Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

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Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by Derron » ... index.html

So Obama is now calling for all the black men to ask as fathers instead of just inseminating as many bitches as they can....??

This should make the world muccchhh better for all those little black bastards who have not a fucking clue who der daddy be..
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by PSUFAN »

"They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it,"
This isn't kooky old Bill Cosby saying this - it's the democratic candidate for the POTUS in 2008. My, how times have changed - a black candidate actually confronting the #1 issue facing the black community, and that issue is advocating strong personal responsibility?

Good stuff.
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by Mister Bushice »

Oh noes.

It'll be like another million man march.

The time to invest in a Washington DC based fried chicken franchise would be NOW.

Unless the kids and the baby mommas are invited, Then fuck it. Sell kevlar.
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by poptart »

What would happen if a white guy called a group of black dudes ... boys ...?

Or what if bbqjones did it?
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by smackaholic »

PSUFAN wrote:
"They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it,"
This isn't kooky old Bill Cosby saying this - it's the democratic candidate for the POTUS in 2008. My, how times have changed - a black candidate actually confronting the #1 issue facing the black community, and that issue is advocating strong personal responsibility?

Good stuff.
Don't you mean #2 issue, after mean old greedy white republicans holding them down?
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by PSUFAN »

That's exactly it - he's NOT talking that way...he's encouraging personal responsibility.
What would happen if a white guy called a group of black dudes ... boys ...?
It would be seen as a slur, probably. The essential point is that a guy who's now on all sorts of inner-city t-shirts is saying it. A guy who will not be accused of a slur is saying it.

Fuck - as long as SOMEONE says it.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by poptart »

I didn't hear the speech, so I don't know if Obama spoke of any make-believe uncles, Deacon Joneses, or whatsuch ... but I'll give him props for calling a spade a sp ... errr ....

Anyway ...

But historically speaking, Alan Keyes was the funniest fucker evar.
Back when he was 'running' for the repugnicant nomination in 2000 ... or one of those decades ... part of his 'platform' was public ass-floggings in town square for deadbeat dads.

LLLL M A O ... still at that shit!!!

Keyes '12.
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by PSUFAN »

Yes, very sad...and very serious. It's extremely unlikely that any good has or will come from the degradation of the inner city family structure.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by smackaholic »

PSUFAN wrote:Yes, very sad...and very serious. It's extremely unlikely that any good has or will come from the degradation of the inner city family structure.
you forgot the sin, MA.

The question is, why did it go to shit?

A big part of the answer is the gubmint said, don't worry dude, we'll pay for your bastards.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Calling all black men --acknowledge the kids you breed

Post by PSUFAN »

How would you ever get laid, Stanley? Bad idea.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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