Is it possible?
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:23 pm
For God to build something that could destroy Himself?
poptart wrote:What's your point, Bri?
I don't get it.
The point is to get you to think.poptart wrote:What's your point, Bri?
I don't get it.
There was no setup. Though I suppose one could ask what would fill the void were God to off himself?battery chucka' one wrote:The answer is yes.
Now, ask us the question you really wanted to ask. You know, the one that the first question was a setup for.
Well, then you have your answer. Glad I could help you.BSmack wrote:There was no setup. Though I suppose one could ask what would fill the void were God to off himself?battery chucka' one wrote:The answer is yes.
Now, ask us the question you really wanted to ask. You know, the one that the first question was a setup for.
What about an accident? What if God went Oppenhiemer on Himself?battery chucka' one wrote:Well, then you have your answer. Glad I could help you.
As for your latter musings, I don't believe that God would off Himself. Suicide (self murder) is a sin and God is without sin. Therefore, He wouldn't off Himself.
No, for the purposes of this thread I am assuming that God is real. However, I am not presupposing any definitions of God. That's for you to decide. Of course, the definitions you use to define God will also serve to limit Him.However, if you're speaking hypothetically, then I don't think anything would fill that void. It would be unfillable.
Unless you're speaking hypothetically with the thought process that God is just an idea and not real. In that case, if Christians and Jews and such were merely believing on a fictional character (not unlike Barney or Darth Vader), I'm sure something else would fill that void. Of course, if He were fictional, again, He couldn't kill Himself, for the obvious reasons.
For your first question, God is omniscient. Therefore, an accident is out of the realm of posibility.BSmack wrote:What about an accident? What if God went Oppenhiemer on Himself?battery chucka' one wrote:Well, then you have your answer. Glad I could help you.
As for your latter musings, I don't believe that God would off Himself. Suicide (self murder) is a sin and God is without sin. Therefore, He wouldn't off Himself.
No, for the purposes of this thread I am assuming that God is real. However, I am not presupposing any definitions of God. That's for you to decide. Of course, the definitions you use to define God will also serve to limit Him.However, if you're speaking hypothetically, then I don't think anything would fill that void. It would be unfillable.
Unless you're speaking hypothetically with the thought process that God is just an idea and not real. In that case, if Christians and Jews and such were merely believing on a fictional character (not unlike Barney or Darth Vader), I'm sure something else would fill that void. Of course, if He were fictional, again, He couldn't kill Himself, for the obvious reasons.
Religion is a way to neatly explain life on earth.mvscal wrote:
Exactly how ignorant and gullible do you have to be to fill your head with such shit?
What part of my statement is it that you have a problem with?mvscal wrote:Exactly how ignorant and gullible do you have to be to fill your head with such shit?battery chucka' one wrote:Also, more for your original question, God is. He always has been and always will be. He created time. Therefore, He didn't create Himself.
Interesting. So your initial answer is that God is capable of destroying Himself, yet you create definition of God where a so-called omniscient being is both constrained by his own omniscience and his own moral code. How is it that a God who is constrained by an inability to commit sin is all powerful?battery chucka' one wrote:For your first question, God is omniscient. Therefore, an accident is out of the realm of posibility.
Also, more for your original question, God is. He always has been and always will be. He created time. Therefore, He didn't create Himself.
This thread's about atheism?mvscal wrote:The fact that you freaks swallow this codswallop without question in the absence of any supporting evidence whatsoever will never cease to amaze me.
Evidently there are no limits to the length people will go to delude themselves with comforting lies. Surely there has to be part of you deep down inside which understands that this is all complete bullshit.
All apologies. I absolutely misread your question. I thought you asked if God can destroy anything He's made. Perhaps I didn't have enough coffee this morning. Okay, let me reset this.BSmack wrote:Interesting. So your initial answer is that God is capable of destroying Himself, yet you create definition of God where a so-called omniscient being is both constrained by his own omniscience and his own moral code. How is it that a God who is constrained by an inability to commit sin is all powerful?battery chucka' one wrote:For your first question, God is omniscient. Therefore, an accident is out of the realm of posibility.
Also, more for your original question, God is. He always has been and always will be. He created time. Therefore, He didn't create Himself.
BSmack wrote:How is it that a God who is constrained by an inability to commit sin is all powerful?
