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McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:12 am
by Diogenes
The part that got my attention...
Education is the civil rights issue of this century. Equal access to public education has been gained. But what is the value of access to a failing school? We need to shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition, empower parents with choice, remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward good teachers and help bad teachers find another line of work.

When a public school fails to meet its obligations to students, parents deserve a choice in the education of their children. And I intend to give it to them. Some may choose a better public school. Some may choose a private one. Many will choose a charter school. But they will have that choice and their children will have that opportunity.

Senator Obama wants our schools to answer to unions and entrenched bureaucracies. I want schools to answer to parents and students. And when I'm president, they will. ... ohnmccain1

The whole thing was far better than I expected, but to come out as pro-choice on a real issue...


Barak who?

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:32 am
by Diogenes
This post was made by Birdy who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

No thank you.

Rack the ignore list.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:57 am
by LTS TRN 2
Really, Dio/babs/cuda/fuckwad...isn't your tedious spam-gig played out?

Speaking as one who really enjoys comedy, you are done.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:07 am
by Nishlord
I was quite amazed to learn that this morning that McCain was a POW. He really should mention that a bit more often.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:09 am
by RadioFan
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Really, Dio/babs/cuda/fuckwad...isn't your tedious spam-gig played out?

Speaking as one who really enjoys comedy, you are done.
Time to take your meds.

I'm here to help.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:33 am
by RadioFan
Birdy wrote:mvscal is totally on board, because once he was arrested for a DUI and was being fucked by a big black dude and he gave the guy in the other cell a thumbs up also.
You obviously have mvscal confused with pikkle.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:11 am
by Nishlord
Birdy wrote:
Nishlord wrote:I was quite amazed to learn that this morning that McCain was a POW. He really should mention that a bit more often.
Yeh, he gave a thumbs up to a guy in another cell. mvscal is totally on board, because once he was arrested for a DUI and was being fucked by a big black dude and he gave the guy in the other cell a thumbs up also.
Maybe he should have gone got Gary Glitter as his running mate. He's been in a southeast Asian prison as well, and isn't much more morally bankrupt.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:37 pm
by BSmack
I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I should at least get a Bronze Star for enduring that kind of torture.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:21 pm
by Diogenes
Nishlord wrote:Maybe he should have gone got Gary Glitter as his running mate. He's been in a southeast Asian prison as well, and isn't much more morally bankrupt.
Leave Obama out of this. Besides, Glitter isn't American, let alone a natural born American.

Oh wait, neither is the Obamessiah. Maybe.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:23 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I should at least get a Bronze Star for enduring that kind of torture.
It would be torture for an Anti-american simpleton like you.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:30 pm
by BSmack
Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote:I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I should at least get a Bronze Star for enduring that kind of torture.
It would be torture for an Anti-american simpleton like you.
What was your favorite part? The one where he affirmed the federal government's continuing role in education? Or where he didn't talk at all about his immigration policy?

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:33 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote:I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I should at least get a Bronze Star for enduring that kind of torture.
It would be torture for an Anti-american simpleton like you.
What was your favorite part?
I don't know. Maybe the part I quoted in the first post?

Stupid even for a lefty.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:36 pm
by BSmack
Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote:What was your favorite part?
I don't know. Maybe the part I quoted in the first post?
So you're for increased Federal involvement in education? Since when is this a Republican talking point? Talk about jumping on the change bandwagon. :meds:

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:41 pm
by Nishlord

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:46 pm
by Goober McTuber
Brilliant use of ubb code, Nish. They've added a preview function here, you know?

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:49 pm
by Diogenes
You suck at this.

Okay, you just suck period.

And allowing parents to transfer their kids from failing schools (along with equivalent funding) doesn't represent an increase in federal involvment, just a competent application of it.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:00 pm
by Felix
Interesting that during the RNC, the standing presidents name wasn't mentioned once by any of the speakers

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:12 pm
by Smackie Chan
Felix wrote:Interesting that during the RNC, the standing presidents name wasn't mentioned once by any of the speakers
Not really that interesting. They can't smack him because he's one of them, and the foundation of their platform is built on putting as much distance between themselves and Dubya as possible to convince voters that the real candidate for change is the one from the incumbent party. The safest approach is to pretend he doesn't exist.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:12 pm
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:Interesting that during the RNC, the standing presidents name wasn't mentioned once by any of the speakers
Full of shit as usual.

