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Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:52 pm
by Mister Bushice
Taught me to weep and moan....




It must truly suck to have to deal with that misery. Makes you wonder why they didn't begin to address the levee heights 15 years ago. What the fuck were they thinking?
The flooding has raised questions about the adequacy of the patchwork system — in which little information is known about where levees exist, who maintains them, and what their condition is — even as towns downstream hurry to fortify their own levees in preparation for the cresting floodwaters still moving south. Some are smaller agricultural levees built to 30- or 40-year flood standards, while others are higher, designed to protect river towns.

Already, the flood seems likely to equal or exceed the 1993 floods that wreaked havoc in these states, taking 48 lives and causing more than $20 billion in damage.

Several lessons and recommendations emerged from the 1993 floods, but few have been acted upon, says Mr. Galloway.

One of the key lessons: that the loose amalgam of federal and non-federal levees wasn't sufficiently monitored or maintained. No one knows how many levees exist or what their condition is, and most are turned over to local communities after being built.

Galloway recommended that the government develop an inventory and inspection system for levees similar to the one it created for dams in the 1970s. Congress finally agreed after Katrina to start such a program, but lawmakers have yet to appropriate sufficient money, Galloway says.
To qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program, structures simply need to be behind a levee built to a so-called 100-year standard, meaning there is a 1 percent chance in any given year that a flood will rise above the levee. In the Netherlands, on the other hand, levees for ocean flooding are built to a 10,000-year standard, and inland levees are designed at least to a 250-year standard and usually in excess of 1,250 years..

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:55 pm
by Tom In VA
Looks like George Bush hates white people too.

I think he just hates America. I'm wondering how much of an impact this will have on food products. But clearly the saddest stories are the people suffering from loss. I read of one couple that just purchased their home, purchased insurance and everything to cover themselves. Unfortunately, it was ten days before the flood. So they aren't covered at all and lost EVERYTHING.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:28 pm
by Adelpiero
that looks like Alton, Illinois

several of the levees that could go soon were exposed by local govts giving TIF money to companies to come in and build on flood plains. Several changed the path of the flood water, and kept Mall safe, but crushed the levees and Houses that were once protected.

At one Mall, they actually built their Levee, to basically guarantee all flood water would wash out the lower levee and the houses and farms below.

They said the speed of river(mississippi) is in the 25-30mph range.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:06 pm
by Mikey
What's the % of fat fucks in Missouri.

Based on this, I'd say about 75%.


Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:10 pm
by smackaholic
When the fukk are they gonna learn that when you try to contain something as big as the mississippi with with some dirt piles, you are gonna have problems.

Stop building in the flood plain when possible. If you must build there, build a little higher. A truckload of messicans can lay a shitload of concrete block in a day. Build your fukking pad a bit higher with a nice basement/garage first floor.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:17 pm
by smackaholic
Looks like some of them fukks are going on the "how many sandbags can you toss in a day" workout/weight loss plan.

I'd stick with the rowing machine, though mike. I doubt lobbing 50 lb sandbags would do what's left of your back any good.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:15 am
by Wolfman
I wonder what % of those homes and businesses have flood insurance. When I bought my place here I was a bit surprised that I wasn't required by the bank to get it. I bought it anyways-- $320 a year for my coverage--cheap peace of mind. I'm about 8 feet above sea level and if there is say a 10 foot storm surge, I'll need it !

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:03 am
by Mister Bushice
Learn to read, read to learn:
To qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program, structures simply need to be behind a levee built to a so-called 100-year standard....Some are smaller agricultural levees built to 30- or 40-year flood...
figure 25% of people behind 100 year flood levees got flood insurance. The rest will be SOL or rely on gov't handouts.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:41 am
by poptart
Tom wrote:I read of one couple that just purchased their home, purchased insurance and everything to cover themselves. Unfortunately, it was ten days before the flood. So they aren't covered at all and lost EVERYTHING.
At least they aren't AP.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:01 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote: --cheap peace of mind.
I thought you had that covered with the garage full of
Beast Light!

