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Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:48 am
by indyfrisco
Sorry, not a frequent here and not going to read all past threads to see if this has been discussed. If so, just link me to the thread and be done with it.

Anyhow, what's with all the Obama gas commercials? Is he really running on a campaign that promises to reduce the cost of gas? I'll be honest and say I don't follow politics unless they are covered on Sportscenter, but a Democrat saying he is attacking gas prices is laughable at best.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:41 am
by battery chucka' one
I'm not overly familiar with it but I'd say he's being naive once again unless he were to support one of the following:

1. Rolling back taxes on the cost of gas
2. Building more new refineries in the United States
3. Supporting nuclear power technologies
4. Increased drilling in our own country (North Dakota and Alaska)

Of course, these are all traditional conservative ideologies, but then that might be splitting hairs and all.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:31 pm
by Cuda
Obama does not stray from the socialist orthodoxy. Under those rules, reducing gas prices will be done in much the same way Hugo Chavez reduced the price of food in Venezuela- by decree. Which is exactly why they have severe food shortages there. Obama will make gas cheap again, not that there'll be any available for you to buy

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:39 pm
by SunCoastSooner
battery chucka' one wrote:I'm not overly familiar with it but I'd say he's being naive once again unless he were to support one of the following:

1. Rolling back taxes on the cost of gas
2. Building more new refineries in the United States
3. Supporting nuclear power technologies
4. Increased drilling in our own country (North Dakota and Alaska)

Of course, these are all traditional conservative ideologies, but then that might be splitting hairs and all.
No one ever mentions Wyoming. I know it's Yellowstone and all but isn't there suppossed to be huge oil field under that soil that makes Alaska look like a puddle?

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:48 pm
by battery chucka' one
SunCoastSooner wrote:
battery chucka' one wrote:I'm not overly familiar with it but I'd say he's being naive once again unless he were to support one of the following:

1. Rolling back taxes on the cost of gas
2. Building more new refineries in the United States
3. Supporting nuclear power technologies
4. Increased drilling in our own country (North Dakota and Alaska)

Of course, these are all traditional conservative ideologies, but then that might be splitting hairs and all.
No one ever mentions Wyoming. I know it's Yellowstone and all but isn't there suppossed to be huge oil field under that soil that makes Alaska look like a puddle?
I'm okay with them NOT touching Yellowstone because, hey, it's Yellowstone. If they could do slant drilling, that'd be okay. What part of Wyoming are you talking about?

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:51 pm
by Dinsdale
There's a few shale reserves around the country, but the state you were looking for was Colorado.

More oil in Colorado than the entire Middle East. Just difficult to get to.

The shale reserves should have been opened under Clinton's watch, but making other countries wealthy at America's expense was where Bubba really excelled.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:01 pm
by RumpleForeskin
battery chucka' one wrote:3. Supporting nuclear power technologies

Thorium is where the future's at. An ideal nuclear power with a lesser risk than uranium.

As far as fuel goes, the expansion of domestic exploratory drilling though private investors is still the way to go. The only thing is, Obama or Hilary, if elected, would cut out the IDC tax breaks for this type of drilling. Expanding drilling and then taking away the tax benefits works against each other. You really can't have one without the other if you don't want the government flipping the bill for it.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:28 pm
by BSmack
RumpleForeskin wrote:
battery chucka' one wrote:3. Supporting nuclear power technologies

Thorium is where the future's at. An ideal nuclear power with a lesser risk than uranium.

As far as fuel goes, the expansion of domestic exploratory drilling though private investors is still the way to go. The only thing is, Obama or Hilary, if elected, would cut out the IDC tax breaks for this type of drilling. Expanding drilling and then taking away the tax benefits works against each other. You really can't have one without the other if you don't want the government flipping the bill for it.
Last I checked, Exxon/Mobil banked record profits last year. Why should they get tax breaks?

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:40 pm
by RumpleForeskin
Private Placements are invested through smaller drilling companies and then sold to the big dogs for distribution. The tax breaks are only given to the investors who take on the risk of investing in the program. Yes, I know they are accredited, but the price of oil would go down in the process which would assist people like you and me.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:34 pm
by BSmack
RumpleForeskin wrote:Private Placements are invested through smaller drilling companies and then sold to the big dogs for distribution. The tax breaks are only given to the investors who take on the risk of investing in the program. Yes, I know they are accredited, but the price of oil would go down in the process which would assist people like you and me.
What will drive down the price of oil is a strong dollar. What you suggest is nothing more than an exercise in socializing risk and privatizing profit. No thanks.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:56 pm
by Cuda
BSmack wrote: What will drive down the price of oil is a strong dollar. .
The only thing that will bring down the price of oil is a lot more oil you dimwitted fucksniffer

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:10 pm
by battery chucka' one
BSmack wrote:
RumpleForeskin wrote:Private Placements are invested through smaller drilling companies and then sold to the big dogs for distribution. The tax breaks are only given to the investors who take on the risk of investing in the program. Yes, I know they are accredited, but the price of oil would go down in the process which would assist people like you and me.
What will drive down the price of oil is a strong dollar. What you suggest is nothing more than an exercise in socializing risk and privatizing profit. No thanks.
Again, you're partly right and mostly wrong.

