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The undecideds

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:44 pm
by Mister Bushice
I understand how this Guy Chad feels regarding this election, except that I've decided my vote is completely useless, as either viable candidate will excel equally at screwing over the American People and all the other unknown nuts running against them will have zero impact on the outcome so why bother to waste the time.

However If McCain closes the gap between him and Obama over the next week, those 8 Percent might just be the Deciders. I wonder if PSU fan knows this?

The mystery of the undecided voter: who and why?

CINCINNATI (Reuters) – It's not a lack of data that has made Ohio photographer Chad Moon one of those rare and coveted people on the U.S. political landscape -- an undecided voter late in the campaign. He knows plenty about presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.

"It's not that I don't have enough information, it's that I don't particularly like either one of them," explained Moon, 32, a small business owner and father of two.

With just days to go before the November 4 election, undecided American voters are finding themselves the center of attention of campaigns looking for a few more precious votes in key states.

What is wrong with these people? After more than a year of nonstop political campaigning by Democratic Illinois Sen. Obama and Republican Arizona Sen. McCain, what more do voters possibly need to know to make up their minds?

As a resident of a politically divided and vote-rich Ohio, Moon has been bombarded by TV ads, robotic phone calls and the headlines that come with frequent visits to the area by McCain and Obama. So he knows where the candidates stand.

Trouble is, Moon is a fiscal conservative who doesn't like Obama's tax plan and a pro-choice secular voter who doesn't like McCain's social positions or his vice presidential running mate, Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin.

"I really don't know what I'm going to do," said Moon.

When will he decide? "Hopefully soon."


Eight percent of voters remain undecided in their choice for president, according to a survey released on Tuesday by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.

"Undecided voters are less educated, less affluent, and somewhat more likely to be female than the average voter," Pew said of the survey results, noting the undecided voters are also more likely to attend church regularly.

Figuring out who these people are and how they make decisions has become something of a parlor game with election experts. CNN brought in a doctor and a brain scan to discuss decision-making. The New York Times let neuroscientists Joshua Gold and Sam Wang try to explain the indecision.

While comedians and cynics tend to make fun of undecided voters as attention-seeking actors or oblivious fools, Gold turned the argument on its head. Why shouldn't voters reserve judgment until all the information is in?

"People tend to think of them as dolts, because how could they not have gathered enough evidence by now?" Gold said in an interview. "But from a purely rational standpoint, it makes perfect sense not to commit until you go into the voting booth because you can collect as much information as possible."

Political scientist Harwood McClerking is a bit more cynical. He believes a good portion of those who say they are undecided have made an unconscious decision already -- and will "come home" and vote according to their demographic group.

That is, a white church-going man from the U.S. South will tend to vote Republican, while an urban educated woman in the Northeast will tend to vote Democrat.

But McClerking also believes there's an added racial element to the undecided voters this year: that many of them have already ruled out Obama but are afraid of saying so for fear the interviewer will think they are racist.

"My personal rule of thumb, when I look at a poll, is I take roughly half of (the undecided portion) and add it to the white candidate, to give me a sense of what is really going on," said McClerking, a professor at Ohio State University.

By that measure, he believes the race is closer than current polls showing Obama ahead of McCain would appear.

Still, all of the science and second-guessing doesn't help Phoenix homemaker Mavy Dean decide between Obama and McCain. With three children under five, Dean has little time to read up about the candidates and is agonizing about her decision -- especially because it's her first election.

Born in Mexico and a naturalized U.S. citizen, Dean is not taking her right to vote lightly.

"It's very serious, because I have three children and they live in the United States, and things like education, safety and morals are very important to me," Dean said.

"I keep going back and forth, and I'm not sure yet," she said. "I'm going to pray about it, and I hope that the day that I vote I feel comfortable with my vote."

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:45 pm
by War Wagon
I tend to believe that 80% of those 8% who tell pollsters they're undecided are decidely for McCain but have decided not to tell anybody what that decision is lest they appear to be racist. Which they probably are, to some degree, else they wouldn't be concerned with anybodies perception of them.

Obama and Dems are fearful of the "Bradley effect" leaving them with nothing to celebrate come the 5th, and well they should be.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:50 pm
by Mikey
War Wagon wrote:I tend to believe that 80% of those 8% who tell pollsters they're undecided are decidely for McCain but have decided not to tell anybody what that decision is lest they appear to be racist. Which they probably are, to some degree, else they wouldn't be concerned with anybodies perception of them.

