So Nish...
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:06 pm
How you getting on with your "Asian" homeys?
Britain shows us that socialism works as efficiently in housing as it does in everything else:
Mother-of-seven Toorpakai Saiedi, 35, receives £170,000 a year in benefits — a staggering £150,000 of which is paid to a private landlord for the rent of their seven-bedroom house in West London.
The detached property in Acton has two large reception rooms, two kitchens, a dining room and a 100ft garden.
Ealing Council is picking up the £12,458 a month bill — which is nearly five times the rent for a similar property in the same road.
It's not all roses for Toorpakai, an Afghan asylum seeker whose estranged husband drives a taxi. Her son Jawad complains:
Some of the rooms in England we would not even put our chickens in because they are so small.
Jawad is a student who admits to spending most of his time driving around or playing snooker. He's philosophical about the fairness of living like royalty on the backs of British taxpayers:
When the council chose to put us here we did not say no. If someone gave you a lottery jackpot would you leave it?
But society's ability to pay out housing jackpots to parasites is limited — as Americans have already learned thanks to the subprime crisis that is crippling our economy.