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The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:58 pm
by Dan Vogel
It's been two weeks now since my wife and I attended our relationship workshop. I've been totally swamped at work and home since then and haven't had time to post anything I'm sorry. My loads have been heavy and just taking the last Friday off work before the relationshop workshop weekend set me back even more. This time of year seems to always be busy anyway both at work and home as the kids get ready to go back to school.

There were some good times at the workshop but overall I'm not happy with the direction things went. We had some fun with the other people in group games and activities and we had lots of good food. Even the overall group "counseling" sessions were ok. But the individual counseling and wife-husband counseling were not pleasing. I just don't like the results of the weekend. As my acquaintence Stan indicated to me and warned me the whole thing was slanted in the wife's favor. I never did have any complaints about our marriage and it was my wife's idea to attend this. And so I told the counselor that I didn't have any real problems in our marriage. I am happy. Until now.

It seems like whatever sort of thing I brought up to the counselor was dismissed as not important. But whatever my wife said was very important. The counselor (a female) kept harping about areas of discord that my wife seemed to have. Many of the things she brought up were things I have never heard her say or complain about ever in the past. It was all like nitpicking. I don't know where it all came from. But the counselor took every word of hers so seriously. Made me angry. So then the result was a list of four things that I need to "work on" on a daily basis to have our marriage "meet it's potential" as the couselor kept saying. I just wanted to get out of there.

I can try to do better in some ways if my wife needs it but I was really stuck by one of the four "work on" points that I ended up agreeing to. That one is that I will make dinner for the family three days out of the week. My wife has always been the family cook. I work a 9-5 M-F job and come home tired. My wife works part time M,W,F. She insisted that it was only fair for me to cook dinner on those days because she doesn't come home until after I do. I protested but was immediately ganged up on by both of them and ended up relenting on the point. But the things is that I have never cooked much at all in my whole life. So the dumb solution they came up with was for me to attend a cooking class on Saturday afternoons this fall at the local community college. Eight straight Saturdays from 1:00-4:00 begining on September 6th. I HATE this idea very much. I like college football and look forward to some "vegetable" time for a few hours on Saturday afternoon just lounging and watching some ballgames. It's always been my own personal time. Now that is out the window for something which I HATE.

I don't want to hold bitterness for my wife because I love her but it's hard to get over this. I feel like it isn't justified. But my wife came aways from the weekend and our new agreement with so much pleasure that I tried to look at it in the light of being happy for her. But I'm still angry honestly. And when the first class starts and I have to go to that dumb thing instead of relaxing for a game I know I'm going to be bitter. It's just the way it is. Oh well life isn't perfect.

Have a nice week!

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:17 pm
by Smackie Chan

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:22 pm

so...because you wouldn't do a little cooking 3 nights a week, after your wife comes home having worked her ass off to pick up your financial slack, you're surrendering College Football Saturday?

Geez, why not just microwave a fucking russet potato, open a container of sour cream, and chop a scallion, and set it out for her, nimrod?

Do you really hate college football this much?

No wonder your wife lets us in the back door,'re a sackless, pudless simpleton.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:35 pm
by Smackie Chan
So Dan - when is the follow-up workshop scheduled? I mean, there has to be one to allow the spouse who wears the pants in the family and the cuntselor to criticize your dry meatloaf and have you scrubbing the kitchen floor during the BCS Championship game.

Have they let you know what goals you'll need to achieve to get your testicles back?

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:54 pm
by Goober McTuber

Tell your wife you’re taking an on-line cooking class, and start checking out the Cooking Forum here. Watch your step in there, though. It’s run by a Nazi mod.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:02 pm
by Imus
Sounds like they have just about got your wife hooked.

Have they told you how much the nrxt se$$ions will cost? Time to get fleeced buster.

Then, they will instill a guilt trip in her head to recruit other suckers for the program. It will become a compulsion.

Get it? pyramid scheme based on emotional women who are easy prey, who have spineless husbands. Fuckers deserve to burn in hell.

I should'a divorced my first wife a lot sooner.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:19 pm
Dan, see, there is a price to be paid for behaving like a doormat for so long. You deserve every minute of this treatment.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:22 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Eight straight Saturdays from 1:00-4:00
Will you even be able to Tivo the games, Dan, or will the memory be overloaded with King of Queens re-runs and Tyra Banks talk shows?

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:13 pm
by Goober McTuber
If my wife and I went to such a workshop, she’d get a list of four things to work on:

1. My
2. large
3. American
4. penis

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:27 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dan, you stupid fuck.

Leave the house for the Saturday cooking class and head DIRECTLY to a local sports bar. Then proceed to cook the worst fucking tasteless meals known to man and be sure to look as stressed out, disappointed and clueless as you can*. You will be kicked out of the kitchen in 2 weeks. It is a :bode: tactic.

