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Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:48 am
by Louis Cyphre
Every year, starting on the last Thursday of June, Milwaukee is host to Summerfest. Billed as, "The Worlds Largest Music Festival," Summerfest is 11 days of music, food, and alcohol. I'm sure Dins will say the U&L does it bigger and better. I do my best to avoid the Milwaukee lakefront around this time year, but this year Mrs. Cyphre got tickets for her and our two kids to see the Jonas Brothers. She wanted me along because she did not feel safe by herself and two kids, especially walking back to the car at around 11:00 pm. After some physical persuasion and hearing that I can get in for free if we get there before 3:00, I agree to tag along.

We parked at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The Calatrava:

First stop was for some fried food. t to b: Sour cream and chive fries, mozz sticks and white cheddar cheese curds. I probably won't shit for a week.

$5 beers from the Lakefront Brewery. l to r: IPA and Cattail Ale

Sorry about the from behind shot, but these two midgets caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting to see any so soon and didn't have my camera ready. The blond in the hat and her dyke partner to the left are a little tall for midgets but they are midgets none the less.

311 was playing on one of the free stages later that night

Get a hole in one on the island green, about 125 yards...

... and win a Buell 1125R

Some chick changing a tire on a race car. I think her time was 25 seconds. Enough to go from first to being one lap down.

Food stop number 2. Reuben rolls with mustard sauce

Food stop number 3. Fried pickle spears. No, they were not Stanley Pickles!

Unknown band. They were playing "Manic Depression" when I snapped this

l to r: Marcus Amplitheater where the wife and kids were and the Hoan Bridge, made famous in the car chase from the "Blues Brothers." I could hear all the screaming teenage girls in the Amplitheater from this spot.

Some conehead, I think he was from France

There were a lot of other pictures I wanted to take but its had to do it conspicuously with a SLR. I try to do a better PET when Harley Davidson has their 105th Anniversary party over Labor Day weekend.

Re: Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:54 am
by Wolfman
B+ for the food--- would be a higher rating if there were some hot babes. Midget lezzies do not count.
Milwaukee and no Beast Light ??

Re: Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:17 am
by War Wagon
Louis Cyphre wrote:She wanted me along because she did not feel safe by herself and two kids, especially walking back to the car at around 11:00 pm.
Really? The fact that you're her goddamn husband didn't enter into the fucking equation?

Good thing she wanted you "along".


What was I saying? Nevermind.


Re: Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:14 am
by Louis Cyphre

Sorry, I'll do better in the next PET. Probably will have to put the ! in the thread title. There were plenty of bare breasts 5 years ago for Harley's 100th. Beast Light was no where on the Summerfest grounds, thank God, otherwise I would have raised one up to you.


That's a given, I was going to go regardless. No way would I let my wife and kids walk around downtown that late at night. But if I can him-n-haw and get a little something (nudge, nudge. know what I mean? nudge, nudge), why not?

Re: Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:06 am
by Mister Bushice
Wolfman wrote:B+ for the food--- would be a higher rating if there were some hot babes. Midget lezzies do not count.
Who the fuck
made you
a judge???
Bad times!!!!

Milwaukee and no Beast Light ??
Disqualified. Cups with the word "Milwaukee" printed on them filled with microbrew ales are not in the slum beer neighborhood of the vat piss you gargle.

What, the Miller lite sponsorshitp didn't make your mouth water?

A drive by rack for Louis for the quick thinking to get the semi midgets. A few style points for the hypothetical lezbo factor. The food? Jesus. was there anything NOT fried available?

Nice ass pic, too. Need more tit shots, but with the family tagging along, not easy.

Tits or ass, food, midgets, some local scenery, a bike or race car, brews. Not missing too much,
'cept maybe a fat relative or yourself. The pic vultures are hungry. :)

Re: Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:51 am
by Louis Cyphre
Mister Bushice wrote:
Nice ass pic, too. Need more tit shots, but with the family tagging along, not easy.
I'm still pissed at myself for not having my camera ready when we walked in. The blond midget had a pretty decent rack on her... well, for a midget anyway. She definitely would have made Moorese swoon.

Re: Summerfest PET

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:41 pm
by Goober McTuber
RACK the PET. Here’s hoping that all of the fried foods have massive quantities of trans-fats. I don’t eat that much fried food anymore, so when I do I want it to taste good.