For Smackie

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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For Smackie

Post by Mikey »

My baby gives me the finance blues, Tax me to the
limit of my revenues. Here she comes
finger-poppin', clickety-click She says furs or
diamonds, you take your pick.

She wants money, what she wants, She wants money,
what she wants, She wants money, what she wants,
She wants money, what she wants, Money money,
money money money. Money money, money money money.

She say, "Money, honey", I'd rob a bank,
I just load my gun and mosey down to the bank.
Knockin' off my neighborhood savings and load, To
keep my sweet chiquita in eau de cologne.

She wants money, what she wants, She wants money,
what she wants, Money money, money money money.
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
Money money, money money money.

Mama don't send me down to rob that bank again, I
got a notion that your leadin' me to sin. Won't
you relax, won't you lay way back, Don't you bug
your honey 'bout no Cadillac. It's only bucks, you
don't need no jack. So won't you please relax and
lay way back.

My baby's lovin' gives me such a thrill; It gives
me inspiration makin' counterfeit bills. Now some
folks say the best things in life are free,

She wants money, what she wants, She wants money,
what she wants, Money money, money money money.
Money money, money money money.

Lord made a lady out of Adam's rib, next thing you
know, you got women's lib. Lovely to look upon,
Heaven to touch; It's a real shame that they got
to cost so much.
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Re: For Smackie

Post by RadioFan »

My Way

You think you're special
You do
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it when you laugh at me
Look down on me
You walk around on me
Just one more fight
About your leadership
And I will straight up
Leave your shit
Cause I've had enough of this
And now I'm pissed

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway

Just one more fight
About a lot of things
And I will give up everything
To be on my own again
Free again

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway

Some day you'll see things my way
Cause you never know
Where, you never know
Where you're gonna go

Just one more fight
And I'll be history
Yes I will straight up
Leave your shit
And you'll be the one who's left
Missing me

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway

Some day you'll see things my way
Cause you never know
Where, you never know
Where you're gonna go


Whoops, I meant to post this in a poli thread. :oops:
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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