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Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:38 pm
by Smackie Chan
No take or point here. Just anxiously waiting to see the output of the comic genius that is Mikey.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:16 am
by trev
The best.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:25 am
by Wolfman
Back in 1974 teaching high school biology, I had a senior home room. Part of the deal was that MrsO and I were "invited" to be one of the chaperones for the Senior Ball. The kids had picked the theme of their ball as "Stairway to Heaven". Obviously those who had the most influence on this choice loved the Led Zepplin tune. The band they hired for the night was required to play "Stairway to Heaven" once an hour for the night. After the second version, I could see that the band members were really annoyed at having to play it one more time. I'm thinking the kids finally realized what a knucklehead move that was.
When I was in my FM DJ life, I never played that song on air. If I hear it on one of the "classic rock" stations I might have on my radio, I immediately change stations.
"and she's buyinggggggggggahhh stairway to heavunnh" !

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:29 am
by Dinsdale
Uhm, Wolftard...

You do kinda realize that that's been voted the best rock tune ever recorded in pretty much every major poll conducted on the subject, right?

I'd say "way to out yourself as a tard"... but you did that looooong before I was born.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:33 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:You do kinda realize that that's been voted the best rock tune ever recorded in pretty much every major poll conducted on the subject, right?
Polls? RACK people who don't let mass commercialism dictate what they listen to.

It's a good tune, but hearing for the 1 billionth time is enough already. Let's move on. There's more music out there.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:46 am
by War Wagon
Smackie Chan wrote:No take or point here. Just anxiously waiting to see the output of the comic genius that is Mikey.

What did I miss?

I call bullshit. I can't imagine you gettiing anxious over anything that occurs on a message board.

Then again, I could be wrong.

Stairway to Heaven isn't even in the Top 10 list of LZ songs, btw.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:51 am
by Mikey
Smackie Chan wrote:No take or point here. Just anxiously waiting to see the output of the comic genius that is Mikey.
Are you still up, old man?

I'm frantically searching Gogle for the lyrics. Just hang for a while longer and I may be able to help you out.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:57 am
by Nishlord
Jimmy Page is going to be part of the closing ceremony of the Olympics. On a London bus. Playing the guitar solo of Whole Lotta Love.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:40 pm
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:Stairway to Heaven isn't even in the Top 10 list of LZ songs, btw.
I wouldn't go quite that far. But there's definitely a few LZ songs I'd put on that desert island disc before Stairway. Songs like Dazed & Confused, The Lemon Song, Night Flight, In The Light, Achilles Last Stand, Kashmir, Celebration Day, Hats Off To Roy Harper, Out On The Tiles, No Quarter, Since I've Been Loving You...

Oh well, I guess you're right. Stairway isn't even a top 10 LZ song.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:43 pm
by warren
Nishlord wrote:Jimmy Page is going to be part of the closing ceremony of the Olympics. On a London bus. Playing the guitar solo of Whole Lotta Love.
Big freaking whup dude. I've heard West Indian and mussies fart Beethovenn's Fifth in my face a hundred times on #8 on the way home to Bow.

Believe you me, that's a show stopper.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:59 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Stairway to Heaven isn't even in the Top 10 list of LZ songs, btw.
I wouldn't go quite that far. But there's definitely a few LZ songs I'd put on that desert island disc before Stairway. Songs like Dazed & Confused, The Lemon Song, Night Flight, In The Light, Achilles Last Stand, Kashmir, Celebration Day, Hats Off To Roy Harper, Out On The Tiles, No Quarter, Since I've Been Loving You...

Oh well, I guess you're right. Stairway isn't even a top 10 LZ song.
Not to mention: How Many More Times, You Shook Me, Down By The Seaside, Heartbreaker, When The Levee Breaks, Going To California...

And that's just off the top of my head. It seems every legendary band has their 'signature' song, but I'm not really sure how Stairway became LZ's.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:06 pm
by Wolfman
B-Smack is on the "right track"--- there were so many tunes to choose. Likewise I'd refuse to play Skynyrd's "Free Bird" or Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" with so much other great stuff available.
Did I mention I hate modern day "classic rock" stations for their shamefully limited play lists ?