* this will not be hard for a walking turd like you.


Any man who doesn't know how to cook is a pussy.

You compound that pussiness by having your nuts ripped off in a three way session with two other women, instead of ending up with them simultaneously sucking you off.


Get a bucket of chicken, some foot long subs, or a couple of pizzas on the way home, YOU DUMB SHIT.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:41 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Goober McTuber wrote:If my wife and I went to such a workshop, she’d get a list of four things to work on:

1. My
2. large
3. American
4. penis
Not getting any, huh?

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:07 pm
by Goober McTuber
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:If my wife and I went to such a workshop, she’d get a list of four things to work on:

1. My
2. large
3. American
4. penis
Not getting any, huh?
The statement began with the word “If”, as in “If I ever had a need for such a workshop.”

I would give you props for trying to bring the funnay, but I’m afraid it would only encourage future attempts.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:07 pm
by War Wagon
Dan Vogel wrote: That one is that I will make dinner for the family three days out of the week. My wife has always been the family cook. I work a 9-5 M-F job and come home tired. My wife works part time M,W,F. She insisted that it was only fair for me to cook dinner on those days because she doesn't come home until after I do. I protested but was immediately ganged up on by both of them and ended up relenting on the point.
Does she mow the grass, take out the trash, clean out the gutters, fix broken shit around the house?

Do you?

My advice is start drinking immediately when you get home and tell the bitch you're not hungry.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:26 am
by Mister Bushice
THEN ask her to make you a sammich.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:10 pm
by Dan Vogel
Jsc810 I know what you are saying but the thing is that I have no complaints about our marriage until now. Apparantly my wife had some things which she had been keeping to herself which she exposed. I was sort of ambushed. And no there is no list of four things for my wife to work on. Like I said whatever I brought up was minimized by the counselor. It was a slanted table. As I can see now the whole thing is like a female scam on the male species. I feel that way.

MgoBlueLightspecial I can Tivo college games but I don't know when I'll ever see them. You see Saturday afternoon has always been my own time. Other than that I am pretty well tied down. We let the kids do whatever they want on Saturdays. And my wife and I have always each done our own things on Saturday morning and afternoon. Sundays are our family day and Saturday nights are either spent with myself and my wife together or with her relatives or sometimes with friends. I'm still very frustrated that it worked out this way. I miss my personal footbal time and I also have to begine to cook some family meals. I'm ticked off.

The rest of you with your normal snide comments can suck an egg.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:02 pm
Apparantly my wife had some things which she had been keeping to herself which she exposed.
Dan, I think she's just been keeping them from you. A lot of us have seen every inch of her, even the parts that we had to move fat rolls to see.

She's got an impressive libido, Dan. Did you have any indication of how impressive when you married her? You had to know her attention would begin to stray.

If you hear a vague ringing as she walks by, then you'll know she's storing the Ben Wah balls I mailed her.

Good luck with all of this, dan. Stop by once in a while for some CFB score updates.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:22 pm
by White Cock
A lot of us have seen every inch of her, even the parts that we had to move fat rolls to see.
Yeah, I fukked her a few times.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:26 pm
by Dan Vogel
PSUFAN did you must have read so much Penthouse Forum when you were a teen or something? All of that just swirls around in your brain and comes out with each message you post on the board. If I seriously knew my neighbor posted on message boards like you post I would have a close watch over my shoulder.

You know some time there might be something in your own life that has brought you down. And going on a board to air it out can help. It might happen for you and I don't think you'll really want everyone piling on and mocking over it. Empathy for any human is healthier than trying to be some kind of hard guy message board king. That will seriously build up a lot of tension in your chest if you don't rope it in. That's no joke. Love and laugh. Don't kick others when they are down.

I have to work now and am sorry I even broke to type to you.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:42 pm
I would have a close watch over my shoulder.
Big mistake, Dan. Should you ever engage your wife in coitus again, you better keep a close watch over your shoulder while you're working. You have nothing to fear from me, but DiT...well, good luck.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:53 am
by TheJON
The counselor (a female)
Why would you go see Dr. Phil to help out your marriage. Dr. Phil = biggest douchebag on this planet.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:33 am
by RadioFan
Dan has Todd losing it.

Todd, WTF is up with this squirtgun shit? Shouldn't you have at LEAST put a real gun, with a real bullet to your head and pulled the trigger, about now?

I know you're saving late September for your disappearing act, but damn.

At least give Dan some good advice, will ya?

Fucking pussy.

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:17 pm
so she should be excited
Should be and will be are two different fucking things. VogelFrau only gets hot when you start getting nasty. You up to that, Dan?

Re: The Relationship Workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:48 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Well, he'll soon try his hand at baking chocolate chip cookies. Things could get prett-ay prett-ay messy in the kitchen.