Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:24 am
by _Porter_
I've always been a middle of the road vote for the best candidate type of guy. For whatever reason, I can watch FoxNews (minus O'Reilly and his endless hocking of his mousepads and coffee mugs)and tolerate it, but Olberman and gang are simply unwatchable. To me, FN has a decidedly GOP slant to it, while MSNBC implies that if you disagree with them you're a douche. Pass.
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:36 am
by Mr T
If you regularly watch Fox News or MSNBC, kill yourself.
Must be the life to watch these jumped-the-shark news stations and get upset over bullshit you have zero control over.
I can understand your lack of confidence in the news. As a Florida State fan you are probably still trying to get over the fact Charlie Ward decided to play Basketball instead of Football. In the end it all worked out and he selected the correct sport based on his abilities, not his intelligence.--
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:57 pm
by no-F-N-Joke
Just take a look at the front page of MSNBC just a few minuts ago (10/9/2008, 2:30pm CST)
Obama in the photo below smiling, surrounded by supporters on a sunny day with secret service next to him made to look like the President already.
Now look at McCain’s picture for the same heading in Picture #2. It’s a shot from below to show the glooming day, looking over his shoulder with his wife and Sarah Palin looking like they are alone or no support.
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:21 pm
by Mikey
Could you possibly be any more pathetic in you crybaby ranting?
What a fucking pussy.
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:40 pm
by RadioFan
Doubtful, Mikey.
Hell, we're still more than three weeks away from the election and some of these tards are in fourth-gear melt mode, shit trolls and all.
Funny shit.
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:25 pm
by no-F-N-Joke
Mikey wrote:Could you possibly be any more pathetic in you crybaby ranting?
What a fucking pussy.
Mikey... it looks like you are in Fullbama mode.
Drink up!
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:21 pm
by Mr T
no-F-N-Joke wrote:
I can understand your lack of confidence in the news. As a Florida State fan you are probably still trying to get over the fact Charlie Ward decided to play Basketball instead of Football. In the end it all worked out and he selected the correct sport based on his abilities, not his intelligence.--
Charlie Ward never played football for Florida State? i guess someone should take back that national championship and his heisman.
Yeah football players are more intelligent than basketball players, maybe the QBs and the Kickers.
Re: SO MSNBC is on a tear to rip Fox news for slanting right...
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:07 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
RadioFan wrote:Doubtful, Mikey.
Hell, we're still more than three weeks away from the election and some of these tards are in fourth-gear melt mode, shit trolls and all.
Funny shit.
No doubt. Election night should be really fun around here. What's the cyber equivalent of a mushroom cloud?