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:36 pm
by KC Scott
Immigrant song
Gallows pole
Bron-y-aur stomp
Misty Mountain Hop
Hey What can I do
Custard Pie
Over the Hills and far away
When the levee breaks
Dancing Days
In My time of dying
The song remains the same
In the evening
Houses of the Holy

, Stairway to Heaven

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:21 pm
by War Wagon
Immigrant song - Yes
Gallows pole - Hell Yes
Bron-y-aur stomp - Maybe
Misty Mountain Hop - Nah
Hey What can I do - No Way
Custard Pie - Eh, sorta'
Over the Hills and far away - Yes
When the levee breaks - Absolutely
Dancing Days - No
In My time of dying - No
The song remains the same - No
In the evening - No
Houses of the Holy - Yes
Can see you're a big LZ III fan Scott, and so am I. Coupla' songs you left off from that album that I really dig are Friends and Tangerine.

I'd also be remiss If I didn't mention Boogie with Stu.

And if there's one LZ song that gets waaay too much play, especially on that new 99.7 station, it's D'yer Maker. Good Lord, they brag about digging deeep into a bands catalog, but then play that below average turd all the damn time, ignoring about 90% of the rest. Makes me wanna' barf.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:52 am
by War Wagon
Sudden Sam wrote: Having seen Zeppelin live...
When and where?

I hate you, btw. Lucky fuck.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:57 am
by Shoalzie
That version from 'The Song Remains the Same' will always be cool no matter how many times I watch it. Stairway isn't my favorite song on Zoso, let alone in the entire library. It's hard to pick a bad song that they've done even off the later albums like 'Presence', 'Coda' or 'In Through the Out Door'.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:37 am
by huh?
Toddowen wrote: Anything by Boston gives me the same feeling.

OK, I'll do it. Dude it's more than a feeling

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:30 pm
by Nishlord
Toddowen wrote:ANY band that uses a locale name sucks major ass.
Quite possibly the most ludicrously inaccurate statement ever made on this board.


Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:58 pm
by KC Scott
Since I got the guitar hero and rock bands games, my appreciation of some of the old shit I thought I was sick of has improved significantly.

- Don't Fear the Reaper, Highway Star, Flirtin with disaster, foreplay/Longtime, Tom Sawyer all come to mind as songs I'd switch off, but now that I've played them on RB just can't hear them enough

Wonder why Zepplin & AC/DC haven't licensed any songs to the games yet.

Would be cool as fuck to play Immigrant Song or Problem Child on my fake Stratocaster

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:12 pm
by warren
I guess since we're sharing the Zep stories, my soon to be ex-limey wife is a temp in London and was at I believe, Atlantic records getting paid a rediculous amount of like a 100 pound ($200) for answering phones and in walks the Golden God himself and he immidiately demands a fag (cigarette) for you Southerners and uneducated ones.

So she complies but say's will if you take a photo with me so I can show my boyfriend because he's a fan, he agrees, and I see yon photo and he's giving me the finger while groping my woman, basically. If this thing stay's amicable or we resolve our issues when I get over there I promise I'll post it, or at least tell her she can keep the furniture if shell post it for me.

I love all Zep especially "Down by the Sea Side" but I fucking hate Stairway to Hell and I hate Robert Plant and his zen bullshit. I'm not a big dude or a good fighter, but if I see him in Chelsea or the West End I'll beat his ass down.

That's my stairway to your morning, out.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:17 pm
by Nishlord
I bet she's not shown you the other photo, Warren. The one with me in it.



Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:27 pm
by warren
Nishlord wrote:I bet she's not shown you the other photo, Warren. The one with me in it.


I'm positive in some way, shape or form that is funny, but I am just to slow and drunk to get it.

Thanks though douche, you've been a wonderful pick me up already this morning.