Of course the Dems threw his name out twice as much as they mentioned God.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:14 pm
by BSmack
Diogenes wrote:And allowing parents to transfer their kids from failing schools (along with equivalent funding) doesn't represent an increase in federal involvment, just a competent application of it.
If the states mandate it, then at least it is consistent with conservative, states rights orthodoxy. But what McCain is suggesting is just another flavor of top down Federal management of education.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:15 pm
by poptart
Felix wrote:Interesting that during the RNC, the standing presidents name wasn't mentioned once by any of the speakers
I'd swear I heard Cheney's name mentioned at least once.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:21 pm
by Diogenes
Since Gaylord likes this graphic...

Number of mentions by each party:

Health Care-34



Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:24 pm
by Felix
Diogenes wrote:
Full of shit as usual.
not according to the chart
Of course the Dems threw his name out twice as much as they mentioned God.
are you fucking kidding me, Bush is the democrats biggest ally right now
Diogenes wrote:

where's Bush's name? :lol:

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:26 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:
Diogenes wrote:And allowing parents to transfer their kids from failing schools (along with equivalent funding) doesn't represent an increase in federal involvment, just a competent application of it.
If the states mandate it, then at least it is consistent with conservative, states rights orthodoxy. But what McCain is suggesting is just another flavor of top down Federal management of education.

As far as I know he's talking about what to do with federal money already being given to the states. And I have no doubt that state and local govts will be the ones applying the policy. Either way, at least he's making quality education a priority, and not just for children of the well-to-do.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:29 pm
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Full of shit as usual.
not according to the chart

where's Bush's name? :lol:
At the bottom, next to taxes (seven times, one more than the Dems mention reform).

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:34 pm
by Diogenes
Diogenes wrote:Since Gaylord likes this graphic...

Number of mentions by each party:

Health Care-34



You'll also notice they menntioned McCain over three times as often and the guy who's not even running almost twice as often as the GOP mentioned The Empty Suit.

Like I said, Barak who?

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:36 pm
by Felix
Diogenes wrote:
At the bottom, next to taxes (seven times, one more than the Dems mention reform).
you're right my bad, he was mentioned the same number of times hurricane was, three more times than "hockey mom"
poptart wrote: I'd swear I heard Cheney's name mentioned at least once.
I said standing president not the actual president

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:42 pm
by Felix
Diogenes wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
wow, it's not often I see someone quote themselves without there being some intervening reply

oh and congrats on the combination non-sequitur, red-herring, and ad hominem-it's not often you see this kind of triple play

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:05 pm
by BSmack
Diogenes wrote:As far as I know he's talking about what to do with federal money already being given to the states. And I have no doubt that state and local govts will be the ones applying the policy. Either way, at least he's making quality education a priority, and not just for children of the well-to-do.
You have no doubt that state and local governments will be applying the policy? Well that's mighty white of you. The whole point of the conservative opposition to Federal involvement in education is that state and local governments should be MAKING the policy, not just carrying out marching orders from Washington. Nice to see the GOP completely sell out on that point.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:09 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:... conservative opposition to Federal involvement...
Always one of your major concerns.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:11 pm
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Since Gaylord likes this graphic...

Number of mentions by each party:

Health Care-34



You'll also notice they menntioned McCain over three times as often and the guy who's not even running almost twice as often as the GOP mentioned The Empty Suit.

Like I said, Barak who?
wow, it's not often I see someone quote themselves without there being some intervening reply
I'm that good.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:15 pm
by Mikey
Nishlord wrote:I was quite amazed to learn that this morning that McCain was a POW. He really should mention that a bit more often.

Don't forget that he's a Maverick too.


Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:19 pm
by Nishlord

That's not Smack, it's more of the same.

I must admit I said 'God' a lot of times whilst watching the old pissbags convention. Along with 'Jesus', 'Fuck off', and 'How fucking stupid must you be to fall for this bollocks?'

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:24 pm
by Diogenes
Nishlord wrote:
That's not Smack, it's more of the same.'
You're welcome.

