We are selling our timeshare week....for about 15% of what we paid 16 years ago. Yeah, we really made out there.
Anyway, we show up to sign papers and hand over our deed and we find out that we have to get a deed transfer drawn up by our lawyer. WTF? That'll run a good two fitty or three hundred bucks. The legal chick at water's edge (the timeshare place) says that we don't actually need a lawyer, but, it would be a lot of work to do ourselves.
Is this so? We own the fukking thing outright. No mortgage. No liens. Should be as simple as filling out a form or two.
Ofcourse, lawyers gotta make benz payments eat, too, so they keep this kinda shit complicated, I 'spose.
So, can I get the form somewhere and bring it to town hall and get it notorized myself or should I drop the $$$$ and hire a scumbag, make that scumbag's secretary, to do it for me?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
smackaholic wrote:We are selling our timeshare week....for about 15% of what we paid 16 years ago. Yeah, we really made out there.
Anyway, we show up to sign papers and hand over our deed and we find out that we have to get a deed transfer drawn up by our lawyer. WTF? That'll run a good two fitty or three hundred bucks. The legal chick at water's edge (the timeshare place) says that we don't actually need a lawyer, but, it would be a lot of work to do ourselves.
Is this so? We own the fukking thing outright. No mortgage. No liens. Should be as simple as filling out a form or two.
Ofcourse, lawyers gotta make benz payments eat, too, so they keep this kinda shit complicated, I 'spose.
So, can I get the form somewhere and bring it to town hall and get it notorized myself or should I drop the $$$$ and hire a scumbag, make that scumbag's secretary, to do it for me?
deed transfer should be provided by the closing company as part of their service- unless you were too fucking cheap to use a closing company, in which case you'll want to hire a lawyer to do it.
people who insist on doing that shit themselves usually end up selling to somebody whose last name is Plaintiff
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
smackaholic wrote:We are selling our timeshare week....for about 15% of what we paid 16 years ago. Yeah, we really made out there.
Anyway, we show up to sign papers and hand over our deed and we find out that we have to get a deed transfer drawn up by our lawyer. WTF? That'll run a good two fitty or three hundred bucks. The legal chick at water's edge (the timeshare place) says that we don't actually need a lawyer, but, it would be a lot of work to do ourselves.
Is this so? We own the fukking thing outright. No mortgage. No liens. Should be as simple as filling out a form or two.
Ofcourse, lawyers gotta make benz payments eat, too, so they keep this kinda shit complicated, I 'spose.
So, can I get the form somewhere and bring it to town hall and get it notorized myself or should I drop the $$$$ and hire a scumbag, make that scumbag's secretary, to do it for me?
thanks for the link, bri. ALready found that one and for that price I can prolly get it done with a local sheister.
this is not a 300K home I am selling. It is a 1000 fukking dollar piece of shit timeshare. The buyer is paying the resort 500 bucks for his end of the closing. Let them fukkers do the investigating as to whether it is legit.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
88 wrote:Look at your own closing documents. You received a deed, right? Wouldn't you expect that the deed you provide to your buyer would look very similar to the one you received from your seller? The only thing that would change are the names of the buyer and seller, right?
So what you are saying basically is copy it with the names changed? I got that advice from someone on a timeshare owner bb. I may give it a shot.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
that's nice. got anything to add without my writing you a check?
What do you think about uslegalforms.com ? They will sell me a quit claim or warranty deed for the state of Ct for 15 bucks. Since it is a state document shouldn't I be able to get one from the state somehow?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
closing docs are like contracts- doesn't matter what they say, nobody reads them anyway
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
that's nice. got anything to add without my writing you a check?
What do you think about uslegalforms.com ? They will sell me a quit claim or warranty deed for the state of Ct for 15 bucks. Since it is a state document shouldn't I be able to get one from the state somehow?
I'm w/o a license for Ct...
Usually in my jurisdiction, quitclaim deeds are used when the property is encumbered (i.e., a mortgage) and grant deeds are used when title exists w/o encumbrances. I'm curious what the 15% is as to your potential sale.
I think your missing the point when you refer to a deed as a state document. I don't view it in that manner. You ought to call an attorney in your jurisdiction. Deeds can be assembled for a nominal amount.
smackaholic wrote:We own the fukking thing outright. No mortgage. No liens.
"Lock, stock, the fucking lot."
. . . Sorry. Love that movie. Now, "where was we"? Oh yeah, deeds. No you don't need a lawyer. Legal form store. Legalzoom.com maybe. A friendly title company could also help you.
this is not a 300K home I am selling. It is a 1000 fukking dollar piece of shit timeshare. The buyer is paying the resort 500 bucks for his end of the closing. Let them fukkers do the investigating as to whether it is legit.
So you confirm what you first posted about....
Only complete fucking idiots buy time shares in the first place....
and only even bigger idiots buy time shares worth $ 1,000 ???
Very astute financial move there Mr. Buffet....???
What are you going to do with your after tax proceeds of nothing ?? Invest in another high yielding time share ??
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.