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Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:12 pm
by Sirfindafold

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:25 pm
by War Wagon
SirGulpaLoad makes another typical contribution.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:31 pm
by Tom In VA
I don't think so mvscal.

The historical inaccuracy is not going to be a big deal to his hordes of supporters. The "uncle" part, is a bit of a stretch. The passage you quoted is inconclusive. "Only daughter", could mean just that - 'only daughter'. Had the quote said "only child" there might be a small case, but even that is weak as some families have non-blood related people in them they refer to as "Aunt" or "Uncle".

Needless to say, it will boil down to a simple "Someone close to me in my youth was a soldier who was party to liberating a camp - I was in error when I said Auschwitz it was actually - Dachau". Or something like that and he'll slide.

My call is Hillary is out by June 3.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:43 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:He was feeling kind of left out during this weekend's Memorial Day observance. It must be kind of lonely hating on your country while everyone else is celebrating the men who made it great. Evidently, it must be such a lonely feeling that it compels one to tell lies in order to join in on the fun.
Dude, I'm sure there's a perfectly simple explanation...

Oh, yes... here it is:
Obama also spoke about his uncle, who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz. He said the family legend is that, upon returning from war, his uncle spent six months in an attic.
There you go. Everybody knows that with N.i.g.g.e.r.s, history is strictly an oral tradition; they eschew the written word

... therefore, the "attic" could very well have been a "closet" as well

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:56 pm
by Tom In VA
Yeah I just read the snippets you provided not the links.

The first piece has a link to the actual speech." onclick=";return false;. Don't know if it's the entire thing though.

Either way, I don't think this will damage him at all.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:15 pm
by Cuda
It's Nice Being More Equal Than Little People
The righteous wisdom of Barack Hussein Obama:

We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen.

Of course, he didn't say anything about letting our chauffeurs drive our SUVs:


Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:38 pm
by Tom In VA
Cuda wrote:
It's Nice Being More Equal Than Little People
The righteous wisdom of Barack Hussein Obama:

We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen.

Of course, he didn't say anything about letting our chauffeurs drive our SUVs:

C'mon Cuda be reasonable. Your average American doesn't NEED an S.U.V. and if they do, there will be proper paperwork available to have the state approve of an S.U.V. for those people. But politicians, actors, actresses, musicians, professors, and friends of same have to consume more energy than the average citizen. They have important work to do and that work is typically more important than your average American's.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:49 pm
by Wolfman
Hey--cut Barry-O some slack---he's going to bring the "change that B-Smack can believe in" !!

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:05 pm
by Tom In VA ... _article=1" onclick=";return false;

NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Barack Obama's campaign says the candidate made a mistake when he said a great uncle helped liberate the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz during World War II.
Obama said Monday that his uncle was among the first U.S. troops at Auschwitz. But Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet forces.

The campaign said Tuesday that he named the wrong camp. They said it was actually Buchenwald.

Aides said his grandmother's brother, Charlie Payne, helped liberate a Buchenwald sub-camp in April 1945 as part of the 89th Infantry Division.

Critics had been questioning Obama's original comment mentioning Auschwitz.
I think I can give Obama more of a pass on this one. It certainly isn't as egregious as GI Hillary's exploits in Bosnia.

While I forgot the notion of a "Great Uncle", this is what he apparently was.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:20 pm
by Mister Bushice
Looks like the youngest child has it about right:

"Will someone tell him to PLEASE SHUT the FUCK UP"?


Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:20 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Maybe his uncle was Russian.

As in...

"Why you always rushin' the black man, you honkey, blue-eyed devil!"

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:49 am
by Mister Bushice
You sure it wasn't just a family member at a state prison doing time deserved?

After all, the lines between concentration camps and a US prison are so hazy. It's so easy to confuse the two.

The attic part I get. Where else would an unemployed ex con end up but in his parents attic or basement?