Now go have a fucked up evening and warn those stanky limeys that a Texan is coming to fucking Knuttingham. The limey gal want's to know if you're sherriff up there.

For the yanks that don't know, Nottingham or Rugby or anything up north in the King's England, is like our deep south only with less teeth and no guns.

Oh and really ugly women that buy black market Chinese knock off fashion from boot sales. Douchelord will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:08 pm
by War Wagon
verrah nice.

Anybody catch the very gray haired Jimmy Page last night during the (tape delayed) Olympic closing ceremonies jamming out Whole Lotta' Love? Not bad for an old man.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:54 pm
by BSmack
Thank God for my DVR. I fast forwarded to Page's part. I would have been more impressed had he completely reworked Whole Lotta Love as opposed to just totally emasculating one of the greatest songs in rock history.


Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:06 pm
by Dinsdale
warren wrote:Image
I'm positive in some way, shape or form that is funny[/quote]

Oh, it is.

I sure laughed...

Even though I believe the Seattle Red Snapper Incident was a drunk-Bonzo fuelled matter, rather than Gloden God...

But funny, nonetheless.

Can't believe any woman would ever want to part ways with Warren-btw. He's such a ray of sunshine.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:55 pm
Nottingham or Rugby or anything up north in the King's England, is like our deep south only with less teeth and no guns.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:57 pm
by warren
Dinsdale wrote:
warren wrote:Image
I'm positive in some way, shape or form that is funny

Oh, it is.

I sure laughed...

Even though I believe the Seattle Red Snapper Incident was a drunk-Bonzo fuelled matter, rather than Gloden God...

But funny, nonetheless.

Can't believe any woman would ever want to part ways with Warren-btw. He's such a ray of sunshine.[/quote]

Dude not only are unable to bring even a box lunch to the table but you are unaware of the humour in the "golden god" comment.

You suck now, you'll suck later, and you'll suck worms really soon unless set down the crack pipe.

I really dig almost every fucker on this spot, however, dinsdale the trouser trouter is one that I would really love to treat like Dust Diamond got treated in celebrity fag match.

Shut the fuck up man, that's where I live, that's my ex-girl did for a living, that I know of and you are a bottom feeding, no talent, live off the humour of those with grey matter people that occupy this space. I'm at home for about two more days other than I do work my own land in the morning and if in the span of time you want do the gayfamous smack off with me then bring it bitch.

Oh, dude, you've been so served now, faggot.

I don't like you, I know your fat and I know that next to kiddie porn that x-box is your favourite past time.

What the fuck would you know about sunshine biatch? You are fat and pasty and a virgin to the female species, guarantee it. Charleston Warren out.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:38 pm
by Goober McTuber
Awfully early in the day to be totally shit-faced, warren.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:07 pm
by Dinsdale
warren wrote:Dude not only are unable to bring even a box lunch to the table but you are unaware of the humour in the "golden god" comment.

If my Warren-to-English Dictionary is correct...



Robert Plant got the Golden God nickname in what... 1971? After sticking his head out through the limo sunroof with a wicked buzz on and declaring himself as such.

But really dude, you rock. What a brilliant smack-arsenal you bring here -- call someone out on Led Zep trivia... immeditely after clowning yourself for your lack of familiarity of Led Zep trivia.

There's a clever tack if I've ever seen one.
dinsdale the trouser trouter is one that I would really love to treat like Dust Diamond got treated in celebrity fag match.
I'm unfamiliar with such celebrity fag matches, but I'm assuming that was a veiled threat?

You've done it again... immediately after admitting to not being a good fighter or a large man, you play the "I'd like to kick your ass" card.

Genius... pure genius.

While I don't play the internet-tough-guy-game, I'll share some reality...

I AM a reasonably large man (though I get crap for being skinny, not fat... update your spreadsheet on Mom's Infected Computer, if you would), and am a trained fucking fighter. Hop a plane, or stop with the internet tough guy schtick.
Oh, dude, you've been so served now, faggot.

