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Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:28 am
by Dan Vogel
Has anyone here heard or participated in such a thing? My wife's friend Rebecca and her husband Stan recently went to one and it's become clear that my wife was very interested by all that Rebecca said about it. My wife has brought it up a couple of times in the past week and I sort of listend and attempted to shrug it away. R and S (for short) went away to a couples "get away place" with a group of other couples and a few counselors on Friday after work. They stayed for two nights and returned on Sunday evening. It seems that Rebecca raved about it and said that it has sparked a renewal in their marriage. They've been married for about 12 years I think.
I don't see any problem in my marriage and we've been together for just over 15 years now. Of course little things always nag at both partners in a marriage but maybe my wife sees some need to attend a relationship workshop like R and S did. Maybe she's secretly more unhappy about some things than I know. Or maybe she just heard what Rebecca said and it set off a lightbulb in her head. I don't know. I don't like the idea of blowing a whole weekend away even though it's just one weekend out of 52 in a year. I'd rather do someting with the kids or go hiking or take pictures or just veg out and watch tv too on the weekend. But if my wife keeps bringing it up then I know that means that she really would like to try the workshop so I think I'll have to give in and go for it. I'm not great friends with Stan but maybe I can get a word with him and aks him his opinion.
If anyone has participated or heard of such a thing then weigh in here. I'll appreciate your replies.
Have a nice rest of the week!
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:29 pm
by Wolfman
Sounds like touchy/feelie stuff. Not for me. Send the kids to Grandma and take your wife
someplace she'd really like to go; and treat the wife like a queen !
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:37 pm
by Goober McTuber
“Relationship workshop” are code words for “wife-swapping party”. I think you should give it a shot. You might hook up with a hottie, and it would free up a weekend for mvscal.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:05 pm
R and S (for short) better pray Moorese doesn't see that.
Dan, in order to respond with substance, I'm going to need you to describe your wife's vagina for the board. Detail it fully. Don't be shy or embarrassed, most of us have seen it already. Have the kegels been working for her?
Now is the time to come forward and let us help
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:10 pm
by atomicdad
Dan, me and the wife went to one of these things a few years in Palm Springs. It was all abunch of touchy feely bullshit all day Saturday. That evening we went to dinner with two other couples, Mark and Suzzane, and Leo and Lisa, and enjoyed some fine grub. Towards the end of the meal Mark said he had some wine back at in their suite and invited us all back to drink up and further conversation. After a couple of hours we were were out so me and Mark decided to go get another bottle and some beers. We couldn't have been gone for more than 20 minutes when we get back and Suzzanne the buxom blonde had her top off and Lisa, a cute little asian gal was cupping her boobs in her hands saying, "I guess they are real, I wouldn't have believed it". Me and Mark are like, hey, hey whats going on her. Next thing clothes are flying everywhere Lisa is riding on my cock while i'm mawing through a blonde snatch that is straddling my face and my wife is getting drilled from behind with Marks 10" pole. I nutted once before I realized Leo had split. We asked Lisa what was up and she said he was probbaly embarrassed because he has a tiny penus. This continued on for a good couple more hours. The next day we all blew off the Sunady sessions, Mark and I went golfing and the gals went shopping, or so they said, we beleive they never left the hotel and had a rug munching session. Never saw Leo again. The next week my wife mentioned that was fun but she was sore for a week, "Mark was too big, i'm just fine with what you bring to the plate."
Our relationship hasn't been better since we went to that conference. So Dan give it a shot, well unless you have a small pecker, we heard that Lisa filed for divorce not more than a month later.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:21 pm
by White Cock
"Relationship workshop" is code word for fuck-with-weak-people's-minds and take-their-money and make them compulsive about getting others into the program.
Anybody remember lifespring? How many families and people did they fuck up for greed.
There is hell awaiting them, along with the racists.
Run like a motherfucker if you value your current relationship.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:32 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
describe your wife's vagina
Barely broken in.
Dan's wife's asshole
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:48 am
by Risa
Jsc810 wrote:
If she brought it up, then you have a problem, or at least she thinks there is a problem. Good luck with that.
A lot of stupid fucks posted in this thread;
Jsc is not a stupid fuck, Jsc is money. Dude, Dan talk to your wife, man. She's angry about something, and she's assuming that you not only know what she's angry about -- but that you're ignoring it on purpose. Don't let her believe that, if you honestly have no idea why she's pissed off.
And don't let her pull that 'everything is fine' or weasel out of it with the girly girl shit. Tell her you know what it means to be asked to attend one of those things, and you want to fix whatever it was you did or did not do because you love her and she's the most important thing, the most important person, in your life and always will be. And if she starts pulling that shit that 'it's not you, it's me', reassure her why it isn't. Focus on her positives and you loving her.
By the way, when's the last time you told her you love her?
(and that's four in a row. i'm out.)
