-funded Rainbow Coalition private jet fueled up and ready to make the flight to PA.

Re: This Just In...

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:21 pm
by Mister Bushice
I don't think so. No one called mumia a nappy headed n!gga so there's not much for Jesse to work with there.

Re: This Just In...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:07 am
by Cuda wrote:Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal Given Another Break
The boobs running our judicial system continue to dither around concerning the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who with the help of overwhelming evidence was convicted of murdering Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner a generation ago.

The psychopathic Abu-Jamal is in a class with Tookie Williams when it comes to personifying the reason we need the death penalty. Yet a federal appeals court has refused to reinstate the death sentence he so richly deserves.

No one in his right mind doubts Abu-Jamal's guilt. The court upheld his first-degree murder conviction. It's just a question of how seriously we want to take shooting police officers in the back. The race card is being played yet again, with Judge Thomas L. Ambro whining that blacks weren't given a chance to apply jury nullification to the case of a brother killing a white cop.
The odds that this scum won't die of natural causes are long. In the meantime, maybe he can tape some more college commencement addresses, as he has for U.C. Berkeley, Antioch College, Occidental College, and Evergreen State College.
Rack Buttsy, btw

Re: This Just In...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:10 am
by Cuda


Re: This Just In...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:20 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Cuda wrote:Image
Cuda, she's a "Spartacist".

I wanna see them hanged worse than you.

Re: This Just In...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:16 am
by Mister Bushice
Papa Willie wrote: You know how you guys could improve your profession? Pull out a gun in court and blow the brains out of some of these pricks. Save us money and be heroes, dammit! :D
You do realize that if they did that, those bottom feeders would just request a taxpayer funded court appointed attorney and declare temporary insanity ( without specifying that "temporary" in their case means "since birth"), get off on a technicality, then write a book about their harrowing 3 hour experience in jail and make millions?

Don't feed the fucking sharks with ideas, dude. They have bigger teefs than we do already.

Re: This Just In...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:21 am
by Jeff in SD
I would just rather the piece of garbage get butt raped every day for the rest of his life and live a life of a tormented soul paying the price for shooting a good cop in the back.

Re: This Just In...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:51 am
by Y2K
This local story is going on 7 years now, it might make you wanna puke.

Ironicly, by breaking into that house and the ambush killing of Deputy Telen, this "alledged" meltdown by Ramadan "martyr in training" Abdullah exposed an Al Queda training camp up and running in the quiet foothills of Cali called Balladullah.

"Balladullah" was generously funded as a "Charter School" by educational grants from both the State of California and the Fed's . During the investigation into this Deputy's murder the investigators immediately found...
"surprise, surprise"
Serious problems with misappropriations of these funds and they seemed to be missing all kinds of important stuff a school is supposed to have on hand
Its closed by the county and soon after, these shitbags ran leaving nothing but a paddlelocked gate.

That was June 2001

RIP Eric Telen and thanks.