Judging from the Dem election 'more of the same' is leftyspeak for we don't know what the fuck we're talking about.

Chicago Way
The familiarity of Obama.

By David Kahane

We’re not afraid of you, John McCain.

Sure, you’re an old, old — did I mention old? — fighter jock who’ll get 99.9 percent of the military’s votes as well as those of every other “patriotic,” “God”-fearing “American.” But so what? Against you we can field an army of community organizers, lawyers, activists, advocates, Code Pink ladies, hippie draft-dodgers, metrosexuals,’ers, communists, Hollywood stars, NARAL, NAMBLA, the entire population of Seattle, and a platoon of New York Times oped columnists leading most of the rest of the media, all commanded by Der Olbermann. Hail, victory!

Listen, pal o’ mine, I’ve got news for you: This jazz about “fighting” belongs to us. We bought it, we paid for it, and we’ve been fighting for it for 40 years. Not that we mean “fighting” in any sense other than metaphorical, of course. We liberals would never stoop to actual fisticuffs or, the Deity of Your Belief System Here forbid, firearms. Real men really do eat quiche.

But now, Mr. “POW,” you’re in for a real fight. For you, my friend, are up against B. Hussein Jr., the Messiah, the Moshiach, and the Mahdi all rolled into one Manchurian package.

Yes, I’m talking about the great Community Organizer himself, the Lion of the Annenberg Challenge; the invisible editor of The Harvard Law Review; the Illinois state senator whose favorite vote was “present”; the speechifying U.S. senator who started running for the White House almost as soon as he got to Washington; the Land of Lincoln’s very own “Cadillac” Deval Patrick on a grander scale — ladies and gentlemen, in this corner, wearing the red trunks with the hammer and sickle on them: the Punahou Kid!

Let me tell you, this man Barry Soetero, a.k.a. the Talking Parrot, is tough. His fight manager, trainer and dialogue coach is none other than David Axelrod, dubbed “Obama’s Narrator,” by the New York Times. Axelrod is the former journalist and political columnist at the Chicago Tribune who switched sides, working on the late Harold Washington’s campaign for mayor, defending Mayor Richie Daley against ludicrous charges of “corruption,” and forming his own influential political-consulting firm. Working both sides of the street — that’s the Chicago Way!

Yeah, I said the Chicago Way. Just like in that movie, The Untouchables, written by a guy whose name is no longer spoken in polite liberal circles, you know, the one who wrote a few months ago that he was no longer a, quote, brain-dead liberal, unquote. Hey, David Mamet — can you spell “anathema”?

In Chicago, the media/Daley Machine complex has two role models. One is Jake Lingle, a legman for the Tribune who made five bucks a week and yet wore a $150 diamond-studded belt buckle and owned a $25,000 home in Michigan City, Indiana, where he stashed the wife and kids while he resided in splendor in the Stevens Hotel (now the Hilton) on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Jake’s gig for the Trib was “covering” organized crime, which he did until one fine day in 1930 when somebody messed up his perfectly fine straw boater and ruined a good cigar with a .38-caliber bullet in the back of Jake’s head. Seems that Jake was skimming from the Outfit, and had to be taught a lesson.

That lesson was delivered by the other great Chicago role model: Scarface Al Capone, from Brooklyn and Cicero, Ill., who made sure that the politicians stayed bought, that the booze flowed, that “walking around” money got paid, and that his opponents got what was coming to them well before they knew they had it coming.

One of the ways they roll in Chicago, election-wise, is to win by eliminating opponents before the first vote is cast. You know, find some irregularities in their signature drives — sayonara, progressive activist Alice Palmer! — leak some damaging personal information to the Tribune about Bambi’s 2004 Senate Democratic primary foe, Blair Hull — I wonder who did that? — and finally persuade a friendly judge to unseal some oo-la-la divorce records at the behest of… wait for it… the Chicago Tribune (“Ryan File a Bombshell”). Hasta la vista Republican opponent Jack Ryan and say hello to my little friend, Alan Keyes.

