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It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:55 pm
by SunCoastSooner,2933,356861,00.html" onclick=";return false;
WICHITA, Kan. — Four Hispanic families are suing St. Anne's Catholic School over a policy that requires students to speak English at all times while at school.

The lawsuit, filed Monday, calls for an end to the policy and asks for an order barring similar policies at other diocese schools. It seeks the return of one student to the school who was allegedly kicked out for refusing to sign the "English only" pledge. And it asks for court costs and unspecified damages for discrimination and emotional suffering.

"Language is an essential characteristic of one's national origin," according to the complaint filed in the case. "The ban on Spanish at St. Anne's created an atmosphere of intimidation, inferiority and isolation for Hispanic students."

The lawsuit was filed by parents Mike and Clara Silva, Maria and Fermin Fernandez, Guadalupe Cruz-Tello and Alma Contreras on behalf of themselves and their minor children. It names as defendants St. Anne Catholic School, Principal Margaret Nugent, St. Anne Catholic Parish and the Catholic Diocese of Wichita.

"I think if one school is granted their wish by not allowing their students to speak another language, then other schools will follow suit," Mike Silva said.

Diocese spokesman Fred Solis called the lawsuit unfortunate, saying the church has historically offered support and services to minorities and spoken out for immigrant rights.

The diocese has said the school enacted the policy in response to four students who were using Spanish to bully others and to put down teachers and administrators.

The majority of the school's 243 students are white. It has 75 Hispanic students, 27 Asian students and two who are black.

The parents claim in their lawsuit that since the school receives federal money for its free and reduced-price lunch program, it is subject to federal anti-discrimination laws. The district contends it is the students who receive the federal funding.

The students named in the lawsuit are bilingual U.S. citizens with no disciplinary records, court documents contend.

Lawyers for the Hispanic families contend bullying was not the initial reason the school enacted the policy, citing a letter the school sent saying that the more students are immersed in the English language the better their chance for improvement and success.

"One real problem that I think the plaintiffs have with the policy is not just that it's a bad policy, but that the justification keeps changing," said Christopher M. McHugh, an attorney for the families. "When one doesn't work, you move on to the next reason."

In a letter to the families' lawyer, diocese attorney Jay Fowler suggested the lawsuit would become a divisive issue for the community.

"The politicization of what basically is a disagreement between a parent and a school will most likely morph into an anti-immigrant sentiment, thereby undermining the effects of both our clients," he wrote.
If you don't want to abide by a private schools policies then send your children to public school or find another private school for them to attend!

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:38 pm
by Mikey
Those kids are prolly getting a free ride at that school as well.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:53 pm
by Tom In VA
I think the answer is in your post SunCoast.

The school is fair game I guess because it receives money from the gubmint for lunches and stuff.

Total bullshit, except for the fact the lawyer will get paid and the latinos some dinero if they win. That's the real reason they're suing.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:35 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:The school is fair game I guess because it receives money from the gubmint for lunches and stuff.
That's where you should have stopped. They're fair game because they CHOOSE to take federal and state money. End of story.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:18 pm
by Mister Bushice
What about the Asians and Blacks? If they're gonna allow spanish, I think they need to allow japanese, tagalog, vietnamese, korean, and ebonics as well. Lets be fair about this.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:23 pm
by Risa
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:The school is fair game I guess because it receives money from the gubmint for lunches and stuff.
That's where you should have stopped. They're fair game because they CHOOSE to take federal and state money. End of story.
This is the point where the school stops taking federal money...... or creates ESL programs for the illegals. I don't know why the illegals and their parents are offended that their children are learning english and that the school is 'english only'. Their children are not handicapped, and as stated earlier there are other options in their community -- like going to a public school. If the public school has a superior ESL program, why aren't they going there? I think that will have to be proven on either side. It is not a right to attend private school, it's a privilege.

What exactly are the parents and their attorneys trying to do, besides reap a payday? What is the point of this? if the parents are not paying the school but are taking financial aid in order to attend, it's even less ethical (though still legal) for them to demand the school do as they say.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:24 pm
by BSmack
Mister Bushice wrote:What about the Asians and Blacks? If they're gonna allow spanish, I think they need to allow japanese, tagalog, vietnamese, korean, and ebonics as well. Lets be fair about this.
I'm pretty sure that's the point of the lawsuit. The students are simply asking for the right to speak their language amongst themselves. IMO, if the use of Spanish is so damn disruptive, then mandate all students and teachers learn Spanish. That way, when little Jose calls someone a name, the other kids and teachers will know it. But hey, leave it to the RCC to turn to repression and ignorance when the chips are down.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:32 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:What about the Asians and Blacks? If they're gonna allow spanish, I think they need to allow japanese, tagalog, vietnamese, korean, and ebonics as well. Lets be fair about this.
I'm pretty sure that's the point of the lawsuit. The students are simply asking for the right to speak their language amongst themselves. IMO, if the use of Spanish is so damn disruptive, then mandate all students and teachers learn Spanish. That way, when little Jose calls someone a name, the other kids and teachers will know it. But hey, leave it to the RCC to turn to repression and ignorance when the chips are down.