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:05 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:Details are unimportant and, evidently, words don't matter at least they don't when Obumble is stepping all over his dick.
It plays to Obama's benefit that America is in a postliterate phase.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:39 am
by Dr_Phibes
helped liberate a Buchenwald sub-camp in April 1945
That sounds loaded.

He probably parked a jeep in an abandoned, service unit storage.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:53 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:He has "cleared everything up." It wasn't really his uncle and it wasn't really Auschwitz. It was some other relative at some other concentration camp.
It was his uncle. Unless you call your grandparent's brother by some other name. Nice to see the dittohonks have conceded on the issues and are already attempting to manufacture "gotcha moments".

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 4:35 pm
by Cuda
Lighten up, mvs... you know how all nigs look alike; he probably just thought it was his uncle.

on the other hand, it would have had to be an uncle on his white-trash-whore momma's side of the fambly and not the in-heat African babydaddy's side, since jigaboos weren't integrated into combat units until the Korean conflict. Cooks & Motor-Pool, yeah, but not combat- bad for morale & all that

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:35 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Gotcha moments? You mean gotcha moments like their being no record of his great uncle serving in the Army at all?
Charles W. Payne, born 1924, enlisted 10 Nov '42, Navy, 6293977 REgistered, order #12019, Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Board #4
Another day, another pathetic lie from the Obabble camp exposed.
WTF does that have to do with Obama's uncle?

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:40 pm
by Cuda
That's his fucking uncle (allegedly) you pathetic betwetter

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:01 pm
by BSmack
Cuda wrote:That's his fucking uncle (allegedly) you pathetic betwetter
Prove it.

BTW: You are aware that 1 in 8 WWII era enlistment records were never entered into electronic databases? All mv has is proof that someone named Charles Payne served in the Navy. That's it.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:13 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Prove that it isn't, fuckwit. His name is Charles W. Payne and he's from Kansas.

Go ahead and find a Charles W Payne from Kansas in the 89th Division in WW2.
Take your time." onclick=";return false;
Funny, I've heard that his names was Charles T. Payne. Anyway, the man is alive and living in Chicago. Which means the over under on some dittohead dipshit ambushing him for a story is about 2 hours ago.
Jon Payne, Obama’s maternal great uncle, told CNN that his older brother Charles returned from the war with photographs of concentration camps but did not want to talk about his experiences. Payne, 71, said he was unsure if his brother — who is 83 and still living in Chicago — took the photographs himself. ... e-mistake/" onclick=";return false;
Your holy grail of a gaffe is slipping away from you. Deal with it.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:48 pm
by Cuda
B-Monica wrote: Jon Payne, Obama’s maternal great uncle, told CNN that his older brother Charles returned from the war with photographs of concentration camps but did not want to talk about his experiences. Payne, 71, said he was unsure if his brother — who is 83 and still living in Chicago — took the photographs himself..
Monica, you poor misguided slut.

The point is that the only discoverable military record shows O'Bigot's "uncle" serving in the fucking NAVY, not the fucking ARMY (you do understand the difference, don't you?)

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:02 pm
by Tom In VA
Cuda wrote:
Monica, you poor misguided slut.
RACK The O.G. SNL reset.


Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:15 pm
by BSmack
Cuda wrote:Monica, you poor misguided slut.

The point is that the only discoverable military record shows O'Bigot's "uncle" serving in the fucking NAVY, not the fucking ARMY (you do understand the difference, don't you?)
No, the point is that Charlie Payne is still alive. My guess is that he might be able to set the record straight. Too bad about your hopes for a career ending gaffe going up in smoke. :lol:

