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poker vs blackjack
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:08 am
by bbqjones
ive found it easier and quicker to win at blackjack, but then again i probably have ikyowiaysia syndrome. been playing blackjack on ultimatebet and if youre not playing with others the beat will be bad about 100 percent of the time. i go onto a poker table and get bored because ive been betting between 50-200 per hand and these douchebags want to, well, we have other threads describing this;.
any of you faggot fuckers play blackjack and what kind of luck have you had?? also, the payment procedure... ive got about 8 grand from three different sites owed and they all say 15-20 buisness days. since its coming from probably dubai or telkeys.hold.ach-error im not sure if im ever going to get any of it.
btw im up 1200 today
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:18 am
by bbqjones
since the last time we spoke, im up another three hundy. but im wondering who thte fucker that keeps following me around talking smack and asking for a loan. could it be the website worker?> that would be a cool job btw, imo.
im getting fat and i feel like shrubber more and more every day. im not sure how much he gambles or masturbates, but im pretty sure sitting in a chair for 10 hours straight is not good.
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:56 am
by bbqjones
... but then i get drunk and lose it all being slappy. not tonightm. im pulling the power cord from the computer. --- once i get to three thousand. then im done and im not doin g any more deposits. im seroious about this one. im on a roll and i cant be stopped. i split eights v paint and won 400 bucks im so in the groove. let me do this mommy.
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:33 pm
by Dinsdale
The main difference: One is a game of skill, one is a game of chance.
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:52 pm
by TheJON
Quite simply put....
Poker is the ultimate game of skill. Blackjack is a game for fags.
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:58 pm
by SunCoastSooner
I'll play a little blackjack at a table when I go to Biloxi with some friends of mine. Nothing really serious. But it's leisurely.
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:16 am
by bbqjones
I am writing to inform you of the current unfortunate situation with our check processors, which affects your pending withdrawal for $2,000.00 requested from your account on 6/23/2008.
Since the UIGEA was passed almost 2 years ago it has had varied success in clamping down on banking transactions involved with online gaming. Unfortunately the easiest form of transactions to trace and tackle are paper checks sent out to you, our customer. As a result of this all of our current check processors' have found it increasingly difficult to get your checks to you.
At this point I would like to reassure you that a similar situation has happened previously, and on a much greater scale. How is this a reassurance? Absolutely every single one of our customers got their pending payouts. Admittedly it took a little time, and a lot of effort, but we have never missed a payout and I assure you, we never will.
We also intend to put into practice the valuable experience we gained during the previous situation. Our processors at the time gave us timeframes after which they estimated situation would be resolved. We passed these timeframes on to our concerned customers, only to have our processors move the goalposts time and time again. This only served to frustrate everyone involved.
After a time we also automatically canceled all of the affected pending withdrawals and placed them back in our customers' accounts. This damaged our customers' faith in our efforts. However if you would feel more comfortable seeing these funds back in your gaming account balance, by all means do not hesitate to contact our customer service department and have your pending withdrawal canceled.
So, where does this leave you and your $2,000.00? Truthfully, at the moment we are facing at least 3 - 5 weeks until the situation can be resolved.
We promise you that we will keep channels of communication open, and we will be proactive with that communication. We promise to email you with a weekly update to let you know we are taking the situation very seriously and we promise to contact you as soon as there is any development.
Our agents will be more than happy to take your chats, emails or calls, but please be aware that you will be kept up to date and have as much information as they will.
So once again, I would like to apologize for this very unfortunate situation. Please rest assured you can expect an email from us within the week to fully update you regarding the situation. Please note, if you have multiple affected withdrawals you will receive multiple emails.
Kind regards,
John A.
not cool, imo. anything i can do with these dubai fuckers?
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:30 am
by Moby Dick
ever get your caysh?
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:38 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Moby Dick wrote:ever get your caysh?
Re: poker vs blackjack
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:25 pm
by Adelpiero
thats why i only play with $$ won from free rolls
there have been a couple of sites who screwd people out of major $$$. its virtually a lawless place, the poker rooms are. your at their mercy, sure you can cry, write, badger them on 2+2, but your still stuck the $$$.
so much cheating online, that your crazy to deposit to the sites. i believe dins is the same way, just uses $ won from free rolls.