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Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:37 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
The World's Great Clashes: Northern Ireland Protestant v. Catholics, Middle East Jews v. Muslims . . . Portland Cyclist v. Motorist. ... ed_bi.html" onclick=";return false;

Drunk Portland cyclist used bike to club motorist, police say
Posted by The Oregonian July 09, 2008 21:12PM
Categories: Cycling, Top Stories

The cultural clash between Portland bicyclists and motorists took a surreal turn Sunday night when a motorist involved in a confrontation with a cyclist turned out to be a longtime advocate for cycling.

Colin Yates, 47, was driving when he saw a bicyclist blow through a stoplight on Southeast 20th Avenue at Belmont Street. Yates continued driving north on 20th Avenue, through another intersection, until he caught up with the bicyclist.

Yates, a self-described bike advocate for more than 30 years, honked his horn, leaned out his window, and chided the bicyclist for making other cyclists look bad. Traffic continued to flow, and the cyclist and Yates both continued north on Southeast 20th, until they were stopped at a red light at Stark Street.

The bicyclist rode up to the driver's window. Yates described the man to police as "irritated and aggravated." The cyclist was cursing at Yates and yelled at him to get out of the car. "Let's go! You want to go?" the bicyclist shouted.

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:50 pm
by smackaholic
If you can't beat a drunk who is using his bike as a club, you are a pussy.

When dude lifts his bike above his head, a quick stomp to the kneecap ought to hyper extend the fukk out of it and sober him up rather quickly.

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:53 pm
by smackaholic
EAD, mvscal. Cyclists in general are cool. This tard though deserved his beatdown and worse.

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:18 am
by smackaholic
Even though I am a cyclist, I will have to admit that messican cyclist bowling is hillarious, so long as you are not one of the pins.

As for holding up traffic, that is bullshit, sort of , anyway. You do have asshat cyclists that think they have the exact same right as a car to the road. They do actually, so long as they can make the speed limit or better. A bigger problem is the tard motorist that sees a cyclist and freaks out and slows to a crawl, afraid to pass until they have 3 miles of clear traffic ahead. These fukkers piss me off and should be run into the ditch by their fellow motorist.

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:27 am
by Goober McTuber
Madison is a big bicycling city. A ridiculous portion of said cyclists are fucking tards. Never able to decide whether to use pedestrian or driving rules. They get to an intersection and they're a fucking mess. I used one for a hood ornament last summer. Good times.

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:21 pm
by indyfrisco
News of Sunday night's confrontation circulated quickly among officers and reached Officer Robert Pickett, the bureau's unofficial liaison between police and Portland's biking community.

"It's almost kind of quintessentially a Portland thing," Pickett said, after reading the police reports.
Jesus. Dins is a police officer too?

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:34 pm
I used one for a hood ornament last summer.
Well? Let us know about it.

Re: Latest Chapter in Portland Cyclist v. Motorist Saga

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:19 pm
by Goober McTuber
PSUFAN wrote:
I used one for a hood ornament last summer.
Well? Let us know about it.
No biggie. After the light changed to green I was proceeding into an intersection. Bicyclist to the right of me moving at high speed on the sidewalk decided to fly through against the light. He tried to stop at the last minute but t-boned my right front fender and cart-wheeled across my hood. He was not hurt, but his bike was a mess.