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:48 pm
by Wolfman
Bri-- the Democrat Party is going to go down in the presidential election with a political lightweight at the top of the ticket---really pathetic for a party that had great leaders like FDR, Truman, and John Kennedy. Sadly soon to be President Elect John McCain will have no coat-tails to help my party regain the House. We will have at least four more years of obstruction and other chicanery in DC !
But you keep up the fight for your man Barry O--- it fits you well.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:03 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:Bri-- the Democrat Party is going to go down in the presidential election with a political lightweight at the top of the ticket---really pathetic for a party that had great leaders like FDR, Truman, and John Kennedy.
Funny you should mention FDR, Truman and JFK. As I recall, all were seen as "lightweights" before taking the oath of office. I'd say Obama is in good company.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:31 am
by Dr_Phibes
Who cares anyway? He's probably throwing out a holocaust reference to placate the yids.
I read somewhere that they're in a tizzy about his foreign policy adviser being that Polish guy with the unpronouncable name slagging off Israel.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:39 am
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Wolfman wrote:Bri-- the Democrat Party is going to go down in the presidential election with a political lightweight at the top of the ticket---really pathetic for a party that had great leaders like FDR, Truman, and John Kennedy.
Funny you should mention FDR, Truman and JFK. As I recall, all were seen as "lightweights" before taking the oath of office. I'd say Obama is in good company.
How ? FDR got us into a quagmire thats lasted over half a century, Truman made the rest of the world hate us by being the only country to use nuclear weapons AND got us into a quagmire in North Korea - that's still going on and JFK, inched us closer to Vietnam and really didn't do much to ingratiate us in the hearts and minds of the global community with his maverick approach to the Soviet Union.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:58 am
by War Wagon
Tom In VA wrote: FDR got us into a quagmire thats lasted over half a century, Truman made the rest of the world hate us by being the only country to use nuclear weapons AND got us into a quagmire in North Korea - that's still going on and JFK, inched us closer to Vietnam and really didn't do much to ingratiate us in the hearts and minds of the global community with his maverick approach to the Soviet Union.
Woah... lay off the suds there, Tom.

Are you drunk physically or metaphorically?

Or just trying to troll?

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:59 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Obama's making nice for the kikes to vote for a schwartze.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:46 am
by Cuda
Martyred wrote:Obama's making nice for the kikes to vote for a schwartze.
Reminds me of a joke

A 35 year old Jewish bachelor called his mother to tell her he just got married to a goyim

"Izzy, vhen you get into an argument, she'll call you "Damn Jew!, Damn Jew!"

"Mama, ve got an agreement. She don't call me Damn Jew, I von't call her Damn N-I-gger"

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:33 am
by Tom In VA
War Wagon wrote: Are you drunk physically or metaphorically?

Or just trying to troll?
Neither, this is serious business. If Obama is like three men who got us into major wars, killing 400K+, 36K+ and 58K+ then - get back Jo Jo.

Germany never attacked the U.S., Japan was given no alternative but to strike out against our imperialistic designs on Hawaii and the South Pacific as we made them starve with embargos, and the people of Korea long to be together under the utopia of Communism (Haven't you seen Phibes post the wonderful pictures of people in North Korea enjoying themselves, prospering, and living life to the fullest ?) while the South Koreans are oppressed by U.S. corporate patronization and assimiliation of U.S. culture.

FDR and Truman thrust us into the world stage like no other President has before. Much of what the U.S. has had to deal with in terms of Foreign Policy is a direct result of the "victory" in WWII. England, France, Netherlands, - Europe at large was so beaten they lost control over their "possessions" throughout the globe. Hooked on the resources provided by those "possessions" somebody had to step up to ensure those goodies flowed freely - else Western Civilization collapse. That somebody has predominantly been the U.S.. It got us into Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and countless skirmishes in between - all ending up killing Americans.

If I was a citizen of a developing country, I'd be more afraid of Obama than McCain. First, the Democrats - when they run a war - don't fuck around. They use nukes, incendiary bombs, and engage in total war. McCain knows first hand what it's like to fuck with little people in the developing world, run up to him and say "We have ways to make him talk" in Vietnamese (Chúng tôi có những cách để làm bạn nói).

Actually, BSmack might be onto something. If being feared and respected is better than being liked - we might just need a Democrat in office. Nobody's kicked more ass in the 20th Century than a Democrat Administration.

