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PDAs anyone use one if so, what?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:23 pm
by Mister Bushice
I'm thinking of getting one. I've gotten so busy and am on the go constantly. I need a mobile secretary just to keep track of stuff. I was looking at the Dell Axim X-30. It has good reviews, and is under $400.

Anyone using one? I'm not into spending $1,000 on one that will do everything and wipe my ass too, but these affordable units seem to have all the features I'd need, but since I've never used one before, I'm asking.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:52 pm
by ElTaco
Also check out the HP Ipaq line. They have some nice ones sub 400 and in the 400-500 range as well.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:31 pm
by Mister Bushice
They didn't rank as high as the dell models.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:38 pm
by TheArtist
Treo 600 - PDA and cell phone.

I've tried both the Samsung, and the Siemens Pocket PC phones - their range sucks.

Treo is awesome. We just helped sprint sell 60 of the 600's with upgrades to 650's in a short while.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:57 pm
by Mister Bushice
Sprint does not have full coverage in California. Major cities yes, but there are major gaps in between. I have a verizon phone that works virtually everywhere in this state, so I would be more likely to go with a separate PDA unit. I have had great luck with dell products.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:45 pm
by ElTaco
Yesterday someone came in asking about PDAs and the only thing I could tell her (french-canadian hottie) that she should make sure the software she wants/needs on it is available. A lot of people buy these tools in the medical field to run medical dictionaries and Med reference software on them so I told her to look into that some. You can get good palms and winCE devices but the big question is make sure you choose one that will be usefull for the tasks you need it for.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:31 am
by Donovan
TheArtist wrote:Treo 600 - PDA and cell phone.

I've tried both the Samsung, and the Siemens Pocket PC phones - their range sucks.

Treo is awesome. We just helped sprint sell 60 of the 600's with upgrades to 650's in a short while.
Rack! I've been wanting a Treo for awhile but the wireless provider I use doesn't carry them. I may switch when my contract runs out so I can get one. I use my Palm Zire 71 all the time and it would be nice to have those features available in my phone so that I would only need to carry one device.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:41 am
by Mister Bushice
ElTaco wrote:Yesterday someone came in asking about PDAs and the only thing I could tell her (french-canadian hottie) that she should make sure the software she wants/needs on it is available. A lot of people buy these tools in the medical field to run medical dictionaries and Med reference software on them so I told her to look into that some. You can get good palms and winCE devices but the big question is make sure you choose one that will be usefull for the tasks you need it for.
From what I read, I didn't get the impression that they had a lot of memory storage space for large programs. I was looking for one that would have an address book / calendar, a way to keep/take notes, send/reply e-mail, interface well with my home box, perhaps a word processor type program but that's not totally necessary.

pretty much it.

I think that is just about any of those suckers.

Hey Donovan, what features you use on the Palm Zire 71?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:06 am
by Donovan
I use it as my primary contacts list.

I read e-books (I have the entire Calvin & Hobbes collection stored as a pdf on an SD card, as well as a dozen novels) and play games when I have a few minutes to kill.

I use it as a dietary planner, tracking what meals I eat and how much I exercise.

I track my appointments, and it makes an excellent travel alarm.

I have a couple dictionaries on it that really come in handy, as well as a bible for when I'm in need.

I used to use it as an mp3 player before I got my iRiver.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:40 pm
by Bobby42

Seriously thinking about getting the Nextel Blackberry 7520. Hate carrying two phones (business & personal) along with my iPaq. I can also read my home Outlook mail, plus my business email.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:14 pm
by ElTaco
That thing is sweet. I know a number of people who have it and they love it, except its kind of big so they usually don't use it for a phone. You can look for the newer blackberry though. Much smaller.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:52 am
by Bobby42
Company finally got it for me. Been using it for the past week. Nice.

I have no problem with the phone function. Except, I found out it only allows one phone line. If you have a strict company policy on personal cell phone use, you're stuck carrying a 2nd phone. Same here. So, I got the i830 camera phone.

Email on the Blackberry kicks ass. If you're on the go and need to stay close to the office..this is the thing. Still hanging with my iPaq Pocket PC. It contains the bulk of my info, especially the Word documents I want to carry with me.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:09 am
by Mister Bushice
what are the associated costs with the blackberry?

net access
phone charges, minutes, etc.

Also, Nextell has crappy state wide coverage here. does anyone else, like verizon, offer something similar?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:59 pm
by Bobby42
Mister Bushice wrote:what are the associated costs with the blackberry?

net access
phone charges, minutes, etc.

Also, Nextell has crappy state wide coverage here. does anyone else, like verizon, offer something similar?
You can get the 7520 pretty cheap. Check out Corporate use is the way to go. A friend of mine purchased the Blackberry for personal use..and recently he admitted he's using it below it's potential. He was paying about $100 a month for services. If you have a business or deal with alot of contacts...this is it for you.

I've talked with folks with the Verizon version of Blackberry. A little smaller but the Nextel phone function works alot better. I already had a Nextel phone and weighed the factors between a Verizon & Nextel Blackberry. Nextel won.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:25 pm
by TenTallBen
In with a Blackberry 7290. Work pays for unlimited data transfer and 2000 minutes a month talk time. They even let me get the Jabra wireless headset. RACK my job!


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:18 pm
by Bobby42
Heard that. You can hands-free talk from a distance of 30 ft with the wireless headset using the Bluetooth feature.

My job disabled the Bluetooth because of the risk of hackers siphoning data from your Blackberry or any other device so equipped. Apparently, Bluetooth devices detect one another when in close proximity.

That's the line from IT support which might be bullshit.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:18 pm
by ElTaco
Its not bullshit, of course its not that easy to hack bluetooth, but a while back some peeps in the UK did discover a way to do it. I don't remember if those hacks were addressed yet.

Just make sure you have good passwords set up so your naked pictures don't end up on the web like Ms. Hilton's did.