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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:05 pm
by Mikey
Unfortunately they didn't allow cameras or cell phones, so this is all I have...



I found out on Friday, basically out of the blue, that I could get tickets for Saturday and Sunday. And this weren't just tickets. The deal included limo service to the course and access to one of the private corporate hospitality tents with a lounge, open bar and awesome buffet all day long.

Yesterday we got there at about 11:00 am, stopped by the tent for some breakfast and then walked the entire front nine, stopping to watch whenever we saw a pair hitting their shots. We saw a lot of Weekly, Kim, Quinney and Axely, as those two groups were going at about the same speed that we were walking.

Back to the tent for some lunch at about 1:00. After lunch we went out to the back nine to find a place to camp out for the rest of the day. The 18th was already way too crowded by then, and the grandstand at the 17th green was packed with a long waiting line, like all of the other grandstands. But we found a great spot next to the 17th fairway.

The 17th is a slight dogleg left with a canyon beyond the rough on the left. No access on that side. But we got a spot on a little knoll right next to the landing zone. With the slight dogleg we could see straight back to the tee and, on the second shots, we were pretty much behind every shot. The 15th green was right behind us and you could see what was going on there if you stood up, but you couldn't see the putts because the green was a little too high. You could also catch glimpses of the 16th tee and green, and the 8th tee across the canyon.

We got there at about 2:00 and were the only people in the immediate area when we got there. There was even a tree that provided a little shade and was close enough to the ropes to use as a backrest, at least for a while. We watched the last 20 pairs (half the field) go through from there. The longest drives were Anthony Kim (by far) and Stuart Appleby. Tiger used a fairway wood and landed about 20 feet in front of where we were sitting. The rough there was fucking nasty. Several players who hit into the second cut could barely get out of it.

As the day went on, people would come and go from our little spot, but we didn't budge. As the last 4 or 5 groups got close people started filling in around and behind us. By the time Rocco (second to last group) got to the 15th green the atmosphere was getting incredibly charged. He was up by two over Woods and Westwood when he came up to 15. He had to chip up and missed his par putt so then he was -1 and the other two, in the final group, were at even.

By the time Rocco was coming up the 17th it was fucking jammed with people around us. He hit his drive right in front of where we were, and hit what was by far the best approacy of the day. It seemed to be a very pro-Rocco crowd at that point (RACK the seniors). We couldn't see the elevated green but, but he was right on the pin and by the reaction from the grandstand you could tell he was close. He apparently missed a fairly short birdie putt.

Tiger and Westwood came up next. Everybody was talking about Rocco and Tiger, but Westwood was still tied with Tiger one stroke behind Rocco. They both hit the green and missed their putts and at that point we took off and hightailed it back to the hospitality tent, because by that time it was obvious that there was no place to see anywhere near the 18th. Got to the TV just in time to see Westwood miss his birdie putt and Tiger make his.

What a fucking day. Got a little sunburned but all-in-all it was a father's day to remember.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:13 pm
by BSmack

Why are you not back out there today?

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:21 pm
by Mikey
BSmack wrote:Mikey,

Why are you not back out there today?
Wish I could be, but I have to work. Also, the word I got was that you have to have a four day subscription to get in to the playoff.

Did Pimple say something?

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:24 pm
by Mikey
Hey Stanley, here's a picture you might enjoy.

Have fun you fucking freak.


Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:43 pm
by Mikey
(I thought he might enjoy the large black cock)

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:53 pm
by BSmack
Mikey wrote:Wish I could be, but I have to work. Also, the word I got was that you have to have a four day subscription to get in to the playoff.
That ought to diminish the crowd by even more. Oh well, I guess you'll just have to saddle up to your computer monitor like the rest of us plebes.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:12 pm
by RumpleForeskin
Wokring from home today.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:52 pm
by Mister Bushice
Mikey wrote:Unfortunately they didn't allow cameras or cell phones, so this is all I have...
No cameras at all? Why the fuck not?

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:58 pm
by BSmack
Mister Bushice wrote:
Mikey wrote:Unfortunately they didn't allow cameras or cell phones, so this is all I have...
No cameras at all? Why the fuck not?
Because your average idiot with a day pass to a golf tournament doesn't have the foggiest clue as to when he should and when he should not click the shutter. Ergo, they ban cameras for everybody but credentialed professional photographers. If you want to do a golf PET, pick up some tickets to a practice round. I'm already salivating at the chance to reprise my 2003 PGA PET in 5 years at Oak Hill.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:38 pm
by Mister Bushice
Wow. I guess ESPN has decided that one on one US open playoff golf is more boring than euro soccah. They're only giving updates now, and it's not even good enough for the deuce.