What the fuck would you know about sunshine biatch? You are fat and pasty and a virgin to the female species, guarantee it. Charleston Warren out.

I have a lovely fucking tan for a pasty Nothern-Euro-type, thank you. I'm quite thin and fit. And I had sex with not one, but two different women over the weekend (one of them quite hardbodied, the other... not so much).

Your deep internet insight needs a little work.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:33 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:Robert Plant got the Golden God nickname in what... 1971? After sticking his head out through the limo sunroof with a wicked buzz on and declaring himself as such.
It was at the Continental Hyatt House (AKA the "Riot House") in LA during the Physical Graffiti tour in 1975.
As the 1970s progressed he, along with the other members of Led Zeppelin, became increasingly flamboyant onstage and wore more elaborate, colourful clothing and jewelry. In 1975, he was reported to have exclaimed the phrase "I am a Golden god!" from the balcony of the Continental Hyatt House in Los Angeles, California (reference to which was later made in Cameron Crowe's film, Almost Famous).
It's also referenced in Hammer of the Gods.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:54 pm
by warren
Dinsdale wrote:
warren wrote:Dude not only are unable to bring even a box lunch to the table but you are unaware of the humour in the "golden god" comment.

If my Warren-to-English Dictionary is correct...



Robert Plant got the Golden God nickname in what... 1971? After sticking his head out through the limo sunroof with a wicked buzz on and declaring himself as such.

But really dude, you rock. What a brilliant smack-arsenal you bring here -- call someone out on Led Zep trivia... immeditely after clowning yourself for your lack of familiarity of Led Zep trivia.

There's a clever tack if I've ever seen one.
dinsdale the trouser trouter is one that I would really love to treat like Dust Diamond got treated in celebrity fag match.
I'm unfamiliar with such celebrity fag matches, but I'm assuming that was a veiled threat?

You've done it again... immediately after admitting to not being a good fighter or a large man, you play the "I'd like to kick your ass" card.

Genius... pure genius.

While I don't play the internet-tough-guy-game, I'll share some reality...

I AM a reasonably large man (though I get crap for being skinny, not fat... update your spreadsheet on Mom's Infected Computer, if you would), and am a trained fucking fighter. Hop a plane, or stop with the internet tough guy schtick.
Oh, dude, you've been so served now, faggot.

What the fuck would you know about sunshine biatch? You are fat and pasty and a virgin to the female species, guarantee it. Charleston Warren out.

I have a lovely fucking tan for a pasty Nothern-Euro-type, thank you. I'm quite thin and fit. And I had sex with not one, but two different women over the weekend (one of them quite hardbodied, the other... not so much).

Your deep internet insight needs a little work.
Uhm, Master of all that is zep, the guy came into her office when it was probably 2004 and she just answered phones at the place so the timeliness of the
Golden God reference has nothing to do with timeline bra. He still cuts records and he was doing business at Atlantic records, I just euphamized his nic as the "golden cocksucker."

I will be 39 tomorrow actually and she's a little older but your attempt at calling bullshit qualifies nothing. It was a story that used the guys moniker. He still walks in to an office where my wife is the first greeter and was and asshole that's it.

So how the fuck are you calling me out as a liar because of the day that he called himself that?

Fucking grow some synapses dickhead. She works for a temporary agency in London that sends her wherever a receptionist is out sick or on holliday and she happened to be called there at that company, not at the place and time where he labeled himself that.

Are you able to grasp that principle fuckhead? He was wrinkled and gray and wanted a smoke and because she new I loved zep she asked for a picture at the front desk of a fucking company.

I am so zen and Christian that I abhore violence, but you beg for a good old Texas ass kicking and I have all the frequent miles to give it. So shut the fuck up and get your facts straight.

Now to the guy that said that it was to early get drunk, well it never used to be for me, however I am now a constant attendant of AA and don't smoke, drink or even rarely eat meat, it was joke you fuck.

I love this place because it's like shooting one eyed fish in a barrell, bring it one and bring it all. I'm hot from working the back hoe on my Family ranch and I am so high on going to the local market with my Mother to get veggies that I just might get crazy.

