I'm trying to find out the name of this tool, and who better to ask than you tools?
I spotted these Mexican guys digging a trench with this, so I asked them what it was called, as I have to install some irrigation in the back yard and don't want to rent a trencher you have to tow for 15 feet of 6" trenchline. They couldn't speak english (shocker), so I took a picture of it:
I think it's a Demolition hammer with a spade attachment, but I'm not totally sure.
15' of 6" trenchline and you want to use a power tool? What kind of pussy are you anyway? Shit I guess even the wetbacks are turning into pussies these days.
Why don't you fucking man up and get one of these?
(The tool, not the North Korean General you idiot)
If you're even half a man you could knock out 15' in a couple of hours max.
And don't tell me you don't need the exercise.
It is a demolition hammer. They rent them at Home Depot, although probably not with a spade big enough for a six inch line. Mikey is right, get a fucking pick axe and a shovel and get it done you fucking pussy. You are seeming rather pathetic, unless there is some pre-existing condition like you're in a wheelchair or morbidly obese or something like that. It's a 15 foot trench for god's sake.
Fuck that ditch digging labor shit. One of you self righteous assholes can come over and dig it if it makes you happy.
The soil is heavy on the clay and hard as rock, and excuse fucking me if I enjoy playing guitar everyday without having hands of stone.
And - what? I buy a pickaxe for the same price I can rent one of those things and get the job done in 1/4 of the time? Fuck that. One more tool I will have little use for in the future in the future collecting spiderwebs in the corner of the garage vs getting that shit over with - guess which one wins?
When I want exercise, I'll ride a bike or walk, or play basketball or tennis and enjoy any of those without blisters and a sore lower back. You short fucks don't get that.
Also, chores are not exercise, they are shit duties you have to get done. I don't feel fulfilled mowing a fucking lawn, digging a ditch, shoveling snow, trimming trees or raking leaves. Never have, never will.
Damn, not bad. That only took 7 posts, and not a single spade joke. This place is improving?