This country is really heading down the shitter.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:40 pm
by RumpleForeskin
NBC picked up the coverage on hole 10.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:43 pm
by Mikey
RumpleForeskin wrote:Wokring from home today.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:45 pm
by Mister Bushice
RumpleForeskin wrote:NBC picked up the coverage on hole 10.
Ah, thanks. I was going by the listings directory, and NBC had some crappy morning talk show listed.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:59 pm
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote:The deal included limo service to the course and access to one of the private corporate hospitality tents with a lounge, open bar and awesome buffet all day long.
So, when do you plan on getting back under two fitty, slim?

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:04 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:
Mikey wrote:The deal included limo service to the course and access to one of the private corporate hospitality tents with a lounge, open bar and awesome buffet all day long.
So, when do you plan on getting back under two fitty, slim?
Wrong forum you fat fucking porker.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:55 pm
by smackaholic
So, smack belongs in the food forum. Golf belongs in the smack forum.

Got it.

spreadsheet updated.


So what did they have in the all you can stuff down buffet, anyhoo?

And is an AYCEB in porta potty land on a hot sunny day really that good an idea? Or did that hospitality tent include it's own shitters?

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:19 pm
by Mister Bushice
ruh ro rocco.

Tiger on in 2, Rocco in the rough had to take a drop, on in 3. Both have lengthy putts. First hole sudden death.

Kinda dumb they play 18 extra for a tie after 72, then go to sudden death if it's tied after 90.

Rocco makes it, they go to hole 2, SD. Misses it, he's done.

And the WINNAH. Tiger Woods.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:53 pm
by Shoalzie
Mister Bushice wrote:Kinda dumb they play 18 extra for a tie after 72, then go to sudden death if it's tied after 90.

That's a USGA thing, I believe.

Awesome tournament overall...a lot more exciting to see Tiger have to make clutch shots instead seeing him blitz the field, a la Pebble Beach for his first U.S. Open title. This back 9 on Saturday and the 72nd hole last night were great drama. I wish all majors finished this way. Nothing beats watching Van De Velde's choke job at the Open several years ago though.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:52 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:So, smack belongs in the food forum. Golf belongs in the smack forum.

Got it.

spreadsheet updated.


So what did they have in the all you can stuff down buffet, anyhoo?

And is an AYCEB in porta potty land on a hot sunny day really that good an idea? Or did that hospitality tent include it's own shitters?
Don't give me any shit ya bike pedaling little faggit. If I see you I'll run you off the road.

If you really want to know, the buffet was breakfast stuff in the morning, lunch stuff at lunch time and whores ovaries stuff in the afternoon. It changed every day but was sort of fancified stuff like shrimp, crab claws, cold roasted beef tenderloin, flank steak, sliced turkey, cold poached salmon, caprese salad, salade nicoise, cold asparagus salad, build your own shrimp nachos, eggs, bacon, sausage, french toast...stuff like that.

I really tried not to overdo it on the food consumption, and did walk several miles both days.

And the "porta potties" in the sponsors areas were air conditioned trailers with basically executive bathroom type facilities inside. Not your run of the mill plastic hot boxes that the unwashed masses were stuck with.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:25 am
by smackaholic
Sounds like a nice spread, Mike. If you went heavy on the asparagus and really did walk that much, you mighta broke even for the day. But, I still have bode. I climbed mt monadnock with the OL and son. Lot's of water, some trail mix and bathroom facilities no where near as nice as your A/Ced trailer executive warsh room shitter.

Re: US Open PET

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:41 am
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote:
Don't give me any shit ya bike pedaling little faggit. If I see you I'll run you off the road.
All I ask is that you take me out with the ford. And give me a coutesy backover just to make sure.

One of my worst fears while riding is that some assbag in his POS plastic hyundai will run me down but not put me out of my misery. Then I will be stuck in some gubmint run quadrillion ward (pray for me). Sipping my purreed carrots through a straw and hearing about how someday I will move my left pinky again after repeated aborted fetus juice injections.