the best part about the festival is it's an annual reunion for me with friends affiliated with scU-M and metro detroit. it's quite different now then it was when we were in college and going balls out, but it's still great. we all live far away and although many of us are by no means rich, we make the point of getting our asses to detroit for the weekend. well, at least one night. we are all glad to see each other and have an absolute blast dances our asses off, slumming around downtown and just living it up. who ever thought detroit urban squalor could be so much fun? i don't think any party will ever top the 5 am surprise at an abandoned restaurant near old tiger stadium in 04. that was out of control.
detroit is the birth place of techno and it represents like a bad motherfucker. not only is detroit the center of the techno universe every memorial weekend, but it's also the center of the sports world as well. stanley cup, eastern conference finals AND tigers in town this weekend. holy shit, downtown must be out of control. i won't claim detroit sports, but i'll claim detroit techno. RACK IT.