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(!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:40 am
by barack is GOD
Praise the Messiah!!
He is the chosen one!
"... a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama" - Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire.
January 7, 2008.
"Prepare your heart to fill with hope; Prepare your mind to embrace the change!"
He is the Alpha and the Omega
Precious Children Sing to Our Glorious Leader!
Barack Obama is the Platonic philosopher king we’ve been looking for for the past 2,400 years.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:53 pm
by Goober McTuber
That reminds me, I’ve got to pick up another bottle of Jergens.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:57 pm
by Harvdog
This is what your bank account will look like after he raises your taxes in 1 year:
I mean....we need to pay for all of those social programs that the dems like to implement.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:54 am
by Screw_Michigan
Harvdog wrote:This is what your bank account will look like after he raises your taxes in 1 year:
I mean....we need to pay for all of those social programs that the dems like to implement.
Your 401k's looking pret-tay, pret-tay stellar right now, ain't it? Dumbfuck.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:24 am
by War Wagon
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Your 401k's looking pret-tay, pret-tay stellar right now, ain't it? Dumbfuck.
Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest_Michigan... like using the quote feature to include all of Harvdogs post, including the oversized pic, immediately following a post made
twelve hours prior ... what? you were afraid somebody else might post before you could drop that epic 401k bomb?
Ya, dimbulb... you are one socially inept moron. Is Kierland your troll? I see remarkable similarities.
Btw, how's
your 401k doing?
Nevermind, a punk like you cashes his check at a payday loan store and wouldn't know the first thing about having a retirement account.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:50 am
by Harvdog
How is my 401K? Well that is a pretty stupid question considering the state of the US markets. Now a smart democratic fucker like you probably has many conspiracy theories as to how George W has buttfucked the working man by screwing up the US economy. Let's bring back the good old days of Billy C when companies could have the government back them and allow them to go public with Joe Taxpayer floating the bill., they looked great until Wall Street realized they were all failing. But that happened after Billy dropped his jiz on Monica. Let's get into the real issue of today......housing.
I mean if you listen to Chucky and Barney, they will tell you that every American should be able to buy a house. Well, let's not stop there.....every American should be able to buy a Mercedes too. Who cares if you cannot read the fine print on the financing and cannot afford it.....that's what the government is for. I fuck up, they bail me out. Isn't that the American way? The guys that are running the housing market are giving major kick backs to the DEMOCRATS.
Riddle me this...When Enron failed, they made Jeff Skilings and Ken Lay out to be the worst individuals in the history of man. They lost every thing and the Government gave us Sorbanes-Oxley. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed, where the fuck was the media to hammer Franklin Raines and Jamie Garelick? That's right....they were no where to be found. Where was the perp walk for these guys?
Do you know what cock blocker is? I am sure it has happened to you. Melvyn Watt. He is part of the reason for all these financial issues. See, back in 2003 a guy named...George W. Bush propsed an oversight committee to clean up Fannie Mae. Guess what happend? You got it, cock blocked by the democratic congress and senate. In 2004 Fannie Mae is found to have "cooked the books". At the same time Garelick and raines received $175 million in bonuses.
So why was this not publicized? Well, guess who got the most kick backs from Fannie and Freddie: 1. Christopher Dodd (D). 2. Barack Obama (D). 3.. Chuck Schumer (D) and 4. Barney Frank (D).
Fast forward to 2005. John McCain sponsors the Federal Housing Enterprise Reform Act. This act basically tried to stop the lending that Fannie and Freddie did. McCain knew that it would become a burden of the American Taxpayer and our economy if these loans failed because bonused were triggered by reaching loan numbers. He also knew that it would expose 4 big time democrats. Guess was blocked by the democrats. And the money.......never returned...but Garelick and Raines did pay civil fines of $31 million.
So what is the point? The democrats knew about all of this. Because of this, Lehman Brochers, AIG, and Sachs all go bankrupt from investing in bad mortgages. The American Taxpayer will have to pay for the $700 billion bailout while the whole time Barack knew what was going on. What ever happened to Raines? He is now an advisor on the Obama campaign.
So you ask about my 401K....well thanks to all the liberal assholes in Washington, it is not as good as it was a year ago. And if you think it sucks now, just wait until this fuckhole Obama gets elected. Hell he has already changed on his tax views......
