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Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:51 am
by Cuda
British Dhimmis Barred from Their Own Pools
A taste of things to come as Britain submits to Islam:

A father and his five-year-old son were turned away from their local swimming pool because they were the wrong religion. David Toube, 39, and his son Harry were told that the Sunday morning session was reserved for Muslim men only. Hackney Council, which runs the Clissold Leisure Centre in Stoke Newington, north London, claimed staff there had made a mistake. However, the Muslim-only session was advertised on its website.

You see, infidels are unclean.

If this is what it's like now, imagine in another generation or two, when Muslims are in the majority. The best possible scenario at that point would be for Britons to begin to fight back; then the country will turn into 1980s Lebanon as they are steadily ethnically cleansed out of existence, like Lebanese Christians. Either that or they will obey their government's orders just to lie there and die like they've been doing.
Fighting Fire with Gasoline
The colonization of Britain by Muslims has presented some problems.


But not to worry; British bureauweenies have come up with a solution to the fifth column of Muslim imams spewing anti-Western hate and recruiting terrorists throughout the country. The solution is: bring in more imams from Pakistan.

I only wish I were joking
Loser Avails Himself of Safety Net
Prison doesn't seem to have the deterrent effect it ought to:

Police say a man dressed as a woman repeatedly crashed his car into a suburban Detroit lingerie store that refused to hire him. Oakland County Undersheriff Michael McCabe says Jeremy McIntosh, 27, was arrested Saturday outside Intimate Ideas. Damage to the store was estimated at $3,000. McCabe says McIntosh was wearing "facial makeup, lipstick, blue Capri pants, red flip-flops, a flowery blouse and a matching flowery women's bra." McIntosh told deputies he is homeless and wanted to go to jail because he had nowhere else to go.
Rumors that McIntosh trolls Moonbattery under the pseudonym "Dan Quayle" could not be confirmed.
Ooops, my bad... when I saw "a man dressed as a woman", I immediately assumed he was a limey.

Well, Aussies are, for all practical purposes, limeys, aren't they?
Australian Schoolchildren Still Allowed to Say "Mother" and "Father" for Now
Here's a little good news:

Schools will not move to stop using words like mum and dad, or girlfriend and boyfriend, the New South Wales Education Department says, despite reports that public schools are under pressure to provide gay-friendly environments.
Changes to terminology, such as using the word "partner" to cover heterosexual relationships, are being sought by gay lobbyists bent on reducing discrimination in a major anti-homophobia push in the state's schools, The Daily Telegraph reports
What kind of demented world are we living in that schools have to deny they've forbidden words like "mother" at the behest of militant homosexuals who want to force their way into the heads of little kids?

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:20 am
Cudes got his CTRL key fixed, I see.

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:44 am
by Mister Bushice
Too bad no repairs were done on his editorial skills.

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:30 pm
by The Seer
If he's right, he's right. Good post....


Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:50 pm
by Diogenes
Britain's always loyally declaimed
About the way we rule the waves
Every Briton's song is just the same
When singing of her soldiers brave
All the world that's heard it
Wonders why we sing
Some have learned the reason why
We're not forgetting it
We're not letting it
Fade away or gradually die
So when we say that England's master
Remember who has made it so
It's the soldiers of the queen, my lad
Who've seen, my lad, who've been my lad
In the fight for England's glory lad
Of its worldwide glory let us sing
And when we say we've always won
And when they ask us how it's done
We'll proudly point to every one
Of England's soldiers of the queen.

Welcome to the 21st century, wankers.

Either that or they will obey their government's orders just to lie there and die like they've been doing.

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:54 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So, you think if you went to a swimming pool in, let's say upstate New York, where the Hassidics live, that you'd be allowed to swim in the pool with them?

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:57 pm
by OCmike
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So, you think if you went to a swimming pool in, let's say upstate New York, where the Hassidics live, that you'd be allowed to swim in the pool with them?
Why would you want to? Never swim in the pool after a heeb. Everyone knows hassidic jews leave a ring.

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:33 pm
by LTS TRN 2
And...your same inane bigotry would not apply to muslims?

Suck on your own ignorant bile teat, and


Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:58 am
by Nishlord
It's so nice that, even while your own country is sinking into recession, you're thinking of little old me.

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:00 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So, you think if you went to a swimming pool in, let's say upstate New York, where the Hassidics live, that you'd be allowed to swim in the pool with them?
If it was a public pool, you're damn right you'd be able to. If it is a private resort run by them, you'd be a tresspasser and should be arrested.

Apples and oranges, you tedious little cunt. Or was this a private muzzie resort? If so, I apologize.

BTW, I wonder how many barrels of pool shock they have to dump in after the muzzie swim call?

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:44 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wrong, S-holic, the Muslims had apparently duly reserved the pool at that time. Hassidics wouldn't even deign to use the pool at all--not after ANY "goyim" (or women) had used it. C'mon now, you lazy child, put on your thinking cap and ask yourself...why are you so easily programmed to hate these people?

And yet you seem to have no concern that your (unelected, criminal) president is COMPLETELY obedient to this vile contagion?

Look about you...observe how NO nation has ANY problem with Iran except Israel and its bitch proxy, the U.S.

Notice how ALL of the current geo-political turmoil--the so-called "war on terrorism,"--is traced right back to Israel.

Wake the fuck up!

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:31 pm
by smackaholic
It is a public pool, from what I gather. They have the right to use it. They don't have the right to exclude others, imo. Let's say a group of white supremacists tried to reserve the pool for white folks. How far would they get with that one?

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:39 pm
by Nishlord
They could have the bottom half.

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:40 am
by titlover
smackaholic wrote:It is a public pool, from what I gather. They have the right to use it. They don't have the right to exclude others, imo. Let's say a group of white supremacists tried to reserve the pool for white folks. How far would they get with that one?
if the pool allows private reservations for a set period of time, whta's the big deal?

Re: Have you pledged alliegence to allah yet, Nish?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:26 pm
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:It is a public pool, from what I gather. They have the right to use it. They don't have the right to exclude others, imo.

Just sitting here scratching my head, trying to figure out why your opinion has any bearing whatsoever on the rights British citizens may or may not have.