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Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:35 pm
Atomic Punk has stated that he'll only respond to R-Jack pertaining to Tarp-sizedPantyGate.

This presents an interesting challenge to R-Jack...should he give AP the responses that he seeks, or should he just ignore him...thereby ending AP's involvement at T1B?

Please vote and comment.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:43 pm
Big and Black seems to be a persistent theme for you.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:43 pm
by Cuda
I think I've discovered AP's next re-location...
Girls' Locker Rooms Declared Open to Perverts in Colorado

Political correctness is a pervert's wet dream. To pander to the tiny but extremely aggressive transsexual lobby, Colorado has eliminated gender-specific restrooms and locker rooms throughout the state in the name of eliminating "discrimination" against transgendered weirdos. Now sexual predators need only say they feel like women inside to avail themselves of private female facilities.

James Dobson elaborates:

Henceforth, every woman and little girl will have to fear that a predator, bisexual, cross-dresser or even a homosexual or heterosexual male might walk in and relieve himself in their presence. The legislation lists every conceivable type of organization to which this law applies, including restaurants, bathhouses, massage parlors, mortuaries, theaters and "public facilities of any kind." Those who would attempt to protect females from this intrusion are subject to a fine of up to $5,000 and up to one year behind bars. This is your government in action.

Once again we see that when liberals say "tolerance," what they mean is ramming depravity down the throats of the innocent.

Now allowed in your daughters' locker room

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:45 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
The Big Pickle wrote:TROTS!!!!!!
I agree, but only because YOU entered the thread, you racist picklehole.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:14 pm
by Goober McTuber
The Big Pickle wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:Big and Black seems to be a persistent theme for you.


Happy now???

So Pickle’s a multicultural pickle-puffer?

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:19 pm
by Tom In VA
If the allegations are true, apparently he's dedicated solely to black penis. If the UNCF wasn't already taken, he could probably use that name for his website.

"Ulimate Negro Cock Fellator"

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:24 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I vote for the beatings, of course, but I don't think AP will remain true to his word. Give the man some alone time with a tapped keg of Keystone and all bets are off.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:26 pm
Stanley, you have a long way to go before you master the blacks you beg to puncture your kackscabbard. Good thing you're happy to be in the slave role.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:27 pm
by Tom In VA
The Big Pickle wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:If the allegations are true, apparently he's dedicated solely to black penis. If the UNCF wasn't already taken, he could probably use that name for his website.

"Ulimate Negro Cock Fellator"

You have a long long long way to go before you can master this black cokkk homo smack. :meds:

Touche. I think I'll put working on that dead last on the list of "Things I need to improve about myself" though. Nah, I don't even think I'll work on it at all.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:34 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
If you had eternity, you still couldn't finish that list of things to improve yourself.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:38 pm
by Tom In VA
The Big Pickle wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
on the list of "Things I need to improve about myself"

A list that I'm sure stretches from New York all the way to Los Angeles. If you had eternity, you still couldn't finish that list of things to improve yourself.
Precisely. But that's no excuse for not trying.

You might think of giving that a shot too dude, improving yourself instead of being a slave to your ill conceived hate and disdain. Try to remember this, holding a resentment is like drinking poison HOPING the other person will die. Break free from the chains of resentment brother Pickle.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:19 am
by rozy
:? I thought this thread would be about R-Jack's wife...

PSUFAN wrote:kackscabbard
Jaymes would be quite proud of you on that one.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:29 pm
AP's aspirations and lacy entreaties notwithstanding, he is not married to R-Jack.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:35 pm
PSUFAN wrote:Big and Black seems to be a persistent theme for you.


Oh, & go Wings go!

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:38 pm
FUCK YOU, skankwhore bait.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:52 pm
C'mon PSU, you didn't know I was a Wings fan?

Hey, at least the Pens aren't getting swept like Phlyer fags

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:10 pm
Red Wings?

Does that cost extra?

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:16 pm
PSUFAN wrote:Red Wings?

Does that cost extra?

Actually I get 20% off!

You know what they say about a man with big hands and big feet right?

Fucking Clown!

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:42 pm
by Tom In VA
Big shoes and big gloves.


Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:46 am
by Atomic Punk
R-Jack wrote:the........horses?
heh heh

my ambivalence has most likely got him run out of here.
It's okay dude. However, the only one you can truly run is your wife at the Belmont Stakes this Saturday. I imagine you've loaded up the horse trailer and are about to go across country. If you would be so kind before Zyclone drops the obligatory Belmont Stakes odds pics thread, can you tell me what diet your wife has been on? Standard lawn sod in the front yard... you know... the 10 feet from your porch to the highway? Or did you cook up some "special" stuff in that meth lab you call a garage to inject?

I hope you did her right on Mother's Day by giving her "oats and molasses" bars as an aphrodisiac.

BTW, I think I have a thread I authored in the Archives about music where Van and I had a debate. Hopefully it's still there because of the links.

Re: Should R-Jack call off the...horses?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:51 am
by RevLimiter
Off BOTH those shit trolls.