YES, a strong dollar will drive down the price of oil. HOWEVER, whether we are paying an OPEC nation $75 or $100 a barrel, we are still giving money to that OPEC nation. If we pump our own, that money will not be going to the OPEC nation. Surely you'd agree that it's better to buy american than import crude oil.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:41 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:It doesn't make one fucking iota of difference, you farging dimwit. You missed the point entirely.

At $100 a barrel all options are on the table. Tar sands, oil shale, coal liquefaction, deep offshore wells are all economically viable at that price. The sticking point is the turkey-necked cocksuckers who run the oil companies who are insisting that we, the taxpayers, finance their capital outlays while they rake all the profits.

You fucking idiots have been had. It isn't the "liberals" who have prevented any new refineries from being built in the last 30 years. It is the fucking oil companies who have prevented new refineries from being built. In case you still don't get it, no new refineries creates an artificial bottleneck in the supply of gasoline which drives up the price.

Pull your head out of your ass. The oil companies are more than capable of getting by without tax breaks and subsidies. If they can't do so ethically, then it's time to crush them with anti-trust legislation or nationalize them outright.
Holy fucking shit!

Uh... RACK!

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:51 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Cuda wrote:
BSmack wrote: What will drive down the price of oil is a strong dollar. .
The only thing that will bring down the price of oil is a lot more oil you dimwitted fucksniffer
There is plenty of oil. The market is being gamed by hedge funds and speculators. The only thing us peons can do is buy shares in oil companies. It won't bring down the price any but it will provide a little lube for the ass raping we're taking.
Better yet...

The OL owns a share in the mineral rights that her aunt retained under some land that she donated to an unnamed university years and years ago, and was passed down through her mom.

The oil under that property is part of a huge field that was developed probably in the 1930s, accessed from offshore in an unnamed SoCal area, and was considered pretty much pumped out until recently. The royalties used to produce a $100 check a couple of times a year. Right now it's producing enough to pay for all of our gas and then some.

RACK high oil prices, BTW.

Oh, and ditto Bsmack's RACK.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:42 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:If they can't do so ethically, then it's time to crush them with anti-trust legislation or nationalize them outright.

OK, folks...

We're done here.

We can go ahead and shut down the internet now. There's nothing left to read. It's been a good run, nice chatting with y'all.

I've suggested states helping out in establishing co-op refineries. I think that would be a wonderful idea.

But nationalizing refineries? That makes my constitutionalist-ass cringe.

Agreed on the "blame the liberals" thing. It doesn't cost a whole heck of a lot more to build an environmentally-sound refinery that any other refinery, but the pro-oil pundits will tell you something entirely different.

The writing was on the wall the day the fed started favoring certain oil companies over others, and manipulated the free market for the sake of corruption. That's been like 80 years ago, and it's only gotten worse. Trying to manipulate the Arabs was a mistake. If the US and British wouldn't have started manipulating those people so badly, there would be no OPEC. There would be no price fixing. There would be no organized production limits.

And here's some really basic supply/demand shit, since it appears some of your high school teachers failed quite miserably...

Using less gas = cheaper gas.

No, really. When you hear that term "supply and demand" that obviously isn't taught in this country, that's what they're talking about. You should look into learning that stuff.

So, facing rising gas prices, how do American citizens and industry react?

By pimping SUVs and bigger engines.

And what's crazy, is people actually fell for it... ponderous. So what if it was financial suicide, both individually and nationally. So what if it supports some shady people in the Middle East and South America who Americans make themselves blue in the face bitching about. So what if it brings down the finest bit of currency this planet has ever seen.

At least everyone looked cool while Rome burned.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:39 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:There is nothing in the constitution to prohibit it.

STFU, you fucking liberal.

The basis of constitutionality is whether or not the Constitution ALLOWS it, not prohibits it.

Unless you're an America-hating liberal.

Of course, at this point in the game, I know you're not... but you are a tremendous troller.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:21 pm
by Dinsdale
I have a problem with the fed seizing private industry, no matter how deplorably that industry is conducting itself.

And it very much is crucial national infrastructure.

I've said it on here before -- I'm all in favor of state governments (it's that Constitutionalist in me) assisting in establishing public co-op refineries, or even a public/private partnership to compete with the Evil Oil Barons. And the few big oil companies don't have some devine right to drill exclusively.

But the more tings change, the more they stay the same. If you or I came up with an idea for shale extraction, we wouldn't be allowed to explore the possibility... but Raytheon gets to do whatever they want with it. The free market has once again been cut out of the loop by federal corruption.

Related: Right now, Oreon is battling it out with the fed over building natural gas shipping terminals. The state feels it's up to the state to decide on the feasability and environmental/port traffic/port safety/profitability/overall benefit to the state to build such things, but the fed has decided that they make all of those decisions. Oregon is really big on telling the fed to fuck off, so we'll see how it goes.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:52 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dinsdale wrote:
The basis of constitutionality is whether or not the Constitution ALLOWS it, not prohibits it.
The Constitution does not "allow" you anything. Your rights as defined in the Constitution are inalienable...meaning, feel
free to consider something as not infringing on your rights or the rights of others UNLESS IT IS SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED... fucking dildo.

I can't believe a Canadian is telling you this. A fuckin' Canadian, for fuck's sake.

Re: Sorry if glass dick but...Obama and gas commercials...

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:44 pm
by Cuda
mvscal, you really should consider shutting off the shortwave set when you're hitting the bong.