Frankly, McCain, we expected the same thing to happen to your token, imported triggerchick in the red-white-and-blue Photoshopped bikini, Sarah Barracuda. You know, the tough broad who looks like a cross between Macushla Maggie Fitzgerald from Million Dollar Baby and Daisy Mae from Dogpatch, Alaska. We figured the rookie would be so rattled by all the hot lead our media buddies threw at her those first few days that she’d forget to bring her moose knife to a gunfight. How were we to know that she was a natural-born killer, and that her first punch would break B.O. Plenty’s glass jaw and sending him rushing into the arms of Bill O’Reilly, where he proclaimed that of course the surge worked, he always said it would work, and furthermore he always said that he always said the surge would work, but that he still thought it was a sucky idea.

Then you delivered another low blow last night when, at the end of your speech you defied that crowd of chanting fascists in St. Paul — those who would deny the plain language of the Constitution’s Article One: A Woman’s Right To Murder Her Unborn Baby for Her Own Personal Convenience Shall Not Be Infringed — and roared through the end of your jingoistic inaugural address. I mean “acceptance speech.” Fight, fight, fight, America, truth, justice, and all that stuff, blah blah blah. You were so impassioned and fired up it was almost like you believed what you were saying.

Still, we had to put some ice on that. The look in Bambi’s eyes today is like Dolph Lundgren’s in Rocky IV, after Sly Stallone first bloodies Ivan Drago, and the noble, indestructible Russian thinks: O my Gaia, I could lose this thing.

Afraid of you? Hah!

But this morning, maybe we are.

“David Kahane” is named after the patron saint of screenwriters in the movie, The Player, who gets bludgeoned and then drowned in Pasadena by a studio executive played by Tim Robbins. ... QwMDMwYzc=

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:29 pm
by General Peters
McCain represents an authority figure, which is why he doesn't resonate well with the entitlement generation. He mentioned "code" last night which none of the libs can connect with. We need to have fukken integrity, honor and fukken CODE.

The people who support Obama are as follows:

Nutless duechebags
Bitter lesbos
Hollywood degenerates
Oprah followers

and last but not least, negros who are ONLY voting for him for their own "cause"
They could care less what he stands for (which is nothing)'s all about "Advancing the black cause".....which is a pathetic reason to vote. They dont give a FUKK about this country. In fact, they hate this country. Just like Rev. Wright and Michelle Onogga hates this country.

It's ME FIRST and country not even second, third or fourth.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:29 pm
by BSmack
Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote:... conservative opposition to Federal involvement...
Always one of your major concerns.
Hey, I'm just glad to see that your party is moving away from all that "states rights" bullshit and turning into Democrats. And to see you applauding this radical leftward shift is nothing short of a 9.8 on the irony meter.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:30 pm
by Tom In VA
Have to agree with Nishlord a little bit here. I think the living in a box stuff was a bit overdone. No question, the experience had a profound impact on his life ... one that unless you were there you wouldn't even begin to comprehend ... but by mentioning it over and over and over again, it kind of lessens it's impact.

Clearly, as a Commander in Chief, he's qualified to command. Clearly his military service both in a service and as a son of a service member has required more sacrifice than those who haven't served can't fully comprehend.

The biggest thought I had after I heard all the living in a box stuff then they move onto his effort in "normalizing relations with Vietnam", one question lingered .... did he forsake any of his brothers who were still "living in a box" in order to not "rock the boat" with normalizing relations with Vietnam ?

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:32 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote:... conservative opposition to Federal involvement...
Always one of your major concerns.
Hey, I'm just glad to see that your party is moving away from all that "states rights" bullshit and turning into Democrats. And to see you applauding this radical leftward shift is nothing short of a 9.8 on the irony meter.
Not at all. Your conclusions are bullshit, I was merely pointing out your hypocricy.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:32 pm
by Nishlord
Diogenes wrote:we don't know what the fuck we're talking about.

Re: McCain's RNC speech

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:47 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:I'm just glad to see that your party is moving away from all that "states rights" bullshit and turning into Democrats.
Chimpy ought to be one of your biggest heroes then. He pursued an across the board progressive agenda and all you can do is shit on him.

Jealous you didn't get there first?
I said from the word go that Chimpy was like Bill Clinton minus the brain of a Rhodes Scholar. I have always been amazed how easily the GOP has been lead down the path of liberalism provided a steady dose of Jesus and country music was applied. Just look at how Federal spending always skyrockets when a Republican is in the White House.