mvscal wrote:Risa wrote:So a man like Canadian
Maher Arar would get like razor blades against his dick.... but Saddam would get tea.
You will have to take that up with the Syrians and, the last time I saw him, Saddam was dangling from the end of a rope. That doesn't sound like much of a tea party to me.
The incidents at Abu Ghraib were criminal actions not policy. Those were prosecuted and the perpetrators were convicted.
The perpetrators were sacrificial lambs, and that shit was done for the Americans. Outsourcing: it's not just for IT. From everything I've read, American soldiers were given the haziest of instructions in an effort to divorce the realities of their job with the desires of people at the top who were demanding them to do that job. Political plausible deniability is a sham, and only the lower peons enlisted to carry the shit out --- JUST LIKE THE LOWER PEONS WHO BORE THE TORTURE -- bore the worst of it. The CIA rolls through Abu Ghraib and doesn't say anything. No one says anything until a peon whistlerblower says this is enough.
The only reason why the patsy perpetrators were sacrificed is because public opinion was against what the peon whistlerblower revealed. This was not an internal investigation from the beginning to make sure things were done right. That's the difference.
Yeah, Saddam dangled from a rope, mvscal. Saddam was not
hobbled butt-nekkid while a makeshift dildo was forced up his ass. Saddam did not die while being beaten in order to make him 'give up information'. Saddam was not forced to wear women's panties over his head. And yet Saddam held the most sensitive information of all. Please explain that shit. If torture is about getting information to save lives........... then why are those who don't hold any information most likely to be tortured, while those who hold real information are most likely to be treated with deference? What the fuck?
Besides, what were you yourself trying to do when you fed Iraqis pork MREs? There are different kinds of torture, you freelanced a 'softer' kind. Waterboarding is 'hard' torture. Would you have done it? Would you have wanted it done to you?
And Sudden Sam, have you not ever been handcuffed? maybe you haven't, but I have (boring story). Can you imagine what it's like to be handcuffed while people are beating on you at the same time, and you can't do a damned thing? maybe you can, but I can't. They want you to give up information you don't have? And when the beatings do stop, your torturers are pulling the softer psychological crap of making a mockery of your cultural sense of dignity, decorum and 'places a civilized person just don't go'? And this is to go on with no end in sight? That's hell, Sam, particularly if you're innocent.
Sleep deprivation is a very ancient form of torture, Sam. When the body doesn't get the sleep it needs, it starts to fuck up, you begin to hallucinate, your ability to react slows way the fuck down. I remember one time when I worked for 30 hours straight, went from one job to the other, and by near the end of it I was fucked up. I could not concentrate. I could not 'hear'. I could not 'see'. Time did weird shit. The only time I got alert was after having vomited red all over myself, my steering wheel, my seat and the parking lot. I was shaking, because just before that I thought I was homefree I could go home and rest. I had to call someone to make sure I was well enough to make it home ok (I was very aware after that, and didn't want to wait in my own vomit for someone to come pick me up. I just wanted to go home). That was by choice.
I absolutely cannot imagine being forced to stay awake in an all black room, not knowing where I am, not knowing if anyone is going to rescue me, not knowing what my torturers want me to say or do, not knowing anything except that I can't rest and this is painful. That is torture, Sam. That is physical and psychological torture.
Extreme temperature fluctuations, hot and cold water torture, that shit IS torture! Why aren't the Jews speaking out more against this shit? What's the point of remembering the holocaust if the shit that happened in it is just repeated, even if it's repeated on one's enemies? Or does it have to get to 'zyklon b and gas ovens' before people are allowed to say 'this is real torture'.
Look at some of the photos at that human rights site; or the salon gallery, Sam.
What could Manadel al-Jamadi ever do to justify THAT photo, while a Saddam who held real information is treated to soft rooms, deferential treatment, and tea? al-Jamadi is DEAD, Sam. What information did he hold, that helped the war on Terror? the same information Mahar Arar held? will we ever know?
Meanwhile, John McCain, who should know better than anyone that torture is bullshit, and who still obviously bears the psychological scars of what happened to him those first nights he was tortured before he BROKE DOWN and gave the Viet Cong everything it asked for, doing it while he could only engage in token gestures against his captors to prove there was still some spirit to him yet -- McCain backflips and suddenly says that torture is fine. For whom? Who got to him?
You can't tell me, Sam, that if this shit were happening to an American, or to one of your own family members, that you would still roll your eyes and smirk. I don't believe it, Sam. What's been happening in the name of 'The War on Terror' is an abomination. And that's why the US cannot really cry foul when assholes chop off the fingers of US soldiers and contractors to make a point, or chop off people's heads. It's the nastier version of the US not being able to say a damn thing when Myanmar says 'leave us alone fuck you' after a devastating cyclone.
PSUFan, I set up a different thread because torture doesn't belong in a gay marriage thread. That's a thread jacking that needed to be separated from an already enlightening thread that didn't need to go out of control. What I did was a form of true moderating. Mvscal was WRONG, and you were right. If you don't like me telling you that you were right, PSUFan, then fuck you.