Re: we're sorry
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:43 pm
I was sure this was an apology to Houston for New Orleans dumping all their human garbage on them.....
Why don't we just get this over with in one fell swoop. Congress should form a committee to identify every possible ethnic/gender/cultural group that exists, cite the injustices perpetrated against each of them throughout our country's history, and issue a sweeping apology to all of them. Otherwise, this is gonna drag on for decades each time one group is singled out for apologies while those who have not received theirs feel slighted. It's not like the Legislative Branch has anything better to do.It is not the first time lawmakers have apologized to an ethnic group for injustices.
In April, the Senate passed a resolution sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, that apologized to Native Americans for "the many instances of violence, maltreatment and neglect."
In 1993 the Senate also passed a resolution apologizing for the "illegal overthrow" of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893.
In 1988, Congress passed and President Reagan signed an act apologizing to the 120,000 Japanese-Americans who were held in detention camps during World War II. The 60,000 detainees who were alive at the time each received $20,000 from the government.
Get fucked.R-Jack wrote:Except the Irish, right?Smackie Chan wrote:Why don't we just get this over with in one fell swoop. Congress should form a committee to identify every possible ethnic/gender/cultural group that exists, cite the injustices perpetrated against each of them throughout our country's history, and issue a sweeping apology to all of them.