Dinsdale is going to get run before I hit Ireland on Friday. Oh, and once again tomorrow is my birthday so I am really pumped; bring it ladies. Charleston Warren is here to play.

Oh my gosh, I just actually read this dude's tripe and he not only is a trained fighter with a "lovely"tan, but he had sex with not one but two ladies over the weekend. You are a fucking tool dude.

I may be going through a bad breakup which now looks better for me because I am going over there to bring her home but I am a normal looking dude and have had a few girls in my day's but I would never sink to the level of pointing out that I am a trained fighter and double sex weekend gigilo shit to save my life. I love a fucking challenge and it could be one of those infamous troll stops where I at 6 foot, 185 with one girl that I still love and has been my only sexual partner for five and one half years goes up against the bronzed bad ass godkilla of sex that pulls ass by the dozen and is proud of it.

The loser will have to bang blondie babe while I, the winner get to laugh in your fucking face.

I'm no computer genius, but within 24 hours I'll post me and my wife, who are both just average hard working people and you will post your God like image and the two ho's you spanked over the weekend. I will enlist help from the IT guy's that are decent on here on how to transfer my pics from my e-mail to this shit hole that you rock over.

Then we'll pick time and place for Saved by the Bell dude getting his ass kicked by some other d-lister, this is fun and it is on.

I am asking for any computer knowledgeble people to tell me how to relay me and wife's pic to this site, thanks in advance.

Dinsdale is getting not only run but hurt, I'm a roughneck and a veteran and I'll even scan my DD-214 to prove my dates of service. I love this shit because I don't have anything else to do but watch Astros baseball and kick you in your vaginal area all night.w out.

P.S. had to edit because I was so drunk on gator-aid and hard work that dude got the better of my emotions and I saw the massive errors of my ways.

Come on Dinsdale this the first war I've had time for since Index got his ass run.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:15 pm
by Jay in Phoenix

"Fat, drunk and spupid is no way to go through life warren....D-."

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:25 pm
by warren
See if this goes through it's my English wife in our flat in the East End. Say what you want to about her, but she's best thing that ever happened to me and I'm glad we've worked things out and she'll enjoy the fuck out watching the beatdown on dimsdale, because we'll back after finish one more job in Ireland.

Fuck that's not working, somebody help me show the pic's of her and me so Dinsdale can shut the fuck up.

I went to my pics on my yahoo account and just tried to copy and then paste, but it didn't come up as a link. Believe it or not, I use DOS to operate my downhole probe on the rig and am just not computer literate, but do plan to take classes when I get back.

Thank you to anybody. Warren.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:29 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:Thank God for my DVR. I fast forwarded to Page's part. I would have been more impressed had he completely reworked Whole Lotta Love as opposed to just totally emasculating one of the greatest songs in rock history.
Yeah, of all the songs to pick, and with some bitch singing it. I'm sorry, but no woman can pull that off. This be a song about boning skanks, and they somehow think that's appropriate for the Olympics? Stupid Chinese probably had no idea what the song was about, and Page was more than obliged to let that go, probably laughing his ass off. Did you notice how they left out the 'every inch' part?

Btw, how did that song miss everyones list of Zep songs better than Stairway?

For that matter, how did Kashmir and Trampled Under Foot also miss?

Whatever, I just luvs me a good Led Zep thread.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:30 pm
by Felix
some excellent usage of the quote function going on in this thread

carry on......

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:35 pm
by warren
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Image

"Fat, drunk and spupid is no way to go through life warren....D-."
Let''s see your pic and resume you fuck. I'm trying to show what I look like and I don't drink and if I am so stupid and you're so intelligent then solve this equation for me within shit 20 min.

Solve a right triangle which is kindergarten by the way. You know with a right triangle then you are going to have a 90 degree angle so that is on out of three angles you need.

I'll give 44 as the other, now what's the third angle Einstien, it is now 17.35 CST you get 20 minutes to prove how much smarter you are then me.