Obama might just be the man we need.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:35 am
by SunCoastSooner
Tom In VA wrote:
War Wagon wrote: Are you drunk physically or metaphorically?

Or just trying to troll?
Neither, this is serious business. If Obama is like three men who got us into major wars, killing 400K+, 36K+ and 58K+ then - get back Jo Jo.

Germany never attacked the U.S., Japan was given no alternative but to strike out against our imperialistic designs on Hawaii and the South Pacific as we made them starve with embargos, and the people of Korea long to be together under the utopia of Communism (Haven't you seen Phibes post the wonderful pictures of people in North Korea enjoying themselves, prospering, and living life to the fullest ?) while the South Koreans are oppressed by U.S. corporate patronization and assimiliation of U.S. culture.

FDR and Truman thrust us into the world stage like no other President has before. Much of what the U.S. has had to deal with in terms of Foreign Policy is a direct result of the "victory" in WWII. England, France, Netherlands, - Europe at large was so beaten they lost control over their "possessions" throughout the globe. Hooked on the resources provided by those "possessions" somebody had to step up to ensure those goodies flowed freely - else Western Civilization collapse. That somebody has predominantly been the U.S.. It got us into Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and countless skirmishes in between - all ending up killing Americans.

If I was a citizen of a developing country, I'd be more afraid of Obama than McCain. First, the Democrats - when they run a war - don't fuck around. They use nukes, incendiary bombs, and engage in total war. McCain knows first hand what it's like to fuck with little people in the developing world, run up to him and say "We have ways to make him talk" in Vietnamese (Chúng tôi có những cách để làm bạn nói).

Actually, BSmack might be onto something. If being feared and respected is better than being liked - we might just need a Democrat in office. Nobody's kicked more ass in the 20th Century than a Democrat Administration.

Obama might just be the man we need.

The democrats at that time were more conservative though as well Tom. Don't lose sight of that fact. That was a transition time in American politics. Previously it had been the Republicans that were the liberals and Democrats the conservatives.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:10 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Cuda wrote:Lighten up, mvs... you know how all nigs look alike; he probably just thought it was his uncle.
Of all Cuda posts, this one probably takes the cake.

The great-uncle was on Obama's mother's side, you imbecile. You know, the white side of the family.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:14 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
SunCoastSooner wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
War Wagon wrote: Are you drunk physically or metaphorically?

Or just trying to troll?
Neither, this is serious business. If Obama is like three men who got us into major wars, killing 400K+, 36K+ and 58K+ then - get back Jo Jo.

Germany never attacked the U.S., Japan was given no alternative but to strike out against our imperialistic designs on Hawaii and the South Pacific as we made them starve with embargos, and the people of Korea long to be together under the utopia of Communism (Haven't you seen Phibes post the wonderful pictures of people in North Korea enjoying themselves, prospering, and living life to the fullest ?) while the South Koreans are oppressed by U.S. corporate patronization and assimiliation of U.S. culture.

FDR and Truman thrust us into the world stage like no other President has before. Much of what the U.S. has had to deal with in terms of Foreign Policy is a direct result of the "victory" in WWII. England, France, Netherlands, - Europe at large was so beaten they lost control over their "possessions" throughout the globe. Hooked on the resources provided by those "possessions" somebody had to step up to ensure those goodies flowed freely - else Western Civilization collapse. That somebody has predominantly been the U.S.. It got us into Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and countless skirmishes in between - all ending up killing Americans.

If I was a citizen of a developing country, I'd be more afraid of Obama than McCain. First, the Democrats - when they run a war - don't fuck around. They use nukes, incendiary bombs, and engage in total war. McCain knows first hand what it's like to fuck with little people in the developing world, run up to him and say "We have ways to make him talk" in Vietnamese (Chúng tôi có những cách để làm bạn nói).

Actually, BSmack might be onto something. If being feared and respected is better than being liked - we might just need a Democrat in office. Nobody's kicked more ass in the 20th Century than a Democrat Administration.

