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Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:23 am
by Moby Dick
just found this video pretty interesting...took me most of the day to watch it..really didn't have the time to watch it at one time.
just curious as to you guys' thoughts and reactions to it.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:54 am
by poptart
Thanks, MD.
Most of the information in the film is info that I've seen through a variety of clips over a fairly long period of time.
I don't agree with all that is presented there, but I DO agree with much (or most) of it.
The free flow of information that we currently have through the internet will come to a close in the not-too-distant future, IMO.
No prez candidate, and scant few 'representatives of the people' at all who favor the elimination of the federal reserve, will get a sniff of public office.
My real comments on this belong in the Theology Forum, so I'll leave it at what I just posted there.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:17 pm
by Tom In VA
poptart wrote:
My real comments on this belong in the Theology Forum, so I'll leave it at what I just posted there.
And I'll def. read that post.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:08 pm
by Tom In VA
That's some heavy ass shit Moby. Thanks.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:19 pm
by Moby Dick
Tom In VA wrote:That's some heavy ass shit Moby. Thanks.
no prob.
was this supposed to be posted in the theology forum?
anyhow,'s a little ridiculous the shit that goes on behind the scenes...
i thought it was especially fucked up when that guy was calling into that news show and starts talking about how W signed a bill saying that anyone who opposed the Iraq war could have their assets taken...but was conviently hung up on before he could finish..and then the guy didnt even answer his question.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:48 pm
by Moby Dick
because he didnt get to finish his fucking question?
quit trying to sidestep the question is what i'm saying..fucking address it..wether or not it's a stupid question or not.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:08 pm
by Tom In VA ... 717-3.html ... stitution/
The question is, historically, the Constitution has never been 100% adhered to and many times - suspended, interpreted differently, etc.. etc... in times of "crisis".
The big ones are of course the suspension of Habeus Corpus by Lincoln, the "Alien and Sedition Acts" during World War I, FDR's executive orders during WWII.
Manipulation of and the occasional ignoring of the U.S. Constitution is nothing new under the sun. The "freedom" we purportedly have is that they take a little away we get a little back. It's the Yin and Yang of this country.
Nobody seems to mind the circumventing of the Constitution when it comes to one of their pet interests, but when it comes to National interests - suspicions get aroused.
This is part of the alleged "brainwashing" going on, I suppose, - the fact things like this aren't without precedence.
The striking difference between the suspension of the Constitution during the Civil War, WWI, and WWII is that those wars all had conclusions. The contention is that the "War on Terror", like the "War on Drugs" is very open-ended. Unlike the Civil War, WWI and WWII - when all can say without a doubt - "It's over, let's make sure to suspend these draconian measures", the fear is that measures taken under the "War on Terror" will go on and on, especially with the notion of "sleeper cells" inside the country, the known domestic organizations that seek to incite or capitalize on a breakdown of order (Southern Poverty Law Center List).
I mean it's all very compelling and thought provoking.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:43 pm
by Moby Dick
Executive Order 13303 - Allows Oil companies in Iraq to be above the law, immune to consequences of actions in terms of the law.
Executive Order 13350 - Allows the government to freeze all assests of people who threaten Iraq's "stability". This is so broad that anyone here in America protesting anything doing with the war or our troops over there, could be found guilty under this order
Executive Order 13364 - Also makes anyone acting in a manner that threatens the stability of Iraq to be a victim of their assests being froze. This includes any American protesting the war.
(what the links tom provided in a nutshell)
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:03 pm
by Tom In VA
Actually I retract my "Those wars all had conclusions ....". They sort of did , but the reprecussions are still felt today.
In my opinion, those wars had definitive "re-evaluation points", for instance ... it became apparent there was no longer a need to keep the Japanese internment camps because the Empire of Japan was destroyed.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:13 pm
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:because he didnt get to finish his fucking question?
Unless he was about to add a list of protesters who have had their assets frozen/seized for simply protesting the war, there is no point in indulging wingnut paranoia.