In the meanwhile I really want to learn how to transfer photos not just for dimdick or this fuck here but for friends and family.

Thank you again Warren

Oh and fuck you Jay I worked for Ozzie's right there by Camelback Mountain on Scottsdale Drive and I know that was you with the Mad Dog 20/20 and the fishnets trying to trick the roughnecks, and you almost did old Jerry because you have know adams apple and no balls now solve the fucking triangle bitch.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:46 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
warren wrote:Oh and fuck you Jay I worked for Ozzie's right there by Camelback Mountain on Scottsdale Drive and I know that was you with the Mad Dog 20/20 and the fishnets trying to trick the roughnecks, and you almost did old Jerry because you have know adams apple and no balls now solve the fucking triangle bitch.
First of all w, it's Scottsdale Road.

Secondly, the Scottsdale police would never allow a fishnetted tranny anywhere near that intersection. And MD 20/20 in Scottsdale??? Puh-leaze.

Thrid, there is NO Ozzies at that locale.

But I do believe that in one of your many wonderous drunken stupors, you did fantasize about Dinsdale in drag, ciggy dangling from pursed lips, giving you the one-finger come on...only to bitch-slap you back to reality as you vomit all over your Buster Browns.

That about sum it up sport?

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:52 pm
by warren
mvscal wrote:
warren wrote:Fuck that's not working, somebody help me show the pic's of her and me so Dinsdale can shut the fuck up.
OK mv, I've registered with photobucket and I'm to point where it prompts you to the source from which you want to send your photos and mine is e-mail.

It then say's to just e-mail that file to the photobucket, please forgive my ignorance about this but I am managing this problem properly. If you could walk me through it or even if your just kicking back I don't care if you call collect on my mobile, hell I'll give it right here because it changes with every company so these dickweeds can call all they want it's 979.203.5720.

Please remember that this not about proving anything to any bottomfeeders here, but because of my work I have a lot of cool pics I'd like to share with friends and family and I have never had the time to learn this.

Thank you very much if you do have the time to assist me.

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:07 pm
by Louis Cyphre
To get back on topic:

Yes, Stairway get played way too much.

"Hot Dog," needs a lot more air time!

Re: Stairway To Heaven

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:09 pm
by warren

Contact Information Sorry fuck, you go just out of Scottsdale and you take a right on West Sherman and you can see Camelback almost as much as you can see your wife's cameltoe. Oh, and you are so right, old town Scumsdale would never have a fishnet or a malt liqour beverage allowed in their jurisdiction. Don't fuck with a Veteran and an old roughneck punk.
Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc.

7102 West Sherman Street
Phoenix, Arizona, 85043, USA
Tel: (480) 585-9400
Contact: Tom Sarauskas
Email: Tom Sarauskas

Jay in Phoenix wrote:
warren wrote:Oh and fuck you Jay I worked for Ozzie's right there by Camelback Mountain on Scottsdale Drive and I know that was you with the Mad Dog 20/20 and the fishnets trying to trick the roughnecks, and you almost did old Jerry because you have know adams apple and no balls now solve the fucking triangle bitch.
First of all w, it's Scottsdale Road.

Secondly, the Scottsdale police would never allow a fishnetted tranny anywhere near that intersection. And MD 20/20 in Scottsdale??? Puh-leaze.

Thrid, there is NO Ozzies at that locale.

But I do believe that in one of your many wonderous drunken stupors, you did fantasize about Dinsdale in drag, ciggy dangling from pursed lips, giving you the one-finger come on...only to bitch-slap you back to reality as you vomit all over your Buster Browns.

That about sum it up sport?
It's and they're just off of Scottsdale Road and I've worked them in Germany and I've worked for them in you beloved Scottsdale, that about sum it up sport?

Gave you the address, you've got internet access, ask them where they are located and ask them about Charleston Hink, they'll remember sport. Now go play some badmitton with your gangly bitch and leave reality to the those that have lived it dumbfuck.