Aussies challenge the Limeys in Pervolympics

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Aussies challenge the Limeys in Pervolympics

Post by Cuda »

Australian Liberal Party Leader Survives Seat-Sniffing Confession
Liberals certainly do have some interesting proclivities. Troy Buswell of the Liberal Party has survived a challenge to his position as Western Australian Opposition Leader after admitting to sniffing the chair of a female colleague.

Grovels a chastised Buswell:

I'm certainly focused on making sure that I improve my behavior as required.
Fortunately for Buttsmell, his loyal wife defends his seat-sniffing indiscretion. But former Liberal Party lead Paul Omodei warns there are more Buswell revelations to come.

Buswell is also known to have chased the same female colleague around his office on his hands and knees. No doubt Slick Willie feels his pain

"Moral behaviour? Preposterous. I boned him up the ass myself just the other day"
~anonymous British MP defending a colleague
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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