The beauty that was Oct. 11...
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:48 am
Welly welly well, let's all gather 'round the big blankie on the floor with our hot cococs and recall the forthwith of this beautiful autumn day in this "goin' broke nation" you are so proud of...shall we? Bwahahhaaaa...
you telling me your Big Game coach, who couldn't beat Boise St. was remotely expected to beat a Top 5 ranked team? Bwahahhaaaaa......think about it, you LOSE to a baby faced QB guided by a limp d:ck coach and a drugged up cow, not to mention a bunch of zebras that wouldn't allow your safety within kissin' distance of Baby Face. Bwahahhhaaaa... Too bad....NOT REALLY!...Bwahahhhhaaa.. I could feel the blood pressure rise in ever Sooner fan from Podunk uhhhh...well,.. Podunk OK. Is there any other town? guys can go noodling tomorrow right after church to soothe the pain...Bwahhahhaaaa...
And this bunch of pretenders
that claimed "we were the last not to LOSE so we must be champions of something" last year...NO! Listen...SEASON OVER scrolls clear states "you lose done" GOT IT? can say what you done, your not worthy to claim that which is reserved for the truly great ones...UNDEFEATED...UNTIED! I make the rules LOSERS!!!! Bwahahhaaaaa.....This means you delusional Spoiled Bitches in L.A...Bwahahhaaaa.......
Welly well..look what we have here, a new comer, that just couldn't deal with the fame and fortune..Bwahahhaaaaa.....
...everyone of the fine individuals I've "escorted" to the other realm, have made comment how this bunch of wormy fans play it off as they've actually won at this game of football. They tell me they are WANNABE's...Sooo...after a little research I find this bunch of LOSERS are just that.. LOSERS...not just today, but FORfreekin'EVER! Bwahahhahhaaaa...back to suckin' Losers!...Bwahahaaaa....I love to feel your Crystal Football for your trophy case...Bwahahhaahaaa...Just think, how you going to replace your best players?...Huh?... and that fast kid will probably go Pro...Bwahahhaaaaa...DONE LOSERS! Bwahahaaaa....
Now.. to move on to the this week's bottom feeder...errrr...season's bottom feeder...HOLY TOLEDO! Bwahahaaaaaaa... (I smell a troll)...
Bwahhahhahhaaa.. thanks for participating, Sincerely, The Bowels...Bwahhahhahhahaaaa...nice run...soon you done! This is karma all were giddy about stealing that Hillbilly from WVU and now the reality of steppin' into someone else's house to set your table is kickin' yer supervisor tells me you won't be back anytime soon...Bwahahhaaaaa...
More to follow...I'm sure......Bwahahhahhaaaaaaaaa....a..aa....a
Hope I get the Nancy Grace message board gig next year, those bitches got more game than you LOSERS...Bwahhhaaaaaa....

And this bunch of pretenders

Welly well..look what we have here, a new comer, that just couldn't deal with the fame and fortune..Bwahahhaaaaa.....

Now.. to move on to the this week's bottom feeder...errrr...season's bottom feeder...HOLY TOLEDO! Bwahahaaaaaaa... (I smell a troll)...

More to follow...I'm sure......Bwahahhahhaaaaaaaaa....a..aa....a
Hope I get the Nancy Grace message board gig next year, those bitches got more game than you LOSERS...Bwahhhaaaaaa....