Candidate position poll

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Candidate position poll

Post by Bobby42 »

First of all, I received this from an email and thought it worthwhile to post here.
ABC has a test at the below address to see who's campaign statements, McCain's or Obama's, you agree with most. They don't tell you who made the statements, of course, but a statement made by each candidate on the same topic (economy, immigration, judiciary, etc.) will be side by side.

You just pick which statement you agree with and, after selecting all 13, you'll find out which candidate's philosophy you support.

Http:// ... id=5542139
Keep an open mind and answer the questions honestly. I understand for some such a request would be problematic. Let us know how you scored.

Apologize if this is GD. I don't live here 24/7.

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Re: Candidate position poll

Post by Mikey »

What were your results?

Interesting poll.
A lot of it is just do you remember what each has said.

Mine was 9-4 for Obama.

My McCain questions were both immigration questions (7,8) and gay marriage and global warming (10,11). These four issues are probably the ones where they have the most similar positions.
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Re: Candidate position poll

Post by Bobby42 »

10-3 Obama

Split on immigration positions. 8, 10, 13 for McCain.
KC Scott

Re: Candidate position poll

Post by KC Scott »

8-5 Obama

But some of the answers were almost identical.

Obama scores on immigration & health care, Pro Choice

McCain gets the economy, judges and global warming
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Re: Candidate position poll

Post by Mister Bushice »

8-5 Mccain, but at least 5 of those questions were more like choosing which dildo you want shoved up your ass, not whether or not you want one shoved up there.
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Re: Candidate position poll

Post by poptart »

Poster's position on candidate's pole

JaySuck: Obama - Max Down
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