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Re: troll poker tourney

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:09 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Count me out... I don't do internet poker. Half of my game is non-existant on line. I put people on cards and pick up tells. That's my forte and it isn't possible over a computer. Sorry.

Re: troll poker tourney

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:20 pm
by Adelpiero

probably be better to do it on fulltilt or ultimate bet or poker stars?

message moby, buckeye in sc, etc i know they play online poker!

Re: troll poker tourney

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:05 am
by Moby Dick
i'm in.

i'd much rather lose my :bode: to some trolls rather than some assholes online.

just send me a message where an when..maybe start a monthly tourney? LK used to run a pretty solid one a couple years ago.

Re: troll poker tourney

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 1:41 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
I play at PokerStars after I got $530 in tourney dollars when I finished 13th in a satellite for the $530 sunday million they were running two weeks ago...they had server problems and for two full levels I couldn't see my cards and had my blinds constantly stolen. I bitched that had I been able to play I might have gotten in the top 12 which got the $530 buy in...

so I got about $300 left...I am with Moby...I would rather lose to trolls then the random asshole who calls me down with A/J on a 9/k/10 board after I flopped a set and raised him and bet out on the turn and he chased a gut shot...

at least if it happens here I can just post stupid posts about the troll donkey...

so Poker Stars I think is easier to set up private tourneys...maybe we can do a $10 buy in No Limit and maybe a $10 buy in PLO???

my screen name on Poker Stars is BuckeyeMikeB

Re: troll poker tourney

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:05 pm
by Adelpiero
we need someone to get it organized, LK usually did, but he's gone it seems.

have it stickied on main forum. try to get 1 full table, or a 2 table tourney!

Re: troll poker tourney

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:21 pm
by Dinsdale
If the timing works out, I'd play if it was Full Tilt. That's the only site I have a cash account, and my rule won't change for any tourney, troll or otherwise -- I won't deposit money.

Full Tilt is all house/freeroll money. A stack which has grown pretty deece lately.