I am not aware of any such takings. Are you? The pertinent question is how
have they been used not how
could they be used.
we'll never know.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:17 pm
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:And why is that? Are they being killed too?
should i know?
whats your opinions on those EOs?
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:26 pm
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:mvscal wrote:And why is that? Are they being killed too?
should i know?
Yes. There thousands of news reporters and editors who jerk themselves to sleep day-dreaming about breaking a story of the Bush administration seizing assets of people for doing nothing more than protesting against the war.
All it would take is a single phone call to make national news.
that's just IT mvscal, the only news you hear from is Television/newspapers. Even the major media news netoworks online are owned by the same folks.
in the'll hear what they want you to hear. You made your own'll hear it from newsreporters....who are just folks who are handed papers being told what to say.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:05 am
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:that's just IT mvscal, the only news you hear from is Television/newspapers. Even the major media news netoworks online are owned by the same folks.
in the'll hear what they want you to hear. You made your own'll hear it from newsreporters....who are just folks who are handed papers being told what to say.
And in the end hysterical bedwetters like you will just make a bunch of bullshit to explain why you aren't hearing what you want to hear.
Check back in when you have something to contribute other than piss stained sheets.
funny, i figured you'd make a personal attack lol.
am i running around like the sky is falling? hell no.
am i goign to sit back and believe everything i see on Television? hell no.
hows about you Mvscal? bitter much?
sounds like to me you enjoy your liberties taken away. if you wanna believe that our government isnt corrupt and that the U.S. is a-ok that's your fantasy land..not mine.
doesnt take a genious to notice that our privacy and rights are being taken away and to notice this country isnt nowhere NEAR waht it was before 1914.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:30 am
by poptart
Moby Dick wrote:was this supposed to be posted in the theology forum?
It definitely belongs here.
Behind the powers we see (the president, etc.) there are powers which are
much greater.
And behind the powers
behind the powers that we see are even ...
greater ... powers.
Speaking of
those powers are what is
really the issue, but it's something that is better served being in the Theology Forum.
I'm not interested in 'sidetracking' this topic here.
Mvscal's likes to champion the Constitution, yet he unfailingly sides
against the Constitution when issues related to military or 'national security' are on the table.
That's been my observation over time.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:32 am
by Moby Dick
poptart wrote:Moby Dick wrote:was this supposed to be posted in the theology forum?
It definitely belongs here.
Mvscal's likes to champion the Constitution, yet unfailingly sides
against the Constitution when issues related to military or 'national security' are on the table.
That's been my observation over time.
and opposers be damned.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:10 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I'm not watching the video. I'm not clicking on that link.
Someone wanna give me a breakdown, in one paragraph, what the fuck we're talking about here?
If this is "freemasons and unicorn", don't waste my time.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:49 am
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:am i goign to sit back and believe everything i see on Television? hell no.
Oh, I see. You're going to sit back and believe everything you see on Youtube instead. Brilliant plan.
Any evidence that any of these executive orders have been used in an abusive manner? Are you able to produce one single protester who has had his or her assets frozen due to their stance on the war?
sounds like to me you enjoy your liberties taken away.
I haven't had any liberties taken away. Then again, I've never considered myself at liberty to provide material support to terrorist organizations who are killing American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Grow up, you nutless shitstain.
"grow up, you nutless shitstain" snappy there make yourself look like a complete tool dude...."oh noes someone has an opion OTHER THAN MINE! ...names...."
looks like you're the one that needs to grow up pal.
way to put words in my mouth about a protester's assets frozen or taken away...i never said there WAS someone that had it taken away DID i mvscal? link to where i said it?? the fact is..the law is THERE to do it. This video and these links have you so riled up and bonkers you just wanna start calling names and ..i can only imagine if we were in person chatting about this you'd be screaming or yelling...either way you'd have your defenses up and think it was an attack on YOU personally.
You say terrorist troops are killing our troops...that MAY be...i feel for our soldiers over there..and i support the hell outta THEM. The fact that you say i'm supporting the terrorists is a JOKE.