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:43 am
by Tom In VA
Either that or tongue her butthole. At least tease it a little bit and work the taint a little. She'll appreciate it.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:57 am
by .m2
Risa wrote: Jsc is not a stupid fuck, Jsc is money.
Annie made me laugh.
Thank you, Annie.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:28 am
by atomicdad
Risa wrote:
A lot of stupid fucks posted in this thread
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:03 am
by Terry in Crapchester
atomicdad wrote:Marks 10" pole
This one's been up for what, 19 hours or so, and yet no Irie Lagos reset yet? Damn, you people are slipping.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:42 am
by Dan Vogel
Risa and Jsc810, I have a very good relationship with my wife. I tell her I love her sometimes. I don't think she's angry about anything. I think that she just heard very nice things from Rebecca about the workshop and believes that our own marriage could be even better than it already is. I can go to the dumb thing if I really have to but like I said I'd rather spend my weekend on something else. I'm going to call Stan this week though and hear what he has to say himself. Once in a while my wife gets an idea in her head and she can't shut it off no matter what. I'm afraid this is one of those things.
I'll let you know more as it develops and thanks for your input. The rest of you can suck an egg.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:23 pm
by Goober McTuber
Risa wrote:A lot of stupid fucks posted in this thread;
Right. Then you had to come in and show that when it comes to stupid, you wear the crown.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:19 pm
The rest of you can suck an egg.
When your wife is ovulating, we'll have an omelet party.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
So, Dan, is your wife a squirter? Do I need to take this to the "Ask Dan Vogel" thread?
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:16 pm
by Risa
Terry in Crapchester wrote:atomicdad wrote:Marks 10" pole
This one's been up for what, 19 hours or so, and yet no Irie Lagos reset yet? Damn, you people are slipping.
Dan, I'm telling you, man, something is up. Females don't think 'oh that would be a neat idea' about relationship seminars unless they think there's a problem.......or there's a cruise involved. If there's no cruise, trip to Vail, or tiffany boxes involved in going to this thing, start talking to your wife to figure out what's really going on in her head. If there's no door prize/vacation, why is she trying to impress her friend? what's in it for her friend? what's in it for her?
Just err on the side of safety, man. And tell her you love her more often.
And Terry, yeah, folks are slipping LOL Must be the pre-Memorial Day binges.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:59 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
You want him to LIE?? He's doesn't love her. He's only in it for the tax breaks.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:54 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dan Vogel wrote:I can go to the dumb thing if I really have to but like I said I'd rather spend my weekend on something else.
like, say, one of your kids?
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:57 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
See Dan? No matter what you do, it's inevitable that mvscal's junk will find its way into your miserable little life. And you won't even fucking stand up for yourself because you're a damn COWARD.
(just kidding. please don't call the feds again)
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:08 am
by Dan Vogel
Jsc 810 I don't know how many times a day I tell my wife I love her. When those words come to my brain I say them to her. She knows I love her. I have devoted my entire life to her for crying out loud. Come on this is just nuts. She can go to the relationship workshop by herself if that is her attitude.
Risa maybe I can say the magic words to her more often if that is what she needs to hear. I just think that my life actions are plenty enough. Women are a different breed I guess. I did call Stan and am meeting him on the secret for coffee and donuts on Saturday morning. So I can pick his brain some and find out more about what is going on.
Thanks for your concern.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:19 am
by Risa
Dan Vogel wrote:I just think that my life actions are plenty enough.
it ain't, dude. just trust. easiest fix in the world: say it more often, as you're doing all those little things to show her you care. and the biggest thing you can do is make sure that you're both on the same page because what you think is enough may not be what she thinks is enough. men are from mars, women are from venus, incompatible languages sometimes. parallel tracks, but sometimes the rails cross at the wrong times even though you both think you're going in the right direction with one another.
anyway, you know what's going on better than any of us. the update should be interesting. can't wait to read it, for myself. good luck, dan. oh yeah, and while you're picking stan's brain........................ wifey's brain matters more in the final analysis. in my opinion. the married dudes and married chicks here may or may not have different opinions. again, good luck, man.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:22 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
the update should be interesting. can't wait to read it, for myself.
The update should be "funny" not interesting, you goddamn idiot.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:22 pm
by Goober McTuber
Risa wrote:Dan Vogel wrote:I just think that my life actions are plenty enough.
it ain't, dude. just trust. easiest fix in the world: say it more often, as you're doing all those little things to show her you care. and the biggest thing you can do is make sure that you're both on the same page because what you think is enough may not be what she thinks is enough. men are from mars, women are from venus, incompatible languages sometimes. parallel tracks, but sometimes the rails cross at the wrong times even though you both think you're going in the right direction with one another.
anyway, you know what's going on better than any of us. the update should be interesting. can't wait to read it, for myself. good luck, dan. oh yeah, and while you're picking stan's brain........................ wifey's brain matters more in the final analysis. in my opinion. the married dudes and married chicks here may or may not have different opinions. again, good luck, man.