Obama and Dems are fearful of the "Bradley effect" leaving them with nothing to celebrate come the 5th, and well they should be.

Must give you a nice warm feeling to believe that a large number of the people who will be voting as you do will be making their decision based on the fact that they are racists.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:00 pm
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote: Must give you a nice warm feeling to believe that a large number of the people who will be voting as you do will be making their decision based on the fact that they are racists.
If you're inferring that I voted based on race, you'd be wrong.

Obama's race has nothing whatever to do with my vote. I always vote Republican.

As for the "warm feeling", that will come from seeing first the shocked dis-belief and then utter outrage on the faces of the shrieking libs faces as they pull their hair out and gnash their teeth at another close election "stolen" from them.

In fact, that will be highly comical. Freakin' hilarious, even.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:12 pm
by Wolfman
I'd like to know the details of how the Obama campaign has raised so much fucking money. I find it hard to believe it is coming solely from small individual donors. Obama's handlers were onto something when he opted out of public funding where he and McCain would have had equal amounts to spend. So much for "equality" !

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:18 pm
by Tom In VA
Wolfman, haven't you seen the struggling masses collecting aluminum, conducting bake sales, and scrimping and saving to donate to Obama ?

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:55 am
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
Mikey wrote: Must give you a nice warm feeling to believe that a large number of the people who will be voting as you do will be making their decision based on the fact that they are racists.
If you're inferring that I voted based on race,
Of course he is. It's all he's got left.
You obviously didn't read my post.

What's the matter?

Still feeling intimidated by those evil un-American Democrats?

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:46 am
by War Wagon
Wolfman wrote:I'd like to know the details of how the Obama campaign has raised so much fucking money. I find it hard to believe it is coming solely from small individual donors.
What's it matter how or where they got the money? This is America, where the almighty dollar trumps all. Why do you hate Capitalism?

More power to them if they can simply buy the election, but I doubt that's the case no matter how much or how little was spent by either party.

The only question I'd have is what they do with the left-over cash, since there's almost no way they can spend it all. Casino night?

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:39 am
by Diego in Seattle
Mikey wrote:What's the matter?

Still feeling intimidated by those evil un-American Democrats?
You forgot god-less.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:11 am
by Tom In VA
Nah, I don't give a fuck if they believe in God or not, I'd prefer Atheists and Agnostics. The current crop is not atheist or agnostic, they draw their inspiration from something else.
"From all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer."
You figure out who said it, Diego.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:26 am
by War Wagon
Tom In VA wrote:Nah, I don't give a fuck if they believe in God or not, I'd prefer Atheists and Agnostics. The current crop is not atheist or agnostic, they draw their inspiration from something else.
Aight, who stole Tom's password... or spiked his coffee with kahlua?

The first agnostic or atheist American President won't happen in the forseeable future.

We'll colonize Jupiter and/or Uranus before that happens.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:48 pm
by Goober McTuber
Wolfman wrote:I'd like to know the details of how the Obama campaign has raised so much fucking money. I find it hard to believe it is coming solely from small individual donors. Obama's handlers were onto something when he opted out of public funding where he and McCain would have had equal amounts to spend. So much for "equality" !
Oh, waaaah! Cry me a fucking river.

Obama was calling for change. Looks like most people opted for paper money.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:10 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Wolfman wrote:I'd like to know the details of how the Obama campaign has raised so much fucking money. I find it hard to believe it is coming solely from small individual donors. Obama's handlers were onto something when he opted out of public funding where he and McCain would have had equal amounts to spend. So much for "equality" !
Oh, waaaah! Cry me a fucking river.

Obama was calling for change. Looks like most people opted for paper money.
From whom?

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:10 pm
by Cuda
mvscal, you must not realize how common the name "Tony The Tiger" really is

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:59 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Cuda wrote:mvscal, you must not realize how common the name "Tony The Tiger" really is
Thanks Cuda. You're Grrrrrrreat!

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:18 pm
by Goober McTuber
Martyred wrote:
Cuda wrote:mvscal, you must not realize how common the name "Tony The Tiger" really is
Thanks Cuda. You're Grrrrrrreat!
I’m betting that Cap’n Crunch is in the McCain camp. The Cocoa Puffs cuckoo bird is for sure.

Re: The undecideds

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:28 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Goober McTuber wrote: The Cocoa Puffs cuckoo bird is for sure.
Ron Paul supporter. Not even contestable.