For real mvscal, from every post i've ever read of yours wether it be here...theology or the main board which i hardly visit, you come off like you're pissed of at the world and the only word is YOUR word. You're ridiculous.
so go ahead..respond to this post with a shitstain..or peepee pants...or claim i'm supporting TERRORISM of all things cause i get pissed off that laws are being passed that put MY liberties in jeopardy and i dotn believe the bullshit they try to force feed us every night on the local news.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:39 am
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:the law is THERE to do it.
Really? What's he waiting for then? Where is the rash of unconstitutional takings made under the rubric of this executive order?
The bottom line here is that you are an idiot. There's no polite way of phrasing it. The law is NOT there to seize the assets of Americans who are against the war. It is there to seize the assets of people who provide material support for terrorist organizations.
Check back in when you actually have something to cry about.
when was i ever crying?
for real Mv, quit mustering shit up just to make a paragraph to insult me. You're making yourself look like a complete fool.
i posted a video and wanted comments...yea, i think it's bullshit about the EOs put in place....not going to apologize for that.
it's my RIGHT as a United States citizen to question and be happy..OR upset at ANY law or laws passed or put into place.
if anyone's crying...its you.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:50 am
by Tom In VA
Martyred wrote:I'm not watching the video. I'm not clicking on that link.
Someone wanna give me a breakdown, in one paragraph, what the fuck we're talking about here?
If this is "freemasons and unicorn", don't waste my time.
Rockefellers, Rothschild's, Bilderbergers, etc.. etc...
Illuminati, Secret Handshakes, Free Masons, Oh My
Oh and dancing around a huge ass owl. RFID chips, the boob tube, you know the drill.
Rendevous With Destiny
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:53 am
by poptart
Mvscal, I don't think there was much 'tangible evidence' of 'abuse' when the 16th amendment was pushed through and the federal reserve bank essentially took over the country in 1913, either.
Look what has happend to our monetary system since then.
We're straight fucked.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:14 am
by poptart
Good freaking grief, man.
And that was a serious post?
Yes, I get it now, the higher standard of living and longer life expectancy we have 95 yrs later is due to the establishment of the federal reserve.
Are you the same guy that lobs the term dumbfuck at people?
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:01 am
by poptart
Life expectancy for white males rose from 38 in 1850 to 50 in 1911, without the federal reserve.
Go figure. lol
The advancement of our standard of living in the 20th century had to do with a whole host of factors beyond the establishment of the fed reserve.
You're gripping, dude.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:19 am
by Tom In VA
We could always return to the barter system.
Anarchy might not be such a bad idea for that matter either. Nobody is corrupt in anarchy and everyone gets a fair shake, no abuse of authority or anything.
Who are you ?
Whoo, Whoo,
Whoo, Whoo
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:34 am
by Diogenes
Hearing third part advocates (and those who think the Bush's EOs are repressive) complaining about how terrible a year 1913 was is rather comical.
Just saying...
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:46 am
by Diogenes
And for the record, I have no problem with... ... 717-3.html
to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of:
(A) threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq; or
(B) undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people;
(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, logistical, or technical support for, or goods or services in support of,
such an act or acts of violence or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or
(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.
Or 2.5 hours to watch this tripe.
Got a link that breaks down the Master Plan?
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:13 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Tom In VA wrote:
Who are you ?
Whoo, Whoo,
Whoo, Whoo
RACK Tom. Eternally.

Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:17 am
by poptart
Shrubber doesn't post in this forum.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:23 pm
by Moby Dick
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:when was i ever crying?
i posted a video and wanted comments...yea, i think it's bullshit about the EOs put in place....not going to apologize for that.
it's my RIGHT as a United States citizen to question and be happy..OR upset at ANY law or laws passed or put into place.
if anyone's crying...its you.
Right here for one. Your twat lips have been dripping all over this thread.
for real Mv, quit mustering shit up just to make a paragraph to insult me. You're making yourself look like a complete fool.
Oh, I see. I ask you to cite any real abuse of these orders and all you can do is call that foolish? No evidence there, champ?