I went to Catholic schools from K-12 grade. My grade school had signs in Spanish back in the late 70's - early 80's. The hispanics with whom I went to school spoke Spanish at home and English in school. In fact, their parents encouraged them to learn English so they could prosper in a country where English is the predominant language.

Go figure, Hispanic immigrants thinking more logically than pandering liberals.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:35 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:The students are simply asking for the right to speak their language amongst themselves. IMO, if the use of Spanish is so damn disruptive, then mandate all students and teachers learn Spanish.
If you want to live and work in this country, you need to learn English, fuckwad. And the best way to learn a language is to use it constantly.
And if you really want to get ahead in this world, you'll learn more than one language. That school has a golden opportunity to make all of their students truly bilingual and they're pissing it away.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:38 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:The students are simply asking for the right to speak their language amongst themselves. IMO, if the use of Spanish is so damn disruptive, then mandate all students and teachers learn Spanish.
If you want to live and work in this country, you need to learn English, fuckwad. And the best way to learn a language is to use it constantly.
And if you really want to get ahead in this world, you'll learn more than one language. That school has a golden opportunity to make all of their students truly bilingual and they're pissing it away.

So force them to speak English and Spanish only ? What about all the other languages and cultures ?

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:48 pm
by Mister Bushice
BSmack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:What about the Asians and Blacks? If they're gonna allow spanish, I think they need to allow japanese, tagalog, vietnamese, korean, and ebonics as well. Lets be fair about this.
I'm pretty sure that's the point of the lawsuit. The students are simply asking for the right to speak their language amongst themselves.
But they're using it for divisive purposes. That never works well.

How many lawsuits of this nature do you suppose are happening in other countries?

Only in America, and only by the mexicans.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:50 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:And if you really want to get ahead in this world, you'll learn more than one language. That school has a golden opportunity to make all of their students truly bilingual and they're pissing it away.
They don't live in "the world", idiot. They live in America where it is not even remotely necessary to be bilingual to get ahead. It's abundantly clear that they already know how to speak Spanish. What they need to learn HERE is English. End of story.
Try getting into a decent grad school without demonstrating some proficiency in another language. Or do you not have such lofty expectations for these kids?

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:10 pm
by Mister Bushice
BSmack wrote:
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:And if you really want to get ahead in this world, you'll learn more than one language. That school has a golden opportunity to make all of their students truly bilingual and they're pissing it away.
They don't live in "the world", idiot. They live in America where it is not even remotely necessary to be bilingual to get ahead. It's abundantly clear that they already know how to speak Spanish. What they need to learn HERE is English. End of story.
Try getting into a decent grad school without demonstrating some proficiency in another language. Or do you not have such lofty expectations for these kids?
That's bullshit. You don't need to be bilingual to get into EVERY decent grad school.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:35 pm
by Cuda
BSmack wrote:
Try getting into a decent grad school without demonstrating some proficiency in another language.
Try getting into a decent grad school without demonstrating some proficiency in english.


Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:52 pm
by BSmack
Cuda wrote:
BSmack wrote:
Try getting into a decent grad school without demonstrating some proficiency in another language.
Try getting into a decent grad school without demonstrating some proficiency in english.

Who was saying classes should not be taught in English? These kids are being punished for out of classroom behavior.

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 4:27 pm
by SunCoastSooner
BSmack wrote:
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:The students are simply asking for the right to speak their language amongst themselves. IMO, if the use of Spanish is so damn disruptive, then mandate all students and teachers learn Spanish.
If you want to live and work in this country, you need to learn English, fuckwad. And the best way to learn a language is to use it constantly.
And if you really want to get ahead in this world, you'll learn more than one language. That school has a golden opportunity to make all of their students truly bilingual and they're pissing it away.
I'd rather they learn Latin, Italian, german, Japanese, or even french... you know languages that are spoken in fellow industrialized nations or the basis of most western languages...

Re: It's a Private School!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:19 pm
by OCmike
SunCoastSooner wrote: I'd rather they learn Latin, Italian, german, Japanese, or even french... you know languages that are spoken in fellow industrialized nations or the basis of most western languages...
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winnah!

There's really no need to learn spanish in this country unless you plan on working in government social services in some capacity or some sub-$10/hour job such as dental office receptionist or some such.

These parents are doing an incredible disservice to their kids. The only method of learning a foreign language with proven long-term results is "immersion". Last time I checked, this does not include talking shit about your teachers or fellow students in your native language during breaks between classes.