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Ebay pimps and the IRS

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:24 pm
by smackaholic
The OL still buys more crap off ebay than she sells, but, she has been taking more and more interest in the sellng side. She absolutely can not drive buy a goodwill or salvation army store these days without stopping to scour it for stuff (mostly handbags and some clothing brands. She made about 150 bucks off some atrocious hippy looking designer bag with a dago name I never heard of. Usually on coach or gucci bags she'll make 20-50 bucks. Yesterday we actually got over 2 bills for a mint condition old school north face down jacket. I picked that one up at the SA store about 4 years ago for 20-30 bucks. I had hoped I would shrink down enough to fit it myself and I was already there, but, looking at what they were bringing, I decided to list it.

So now, I am wondering how long it is before mr revenuer cocksucker sends me an email looking for his cut.

I googled it and found something saying that they will start looking at ebayers with 100 sales and 5000 gross sales per year. If this is so, I suspect we will be safe. But, I get the feeling that once them fukkers realize what a cash cow ebay will be for them, they will pounce on everybody.

What do you fukkers think? Any CPA/tax lawyer/dinsgoogle responses appreciated.

Re: Ebay pimps and the IRS

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:50 pm
by Nishlord
smackaholic wrote:face down jacket. I picked that one up at the SA store about 4 years ago for 20-30 bucks.
I bet you refuse to sell those Ass Up chaps, though.

Re: Ebay pimps and the IRS

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:48 pm
by smackaholic
Nishlord wrote:
smackaholic wrote:face down jacket. I picked that one up at the SA store about 4 years ago for 20-30 bucks.
I bet you refuse to sell those Ass Up chaps, though.
Depends. How much you willing to spend? Remember, you get a hell of an exchange rate these days. Better than half of the questions I got on the northface coat were from northern europe or japan.

Re: Ebay pimps and the IRS

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:45 am
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:So now, I am wondering how long it is before mr revenuer cocksucker sends me an email looking for his cut.

I googled it and found something saying that they will start looking at ebayers with 100 sales and 5000 gross sales per year. If this is so, I suspect we will be safe. But, I get the feeling that once them fukkers realize what a cash cow ebay will be for them, they will pounce on everybody.

What do you fukkers think? Any CPA/tax lawyer/dinsgoogle responses appreciated.
I thought it was 200 purchases or 10,000 dollars sales? No matter how you look at it, the safe thing to do is keep meticulous records and report what you make. Or maybe your wife should start advertising her services .... errr "handbags" on Craigslist?