Crazy times!

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:07 pm
I bought it anyways-- $320 a year for my coverage--cheap peace of mind.
What sort of hurricane coverage do you carry?

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:14 pm
by Left Seater
What is this hurricane coverage you speak of?

Most coastal policies talk about wind and water exposure. Any rising water is specifically excluded from all home owners policies and is covered by the federal flood program. Wind exposure is the thing that will usually have home owners policies pay out. As such in many coastal areas the deductable is higher for a wind loss. Say $5,000 to a normal $2,000 for another event.

In NOLA the reason so many had insurance issues is that they didn't have flood insurance. Without flood they were SOL.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:22 pm
That's interesting. Indeed, I know little of coastal policies.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:31 pm
by indyfrisco
Left Seater wrote:In NOLA the reason so many had insurance issues is that they didn't have flood insurance. Without flood they were SOL.
Why the hell would the NOLA residents need flood insurance when they live on the ocean under sea level? :meds:

Dumbasses. Enjoy them in Houston.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:52 pm
by Left Seater
Dumbasses. Enjoy them in Houston.
Oh, yeah we are enjoying them. :meds:

Not sure if I ever shared this story but it fits. Shortly after the hurricane my wife and other in her office organize shifts to help at the Astrodome where a huge number are being sheltered. Her company donates time and money and allows up to 40% of the staff each day to volunteer at the dome. A group of them come back on the second day after handing out quickly donated clothing to people who have NOTHING with amazing stories. These idiots are threatening and dropping race cards because these volunteers aren't handing them Nike shoes.

To sumarize one ungrateful fatass: "Look you stupid white bitch, don't go disrespecting me by bringing me some shoes that aint Nike. Walk your ass back there and find me a size 9 pair of white Nikes 'for I call up the TV and tell them how you been treating me all racist like."

True story and sadly not an isolated one.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:00 pm
by smackaholic
I'll think about the alternative as I pedal the mile or so uphill at the end of my bike ride home tonight. I guess it's a small price to pay for a nice view and not having to fork over 300 bucks a year in flood insurance. If my house ever floods, you can pretty much write off about 90% of the populated areas in Ct. Come to think of it, whenever I drive through hartford I realize that that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:53 pm
by War Wagon
To sumarize one ungrateful fatass: "Look you stupid white bitch, don't go disrespecting me by bringing me some shoes that aint Nike. Walk your ass back there and find me a size 9 pair of white Nikes 'for I call up the TV and tell them how you been treating me all racist like."
That's one fucked up story, but what's worse is that I tend to believe it wasn't embellished much, if any.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:50 pm
by indyfrisco
War Wagon wrote:
To sumarize one ungrateful fatass: "Look you stupid white bitch, don't go disrespecting me by bringing me some shoes that aint Nike. Walk your ass back there and find me a size 9 pair of white Nikes 'for I call up the TV and tell them how you been treating me all racist like."
That's one fucked up story, but what's worse is that I tend to believe it wasn't embellished much, if any.
Not at all. My parents live in a semi-small town (22k residents) about 50 miles south of Houston. I've heard stories like this right and left. My dad is a plant manager at a chemical company. He has told me many stories of these fuckstains that come asking for decent paying jobs yet they do not even have a resume and are wearing shit clothes when asking for a job. One guy said he didn't have a social security number, drivers license or birth certificate. When told he needed these kind of papers, he dropped a "Fuck you, you racist motherfucker" on the HR person he was talking to.

I normally don't wish death on people, but I wish Katrina either had a do-over to finish what it started or never happened at all.

Re: Mean ol' Levee

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:54 pm
Having lived on the edges of it for 8 months a few years back, I can tell you that the 9th Ward is not a bastion of politeness and respectful attitudes even under the best of circumstances...I feel bad for those encountering these idiots and attempting to aid them.