Obama might just be the man we need.

The democrats at that time were more conservative though as well Tom. Don't lose sight of that fact. That was a transition time in American politics. Previously it had been the Republicans that were the liberals and Democrats the conservatives.
There was a transition time, but it wasn't during the FDR/Truman era. Democrats were more liberal than Republicans then.

The Republicans of FDR and Truman's era were roughly the equivalent of Bill Clinton viz. the Republican Congress of the 90's -- "me too, but not as much."

It was the Civil War/Reconstruction Era when the Republicans were the more liberal of the two parties. By the early 20th century, the two parties had pretty much switched positions.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:36 pm
by Wolfman
Come on Bri---calling FDR, Truman, and JFK "political lightweights" ??
Even Jack Kennedy had a seat in the House and won a re-election for the Senate before
running for POTUS. Truman and FDR's records before their presidential runs speak for themselves.

Where is Barry O's record in the national scene ??

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:21 pm
by Cuda
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Cuda wrote:Lighten up, mvs... you know how all nigs look alike; he probably just thought it was his uncle.
Of all Cuda posts, this one probably takes the cake.

The great-uncle was on Obama's mother's side, you imbecile. You know, the white side of the family.
You sound a little hypersensitive. Maybe you've got a white side to your family too?

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:49 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:When was the last time a Dem asked what you could do for your country instead of what your country can must do for you?
Pathetic really.
Are you fucking KIDDING?
MT. VERNON, Iowa - Democrat Barack Obama on Wednesday advocated a major expansion of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and other national service programs, saying "This will be a cause of my presidency."

The Illinois senator said that the government is not keeping pace with those who want to serve. "We will create new opportunities for all of us to serve," he said at a rally at Cornell College.

Obama evoked the memory of President John F. Kennedy and his Peace Corps volunteers. "JFK made their service a bridge to the developing world," he said." onclick=";return false;

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:42 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:More welfare programs wasn't what JFK had in mind. On...igger is no JFK.
Exactly what the fuck does this have to do with welfare?
  • * Expand AmeriCorps from its current 75,000 positions to 250,000, with new units to deal with education, clean energy, health care and homeland security.
    * Expand service programs involving retired individuals and those over age 55.
    * Double the size of the Peace Corps from its current 7,800 volunteers to 16,000 by its 50th anniversary in 2012.
    * Set goals for middle-school and high-school students to serve 50 hours a year of public service, and for college students to serve 100 hours a year.
You're flailing bitch. You're flailing hard.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:15 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:The Peace Corps and Americorps are welfare programs. How can you even pretend to deny that? They contribute absolutely nothing to the security or prosperity of the nation and serve no purpose other than to consume tax dollars.
What an absolutely pathetic attempt to move the goalposts. You start with invoking JFK and asking "When was the last time a Dem asked what you could do for your country instead of what your country can must do for you?" And you follow by bashing the very examples of Kennedy's "ask what you can do for you country" programs as nothing but welfare programs. Though I will allow that those programs are welfare for the recipients, it is absolutely asinine to debunk the service aspect of those programs for the volunteers who choose to give of their time.

Re: Obambi: Open mouth...Tell Lie

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:46 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Do you honestly believe that when JFK asked what you could do for your country he really meant how many tax dollars can you leach from the productive citizens of your country? Is that what he was trying to say?

Encouraging volunteerism is great, but both of those organizations are publically funded. It is straight up welfare and massive expansions of those programs neccessarily indicates a massive expansion of entitlement spending.

That is the diametric opposite of what JFK was talking about.
The Peace Corps, one of the cornerstones of the JFK legacy, one of the first examples of a state sponsored service organization in American history runs completely counter to the principles of service espoused in JFK's Inaugural Address? AmeriCorps, a service organization conceived as a domestic variant of the Peace Corps runs completely counter to the principles of service espoused in JFK's Inaugural Address?

Yea, whatever. You just can't bear the idea that a black man is going to be President.