I will believe that there is no God once you can prove it to me and give me absolutely irrefutable evidence that your side is correct. Once you can prove that He doesn't exist, I will believe that. Until then, I will stick to my Faith.mvscal wrote:All of it. The fact that you freaks swallow this codswallop without question in the absence of any supporting evidence whatsoever will never cease to amaze me.
Evidently there are no limits to the length people will go to delude themselves with comforting lies. Surely there has to be part of you deep down inside which understands that this is all complete bullshit.
There are no talking snakes. Burning bushes do not issue instructions. There is no such thing as a soul. There is no heaven. There is no hell. This life is all you've got and all you will ever have. I'm sorry if that's frightening or difficult for you to accept, but that's all there is. You live, you die, you rot. End of story.
Word and rack.Tom In VA wrote:I don't know, you will have to ask Him directly.
Surely you have evidence for believing how you do, right? I mean, proof for why you absolutely know that, in your words, 'You live, you die, you rot. End of story'. I'd like to see the proof that you have that there is no God.mvscal wrote:And how does one go about providing "irrefutable evidence" of something that does not exist?battery chucka' one wrote:I will believe that there is no God once you can prove it to me and give me absolutely irrefutable evidence that your side is correct.
However, it does serve as a handy illustration of your profound, all encompassing ignorance.
Why? Do you have proof that they existed? Have you ever seen Shakespeare or Joan of Arc? What about Eric the Red and Alexander the Great? How do you know that they actually existed? Was a picture taken of them? Where's the evidence?mvscal wrote:Yes, of course.battery chucka' one wrote:MVScal, do you believe in history? I mean, the figures that we learn about in history class, do you believe that they existed?
lol That was an amusing image (TV heaven). So you are saying that life doesn't exist? That there is no existence? What is it that is turned off?mvscal wrote:No. Dead is dead. Dust to dust to put in terms you might be familiar with. It's little different than turning off a TV or shutting down a computer. When you cut the power off, TV programs don't flutter off into TV heaven.Also, are you saying that, though you won't be able to move or excrete after you're dead, you will still be in your body as they put you in the ground? Are you saying that there's nothing that is on the inside of your body looking out that isn't after you die?
1. There are many paintings of Jesus. He didn't sit for any, but I don't think I would accept those as proof that He existed. What proof do you have that these historical figures sat for them?mvscal wrote:There is abundant evidence that all of the above existed. It is to be found in written accounts which are supported by physical evidence in the form of cities they left behind, plays they wrote, settlements they founded etc. and, yes, many historical figures did sit for painters or sculptors.battery chucka' one wrote: Do you have proof that they existed? Have you ever seen Shakespeare or Joan of Arc? What about Eric the Red and Alexander the Great? How do you know that they actually existed? Was a picture taken of them? Where's the evidence?
So you are saying that life doesn't exist? That there is no existence? What is it that is turned off?
Consciousness is not in the nervous system. Is not Stephen Hawkings somewhat of proof for this? He can communicate and is quite conscious, but his nervous system is rather shot, wouldn't you say? I think he's quite alive, too.mvscal wrote: Are you being intentionally stupid or is this your natural state? Your nervous system is what (among other things) gets turned off when you die.
What about the conscience? Does that exist?
So, do you have proof of these bits of data? If we tear apart a brain, can we see them? How do we know they exist in the manner you state? How do you know they exist that way? Do they disappear when we die? Can you prove this?mvscal wrote: Your self-awareness/personality or what you seem to think of as a "soul" is nothing more than bits of data stored in your brain. When your brain dies, everything you are, everything you know dies with you. Even damage short of destruction can have dramatic effects on your memories, personality and abilities.
phew... glad some guy on a message board cleared That up... Big relief...mvscal wrote:There is no such thing as a soul. There is no heaven. There is no hell. This life is all you've got and all you will ever have. I'm sorry if that's frightening or difficult for you to accept, but that's all there is. You live, you die, you rot. End of story.
mvscal wrote:What if you're an idiot and faith is just a sick joke to cull the stupid? From simple observation of human and natural history, I'd have to say "God" is a pretty sick motherfucker and fully capable of laughing in your face as he dumps your dumb ass in a lake of fire. Haven't you noticed that the penalties for stupidity in the natural world tend to be rather severe?