Built to Spill playing "Perfect From Now On" Tues at 9:30

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Built to Spill playing "Perfect From Now On" Tues at 9:30

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Will be there. Kicked it in the Sun is my 2nd favorite BTS song (behind Carry the Zero) and all the PFNO songs are great live. Will be very interested in seeing what else they play after they play the album. Meat Puppets are opening. Not as good as seeing 50 Cent live, but will be great. Third time seeing BTS. Consummate pros.
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Re: Built to Spill playing "Perfect From Now On" Tues at 9:30

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Will be there. Kicked it in the Sun is my 2nd favorite BTS song (behind Carry the Zero) and all the PFNO songs are great live. Will be very interested in seeing what else they play after they play the album. Meat Puppets are opening. Not as good as seeing 50 Cent live, but will be great. Third time seeing BTS. Consummate pros.
Maybe they'll make all your dreams come true and perform Get Rich or Die Tryin' in its entirety after PFNO. Idaho's Most Wanted, beeyotch.
"Keys, woman!"

Re: Built to Spill playing "Perfect From Now On" Tues at 9:30

Post by Screw_Michigan »

I would hurt a fly is just fucking epic. Rack the sign on doug's amp: "Keep California out of Idaho."

UNRACK 9:30 for having, yet another, late running mid-week show. No fucking reason for the band not to be done by the time the last metro train rolls through U St. at 11:50. Left early and, I'm assuming with the traditional BTS three song encore, missed Carry the Zero. Though they did play Goin' Against Your Mind and Car. Third time seeing them, and just as epic.

BTS is like a hurricane of sound. What, with the three guitars, stand-up violin and Doug's seizure like behavior on stage, well, it can be overwhelming.

RACK the meat puppets as well. Their guitar player kicks some major fucking ass. They played Plateau and Lake of Fire as well.

Mike: :D As long as they played the "Hate it or Love it" remix.
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