Watts for VP?
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:50 pm
Any negro in a storm eh? Why not Alan Keyes? Condi Rice? Sammy Davis Jr.?battery chucka' one wrote:http://www.brookesnews.com/082502barber.html
Yeah. I could go for and get behind that one.
Your cynicism knows no bounds. BTW, one of those blind "answer the questions and we'll pick your favorite candidate sites" posted here awhile ago had me choosing -----BSmack wrote:Any negro in a storm eh? Why not Alan Keyes? Condi Rice? Sammy Davis Jr.?battery chucka' one wrote:http://www.brookesnews.com/082502barber.html
Yeah. I could go for and get behind that one.
Sounds qualified to me.J.C. Watts....is pals with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
I'm sure it's just coincidence that McCain's operatives are checking to see if anyone salutes after they run up a black flag. I'm sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama's pending nomination.Tom In VA wrote:Your cynicism knows no bounds.
Funny thing about those "pick your candidate sites", they don't do shit when it comes to quantifying a person's ability to function when in office. I've never had those surveys match the candidate I've been supporting ever.BTW, one of those blind "answer the questions and we'll pick your favorite candidate sites" posted here awhile ago had me choosing -----
Alan Keyes.
You couldn't have forgotten because I never said that. My you do love playing the moral indignation card.But of course the DNC is absolutely pure and the republicans are absolutely tainted. I forgot.
More like righteous indignation.BSmack wrote: My you do love playing the moral indignation card.
Can you imagine the right wingers getting behind that?Martyred wrote:Anyone consider a split Republican/Democrat ticket with McCain getting Lieberman as his VP?
http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... an#p496077" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;Martyred wrote:Anyone consider a split Republican/Democrat ticket with McCain getting Lieberman as his VP?
Just put him on your ignore list. He's on mine along with Tardowen. The board has gotten a whole lot more readable since.Goober McTuber wrote:^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Can we off this shit fucking troll already?
Don't forget Jive-ass... errr- Jarvis Redwinepoptart wrote:Personally, I'd rather see I.M. Hipp or Billy White Shoes Johnson.
What? No love for David Overstreet?Cuda wrote:Don't forget Jive-ass... errr- Jarvis Redwinepoptart wrote:Personally, I'd rather see I.M. Hipp or Billy White Shoes Johnson.
Based on your political acuity and success in picking electable candidates ('sup Fred Thompson) I'd say JC's chances are about equal to the probability that Pickle will ever get laid by anybody who's either white or female.battery chucka' one wrote:http://www.brookesnews.com/082502barber.html
Yeah. I could go for and get behind that one.
I don't know if they will or won't pick him. I just think that he'd be a good choice. Not just as a ying to Obama's yang. If you hear him talk, he has some good ideas. However, to make it interesting, would you care to make a wager on it?Mikey wrote:Based on your political acuity and success in picking electable candidates ('sup Fred Thompson) I'd say JC's chances are about equal to the probability that Pickle will ever get laid by anybody who's either white or female.battery chucka' one wrote:http://www.brookesnews.com/082502barber.html
Yeah. I could go for and get behind that one.
How do you figure? The most conservative member of Congress has been on his campaign for the duration and his state's chair of the finance committee for John McCain's run; Tom Coburn.mvscal wrote:McCain is not going to pick a conservative running mate of any kind. Get it through your head. He's going to pick some wishy-washy milquetoast pantload like Lindsey Graham.
The Big Pickle's 'partner' wrote:talk dirty to me.
mvscal wrote:Because McCain is even remotely conservative, you fucking moron. Are you really that stupid and uninformed? Pull your head out of your ass. He's a complete fraud.SunCoastSooner wrote:How do you figure?mvscal wrote:McCain is not going to pick a conservative running mate of any kind. Get it through your head. He's going to pick some wishy-washy milquetoast pantload like Lindsey Graham.
Dang, you serious, bro? That would suck. You're from thereabouts, originally, right?SunCoastSooner wrote:JC Watts has too much personal baggage to be aired in a general election. Extra marital affairs, possible illegitimate children, lots of dirt on him from his time on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission concerning dealings with oil companies.
Shocking that one of Switzer's former players would have an ethical issue or 12.battery chucka' one wrote:Dang, you serious, bro? That would suck. You're from thereabouts, originally, right?SunCoastSooner wrote:JC Watts has too much personal baggage to be aired in a general election. Extra marital affairs, possible illegitimate children, lots of dirt on him from his time on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission concerning dealings with oil companies.
Sad to say, but I laughed.BSmack wrote:Shocking that one of Switzer's former players would have an ethical issue or 12.battery chucka' one wrote:Dang, you serious, bro? That would suck. You're from thereabouts, originally, right?SunCoastSooner wrote:JC Watts has too much personal baggage to be aired in a general election. Extra marital affairs, possible illegitimate children, lots of dirt on him from his time on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission concerning dealings with oil companies.![]()
The only set there I see that was all that like minded is Bush/Chenney and certainly not Gore/Lieberman.mvscal wrote:I guess you must have had your head up your ass for your entire adult lifetime.
