Riding the bus - the good, the BAD
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:19 pm
OK - I ride the bus to and from work each day here in Pittsburgh.
The Good - lots and LOTS of beautiful young ladies ride the bus, doing their part to reduce global warming, etc. The spank bank gets innumerable deposits daily - that thing is so in the black that it tried to attend the Million Man March.
The Port Authority of Allegheny County has been going through some financial woe..so they've been forced to cut services. Less routes, remaining routes less frequently traversed. So basically, each bus ride is packed tighter than a) TTB's registration info in the proverbial tree-flattened glove compartment, or b) AP's marbled cetacean ass cheeks into some frilly little number.
Many many times, this situation results in me pressed up against a freshly showered and primped hot young lady, either standing in the aisle or in a bench seat. There are worse way to spend the commute, as little as Kid Gnashville would believe it.
SOMETIMES, though...you get a different result alfuckingtogether. Like this morning...the ride started out with me grabbing a double bench seat and opening my book, waiting patiently for the seat next to me to sag very slightly, for the air to fill tastefully with some sensibly applied floral or fruity aroma, and for the telltale faint sound of female pleasure at being seated next to someone not wholly unattractive for the duration of the ride.
But it went horribly wrong this morning. I felt none of that; instead I felt a unnervingly large but soft pressure on my side that increased dramatically and fearfully. It was some fat fucking asshole dude. He slowly sat, and in so doing created a disgustingly air-tight seal between my side and his jelly saddlebags. As he settled in, he tried to adjust so that less pressure was applied to my frame...but I was thus even more exceeded above and below by persistent shims of soft, shaking, putridly warm pigflesh absurdly constrained in polyester.
I was nowhere near the skeletal structure of this creature. He was probably 350 or so...a human buffeted with a disgustingly generous living sack of fluid material. I could have used a whaling knife to carve out long sheets of blubber to fling onto the aisle.
Tears of rage welled in my eyes. Instead of a pleasant morning experience, I was sealed into a seat by a human fleshplug - a sheer living hellride. Forget about moving, this pile was surrounded by other folks that couldn't go anywhere. I was fucking planted.
I tried to be philosophical...hell, at least if the bus crashed, I'd have my own personal blubber bag, but it would probably burst and coat me with goop and the EMS responders would take my picture for news of the weird before high-pressure hosing me off. Worse yet, as I fitfully threw my head around, I saw that there were 5-6 girls who just didn't beat this behemoth to the seat, as much as they were trying, god love 'em. They were so close, but SO far out of reach.
Fuck you, godless Libs...the ozone layer's not worth this sort of torture. Next time this happens, I'm whipping out a machete, dicing up the blubber bag, and getting off the bus and going back to my car IMMEDIATELY. And if it happens again on the way home, I'll smash my pitiful noggin against the glass until I either expire or break through to heave myself out onto the careening blacktop.
The Good - lots and LOTS of beautiful young ladies ride the bus, doing their part to reduce global warming, etc. The spank bank gets innumerable deposits daily - that thing is so in the black that it tried to attend the Million Man March.
The Port Authority of Allegheny County has been going through some financial woe..so they've been forced to cut services. Less routes, remaining routes less frequently traversed. So basically, each bus ride is packed tighter than a) TTB's registration info in the proverbial tree-flattened glove compartment, or b) AP's marbled cetacean ass cheeks into some frilly little number.
Many many times, this situation results in me pressed up against a freshly showered and primped hot young lady, either standing in the aisle or in a bench seat. There are worse way to spend the commute, as little as Kid Gnashville would believe it.
SOMETIMES, though...you get a different result alfuckingtogether. Like this morning...the ride started out with me grabbing a double bench seat and opening my book, waiting patiently for the seat next to me to sag very slightly, for the air to fill tastefully with some sensibly applied floral or fruity aroma, and for the telltale faint sound of female pleasure at being seated next to someone not wholly unattractive for the duration of the ride.
But it went horribly wrong this morning. I felt none of that; instead I felt a unnervingly large but soft pressure on my side that increased dramatically and fearfully. It was some fat fucking asshole dude. He slowly sat, and in so doing created a disgustingly air-tight seal between my side and his jelly saddlebags. As he settled in, he tried to adjust so that less pressure was applied to my frame...but I was thus even more exceeded above and below by persistent shims of soft, shaking, putridly warm pigflesh absurdly constrained in polyester.
I was nowhere near the skeletal structure of this creature. He was probably 350 or so...a human buffeted with a disgustingly generous living sack of fluid material. I could have used a whaling knife to carve out long sheets of blubber to fling onto the aisle.
Tears of rage welled in my eyes. Instead of a pleasant morning experience, I was sealed into a seat by a human fleshplug - a sheer living hellride. Forget about moving, this pile was surrounded by other folks that couldn't go anywhere. I was fucking planted.
I tried to be philosophical...hell, at least if the bus crashed, I'd have my own personal blubber bag, but it would probably burst and coat me with goop and the EMS responders would take my picture for news of the weird before high-pressure hosing me off. Worse yet, as I fitfully threw my head around, I saw that there were 5-6 girls who just didn't beat this behemoth to the seat, as much as they were trying, god love 'em. They were so close, but SO far out of reach.
Fuck you, godless Libs...the ozone layer's not worth this sort of torture. Next time this happens, I'm whipping out a machete, dicing up the blubber bag, and getting off the bus and going back to my car IMMEDIATELY. And if it happens again on the way home, I'll smash my pitiful noggin against the glass until I either expire or break through to heave myself out onto the careening blacktop.