Dan Vogel getting relationship advice from Ignorant Grandstander. This should work out nicely.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:32 pm
So Dan, now you're lying to her and meeting this freak Stan on the sly. Now you've introduced a layer of dishonesty into the mix...and you'll have to suffer the consequences. I bet Stan will blackmail you after this meeting is concluded.
Just remember - the feds guarding your house are on her side, not yours...thanks to the primo hummers she gives out when they snap their fingers.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:43 pm
by Dan Vogel
I had my meeting with Stan going back a couple of Saturdays ago and he filled me in on things about the relationship workshop that he and his wife Rebecca attended. Very long story short it got me a little worried. He said it was pretty much an alright time except for one thing. What happened was he and his wife did many things together like cooking, games, outdoor activites, movies and other things. And they also did things together as a group with the other couples. And they had a couple large counseling seminars with all of the couples that attended. This was all sounding fine.
But then he told me that he and his wife had a couple private counseling sessions and he himself had one solo counseling session too. And the counselor was a woman. This was the problem because he said the counselor and his wife definitely ganged up on him. And the whole thing was geared toward having him change his behavior as a husband. He brought up some points that he wasn't that thrilled with about his wife but the counselor quickly dismissed those and they continued to direct it all toward him having to change his own behavior. So he couldn't do much at that time except just nod and agree and go along with the whole format. And he had to make a written "plegde" with a list of five behavior modifications that would be pleasing to his wife. And as he told it Rebecca didn't have to do any such thing. So now that it's all over his wife is always holding those five things over his head and making him live up to them. Or else.
The ironic thing is my wife again brought up the workshop to me as I knew she would. And the date is July 26-28. I really couldn't fight her on this so I just ended up going along with it. So she signed us up. It's not that cheap either. And the kids are still on summer vacation that time so we have to get someone to watch them for 3 days. The whole thing has got me confused and flustered a little bit. But I'm going to roll with it. I don't see another option now.
Thanks for any encouraging feedback and have a nice rest of the week!
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:59 pm
by Wolfman
You were warned. Lotsa luck !
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:23 pm
Dan, rack your wife for keeping the local charlatans in business. Very big of her!
By the way, it turns out she's a squirter after all! It took some doing, but the other night I finally coaxed a little clear plume out of her box. You should have heard her squeal! It was pretty cute. Next up? Getting her to soak down the mattress with her pleasure juices. The house might be a little foggy when you get back from the halfway house. If I see you on the way out, and I end up cuffing you across the temple, don't take it too hard...I don't mean much by it.
By the way, you're starting to walk with a noticeable limp. You might want to go a little easy in the bathhouse this week, and only invite mvscal over every other day rather than hourly.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:38 pm
You are fucked no matter how you cut it....
On the other hand, if you choose the wife swap beware of the clap.....
Your Grandparents would shoot your ass if you told them "i'm going a relationship workshop"
Dude you're not building a roof or setting tile....
Fucking pansy
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:44 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dan Vogel wrote:And the kids are still on summer vacation that time so we have to get someone to watch them for 3 days.
I'm sure mvscal would have some free time to help out with that.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:51 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I'd like to suggest a competition...who has the better FAMILY-OFF! Phoenix Rob vs Dan Vogel. The winning family gets free dinner at the fucking OLIVE GARDEN where you're welcome to beat your fat whore of a wife in front of public stare without repercussion.
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:59 pm
First off
Coffee through the nose sucks......Man I miss Phoenix Rob
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:18 am
by Dan Vogel
Thanks Jsc810. You offer some good advice and insight. I'll see if I can muster up the courage to approach her the way you suggest. Maybe after a couple of stiff drinks. I know my wife and she's not the type of person to try to gain some advantage over me. We're partners and we approach things that way. I just think her friend has planted a seed of interest in her brain and to her this kind of workshop is too good of a thing to pass up on. I'll let you know how it goes.
No thanks to most of the rest of you and especially PSUFAN and mvcsal. Do the moderators not do anything with this board? PSUFAN has never had anything to say to me when a discussion is legitimite. It's always the same very sick treehouse adolescent chatter that makes no sense to anyone I'm sure. Can we give him a time out or just keep him off my posts? I really don't come here for this. Thanks.
Mvcsal you might be a cromagnon man or something but nobody deals with their wife or children the way you advocate. Drag her around by the hair and belt your kids around too. Yes I still occassionally use corporal punishment for the kids but only as a last resort and nobody likes it. Maybe you want your family to fear you but it only plants a seed of disrespect in their heart. I love my wife and children and as I said my wife is my partner. You should examine yourself. That's all.
Have a great weekend!
Re: Relationship workshop
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:15 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dan Vogel wrote:. I just think her friend has planted a seed of interest in her brain
No, that happened when mvscal skullfucked her.
it only plants a seed of disrespect in their heart.
That one was during the titty fuck. The seed is strong in that one.