Is Bush/Cheney ringing any bells? Clinton/Gore? Gore/Lieberman? Kerry/Edwards?
No I've lived most of my life in Florida and North Carolina with short stops in other places (Texas, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, etc.). Just was in Oklahoma for college though much of my maternal family is from Oklahoma (Enid, Ada, and OKC). I grew up a military brat in my father's household so we did a great deal of moving.battery chucka' one wrote:Dang, you serious, bro? That would suck. You're from thereabouts, originally, right?SunCoastSooner wrote:JC Watts has too much personal baggage to be aired in a general election. Extra marital affairs, possible illegitimate children, lots of dirt on him from his time on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission concerning dealings with oil companies.
Spoken like the clueless mouth piece that you are Bsmack. Switzer's biggest draw back in life was probably that he was too much of a humanitarian (and a DIE HARD Democrat who even has been on the campaign trail multiple times since 1988 in the state of Oklahoma for Congressional and Presidential electionsBSmack wrote:Shocking that one of Switzer's former players would have an ethical issue or 12.battery chucka' one wrote:Dang, you serious, bro? That would suck. You're from thereabouts, originally, right?SunCoastSooner wrote:JC Watts has too much personal baggage to be aired in a general election. Extra marital affairs, possible illegitimate children, lots of dirt on him from his time on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission concerning dealings with oil companies.![]()
So what if Switzer was/is a Democrat? Does this somehow change the fact that he ran a turd factory in Oklahoma?SunCoastSooner wrote:Spoken like the clueless mouth piece that you are Bsmack. Switzer's biggest draw back in life was probably that he was too much of a humanitarian (and a DIE HARD Democrat who even has been on the campaign trail multiple times since 1988 in the state of Oklahoma for Congressional and Presidential elections) and thought that he could and should help out every kid that crossed his path, football player or not.
He didn't run a turd factory. All that is ever brought up about Switzer were the bad apples and nobody ever acknoledges the lives he changed for the better which far outnumbered the bad apples in Norman. Most people also don't ever hear about the always forgiving and always helping out the bad apples even after trashing him such as Thompson. What about the success stories Switzer has had that nobody EVER speaks of? Spencer Tillman, JC Watts, Mike Gaddis, etc.BSmack wrote:So what if Switzer was/is a Democrat? Does this somehow change the fact that he ran a turd factory in Oklahoma?SunCoastSooner wrote:Spoken like the clueless mouth piece that you are Bsmack. Switzer's biggest draw back in life was probably that he was too much of a humanitarian (and a DIE HARD Democrat who even has been on the campaign trail multiple times since 1988 in the state of Oklahoma for Congressional and Presidential elections) and thought that he could and should help out every kid that crossed his path, football player or not.
I just ordered it from B and N. Should get it soon. I look forward to reading. Am glad that the infidelities are in the past. Was worried that it was recent stuff. Something when he was younger is more understandable, I guess, than if he was still doing it.SunCoastSooner wrote:Every Conservative should have to read What Color is a Conservative: My Life and My Politics" by Watts. Very good and politically astute read.battery chucka' one wrote:Dang, you serious, bro? That would suck. You're from thereabouts, originally, right?SunCoastSooner wrote:JC Watts has too much personal baggage to be aired in a general election. Extra marital affairs, possible illegitimate children, lots of dirt on him from his time on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission concerning dealings with oil companies.
SunCoastSooner wrote:He didn't run a turd factory.BSmack wrote:So what if Switzer was/is a Democrat? Does this somehow change the fact that he ran a turd factory in Oklahoma?
mvscal wrote:Because McCain is even remotely conservative, you fucking moron. Are you really that stupid and uninformed? Pull your head out of your ass. He's a complete fraud.SunCoastSooner wrote:How do you figure?mvscal wrote:McCain is not going to pick a conservative running mate of any kind. Get it through your head. He's going to pick some wishy-washy milquetoast pantload like Lindsey Graham.
Hate to disappoint you, bco, but despite the title, that’s not a coloring book.battery chucka' one wrote:I just ordered it from B and N. Should get it soon.SunCoastSooner wrote:Every Conservative should have to read What Color is a Conservative: My Life and My Politics" by Watts.
I can't remember the details to be honest. What I can tell you is that the person who made the accusations was the one who landed in a Fed Penn and not JC.battery chucka' one wrote:
I just ordered it from B and N. Should get it soon. I look forward to reading. Am glad that the infidelities are in the past. Was worried that it was recent stuff. Something when he was younger is more understandable, I guess, than if he was still doing it.
What of his oil company dealings was questionable? Bad ethics will lose him my support faster than cheating twenty years ago. I'll do some of my own research on this, too.