Seriously, you've got nothing.
do you not GET IT???
my issue is with the EO dude...REGARDLESS IF IT"S BEEN ABUSED..get it thru your skull.
let me know if i need to repeat myself for the 4th time in this thread..i'll just copy paste.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:25 pm
by Moby Dick
Diogenes wrote:
Got a link that breaks down the Master Plan?[/b]
the 2.5 hrs WAS a breakdown
Tom posted on teh first page that basically told the story
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:32 pm
by Diogenes
Moby Dick wrote:Tom posted on teh first page that basically told the story
A reasonanable EO and a hysterical meltdown?
Got it. Carry on.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:37 pm
by Tom In VA
Diogenes wrote:Moby Dick wrote:Tom posted on teh first page that basically told the story
A reasonanable EO and a hysterical meltdown?
Got it. Carry on.
No a breakdown of the film. It's quite fascinating, really.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:47 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:do you not GET IT???
my issue is with the EO dude...REGARDLESS IF IT"S BEEN ABUSED..get it thru your skull.
Oh, I understand. As I said, you
are an idiot.
Check back in when you have an actual abuse to report.
Abuse #1 would be secret Presidential signing statements that subvert the intent of the legislation he is signing.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:06 pm
by Tom In VA
Regardless of whether or not it's been abused, it's quite right to be on guard against EO's and/or legislation that might make sense within the context of some event, crisis, time period but can be used later on down the road in an abusive manner.
History shows where this has occurred in this country. The Assault Weapons Ban, the requirement for registration of weapons were heralded as being sensible in one respect but precursors to potential abuse. The NRA, was adamant about how such legislation screwing with their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment all might be well and good "for the children" and "for security" but how - now you're on a list. Comparisons were drawn to Nazi Germany back then and how it all started with requiring Jews to register.
The old axiom, "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely", call for this sort of vigilance and "whining" / vehement scrutiny. Even if something our government does makes sense for a period of time, it should constantly be scrutinized and when deemed unnecessary thrown out.
I think one of the major righteous claims this video makes is that such protestations, and the ability for our voices to be heard AND acted upon when time permits is being rendered impotent. It's rendered impotent by the lack of information (in mainstream press), obfuscation of facts, the liberal and socialist infestation of our education system, and FUD.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:15 pm
by titlover
Tom In VA wrote:We could always return to the barter system.
Anarchy might not be such a bad idea for that matter either. Nobody is corrupt in anarchy and everyone gets a fair shake, no abuse of authority or anything.
Who are you ?
Whoo, Whoo,
Whoo, Whoo
there is no true anarchy, fuckhole
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:27 pm
by Tom In VA
Nor is there an ability to recognize a facetious comment apparently.
But that's okay, The Owl, will protect us.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:34 pm
by Mikey
Tom In VA wrote:...but how - now you're on a list.
Got a driver's license?
Social Security card?
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:00 pm
by Tom In VA
Mikey wrote:Tom In VA wrote:...but how - now you're on a list.
Got a driver's license?
Social Security card?
It's all FUD Mikey. Personally, they shouldn't be fucking with the 2nd Amendment anyway. As far as I'm concerned a man has a right to defend himself - against all enemies foreign and domestic. If somebody has enough cash for a Vulcan weapons system, they should be able to deploy it . :D
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:05 pm
by Mikey
I'm looking to get my hands on a disruptor and some photon torpedos.
Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:42 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Tom In VA wrote:Mikey wrote:Tom In VA wrote:...but how - now you're on a list.
Got a driver's license?
Social Security card?
It's all FUD Mikey. Personally, they shouldn't be fucking with the 2nd Amendment anyway. As far as I'm concerned a man has a right to defend himself - against all enemies foreign and domestic. If somebody has enough cash for a Vulcan weapons system, they should be able to deploy it . :D

Re: Got 2.5 hours to spare?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:42 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
SunCoastSooner wrote: Personally, they shouldn't be fucking with the 2nd Amendment anyway.
Who is fucking with the 2nd?