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B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:03 am
by poptart ... =s110-2433" onclick=";return false;
Among other interesting things in this bill,
7) The 2006 National Security Strategy of the United States notes: `America's national interests and moral values drive us in the same direction: to assist the world's poor citizens and least developed nations and help integrate them into the global economy.'
(9) At the summit of the Group of Eight (G-8) nations in July 2005, leaders from all eight participating countries committed to increase aid to Africa from the current $25,000,000,000 annually to $50,000,000,000 by 2010, and to cancel 100 percent of the debt obligations owed to the World Bank, African Development Bank, and International Monetary Fund by 18 of the world's poorest nations.
By what authority does the fed gov STEAL citizen Joe Smith's income and send it to Africa so that Imbeque Zimbwweeque can have AIDS treatment?
What critical 'national interests' are at stake for America, as cited in #7?

Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:16 am
by Tom In VA
Well aside from the obvious authorities, by the authority of Coltan. ... ation.html" onclick=";return false;
You see these neat little things we like to type our vociferous opinions on, hit submit, and have them broadcast to a world of interesting people cost a lot more than the money we shell out to purchase them.
They're made of bits and pieces from here and there and those bit and pieces are fashioned from resources provided by Mother Earth.
As most, if not all, wars are centered around competing for natural resources ... this one
is will be no different.
In the Congo, a decade-old conflict has come to be known as "The PlayStation War," according to a fascinating report in Toward Freedom.
The name came about because of a black metallic ore called coltan. "Coltan is a metal that conducts heat unusually brilliantly. It is contained in your mobile, your laptop, your son's PlayStation - and 80 percent of the world's supplies sit beneath the Democratic Republic of Congo," notes a 2006 report in the Independent. Nearly all of the the eight African nations and 25 militias involved in the region's conflict were after the precious substance. "This war has been dismissed as an internal African implosion. In reality it is a battle for coltan, diamonds, cassiterite and gold, destined for sale in London, New York and Paris."
Worse, Rwandan troops and rebels win the DRC were using prisoners-of-war and children to mine for the precious metal. "Kids in Congo were being sent down mines to die so that kids in Europe and America could kill imaginary aliens in their living rooms," former British MP Oona King told the Independent.
Sending money over there to buy people off to try and buy peace is the first stage I suppose. But ultimately the "aid" is geared towards preserving the machine that produces that which we consume.
Kind of makes you think the only righteous ones in the western world are the Amish, doesn't it.
Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:51 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
poptart wrote:
By what authority does the fed gov STEAL citizen Joe Smith's income and send it to Africa so that Imbeque Zimbwweeque can have AIDS treatment?
So they are forced to by drugs from American drug companies (friends of Obama) instead of developing a health care infrastructure themselves.
Tom gets it.
Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:29 pm
by Tom In VA
I guess the strategery is that if we can funnel money and aid to the region we can prevent continuous wars and fighting - threatening the delivery of resources that the world consumes - as opposed to sending troops over there to engage the warlords again.
With "aid", comes the caveat of oversite, that oversite needs to be enforced. The civilized world's enforcers are mostly the U.S. SoG detachments, the Navy, and the Marines. They won't be far behind. They might actually already be there, who knows ? :wink:
The bottom line is the "aid" equates to, once again, getting our snouts in the trough.
Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:58 pm
by Diogenes
Exacyly why would you give a rat's ass?
Since you're too stupid tho differntiate between Tom Coburb and Barbara Boxer and want America irrevocably destroyed, why should anyone take you seriosly?
For the record, I find you a whole lot more reprehensibe than marxist fools like BSuck and Marty.
They're obvously insane.You should know better.
Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:40 pm
by Dr_Phibes
looks like someone struck a nerve.
Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:33 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Diogenes wrote:
For the record, I find you a whole lot more reprehensibe than marxist fools like BSuck and Marty.
Go wring out your man-pon, Yitz.
Tom is

Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:19 pm
by Diogenes
Martyred wrote:Diogenes wrote:
For the record, I find you a whole lot more reprehensibe than marxist fools like BSuck and Marty.
Tom is

I was refering to the traitor who posted above him.
I have no problem with Hillbillies. Unless they water down the 'shine.
Re: B.O.'s Global Poverty Act of 2007
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:48 am
by Mr. Schwump
The same people who say we are not supposed to "police the world" want us to open up our wallets to the world ? I'll pass.