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:51 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Harvdog wrote:Do you know what cock blocker is? I am sure it has happened to you. Melvyn Watt. He is part of the reason for all these financial issues. See, back in 2003 a guy named...George W. Bush propsed an oversight committee to clean up Fannie Mae. Guess what happend? You got it, cock blocked by the democratic congress and senate. In 2004 Fannie Mae is found to have "cooked the books". At the same time Garelick and raines received $175 million in bonuses.
Uhhh, the Democrats were in the minority in Congress in 2003 and 2004. They couldn't have cockblocked anyone. Tell me you knew.
In fact, I seem to recall a certain quote from somewhere around 2004, goes something like this:
George W. Bush wrote:I have political capital, and I intend to spend it.
Too bad ol' Smirky McFlightsuit chose to spend his political capital on Terri Schiavo, instead of something that really would have helped people, like regulating Fannie and Freddie. Then again, he was the champion deregulator, so that would have been anathema to him.
You might want to stick to discussions on Texas football. You seem to have some knowledge in that area. You're only two posts in on this discussion, and already it isn't going particularly well for you.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:17 pm
by Harvdog
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Harvdog wrote:Do you know what cock blocker is? I am sure it has happened to you. Melvyn Watt. He is part of the reason for all these financial issues. See, back in 2003 a guy named...George W. Bush propsed an oversight committee to clean up Fannie Mae. Guess what happend? You got it, cock blocked by the democratic congress and senate. In 2004 Fannie Mae is found to have "cooked the books". At the same time Garelick and raines received $175 million in bonuses.
Uhhh, the Democrats were in the minority in Congress in 2003 and 2004. They couldn't have cockblocked anyone. Tell me you knew.
Ummm Yeah. Where in that quote did I saw that the Democrats had the majority of the senate and house? I said that it was blocked by the democrats in the the house and senate. All in all, Fannie and Freddie had 354 Washington Bureaucrats on the take. The 4 biggest offenders have been listed. Melvin Watt came out and said that by adding "regulations" to Fannie and Freddie, President Bush was blocking the ability for poorer families to get homes. But, you knew this, right? You also know that Clinton was the one that took out the regulations and created Fannie and Freddie in 1998. Of course you did since you know everything.
In fact, I seem to recall a certain quote from somewhere around 2004, goes something like this:
George W. Bush wrote:I have political capital, and I intend to spend it.
Too bad ol' Smirky McFlightsuit chose to spend his political capital on Terri Schiavo, instead of something that really would have helped people, like regulating Fannie and Freddie. Then again, he was the champion deregulator, so that would have been anathema to him.
You might want to stick to discussions on Texas football. You seem to have some knowledge in that area. You're only two posts in on this discussion, and already it isn't going particularly well for you.[/quote]
Right, because Texas football has everything to do with the Democrats who fucked up this country. Blame Bush for a quote but turn a blind eye to the guy who is running for President that knew Fannie and Freddie were not only going to fail, but they kept putting money in his pocket. The deregulation was started by Bill Clinton.
I think they should have pulled the plug on Schaivo. She was gone. But when the president tried to clean up F&F, he was the blame? Right, because if he would have acted in 2003 we would be worse off today??
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:49 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Harvdog wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:Harvdog wrote:Do you know what cock blocker is? I am sure it has happened to you. Melvyn Watt. He is part of the reason for all these financial issues. See, back in 2003 a guy named...George W. Bush propsed an oversight committee to clean up Fannie Mae. Guess what happend? You got it, cock blocked by the democratic congress and senate. In 2004 Fannie Mae is found to have "cooked the books". At the same time Garelick and raines received $175 million in bonuses.
Uhhh, the Democrats were in the minority in Congress in 2003 and 2004. They couldn't have cockblocked anyone. Tell me you knew.
Ummm Yeah. Where in that quote did I saw that the Democrats had the majority of the senate and house? I said that it was blocked by the democrats in the the house and senate.
You didn't say that the Democrats had the majority, but you certainly implied it. With a minority, particularly in light of the rules the Republicans set when they were in the majority, the Democrats had no power to block anything the Republicans wanted. They couldn't even rely on a Senate filibuster, given the whimsicality of Lieberman and the Blue Dog Democrats.
All in all, Fannie and Freddie had 354 Washington Bureaucrats on the take. The 4 biggest offenders have been listed. Melvin Watt came out and said that by adding "regulations" to Fannie and Freddie, President Bush was blocking the ability for poorer families to get homes. But, you knew this, right? You also know that Clinton was the one that took out the regulations and created Fannie and Freddie in 1998. Of course you did since you know everything.
You've conveniently ignored addressing my point that increased regulation goes against the grain of everything Bush stood for. Your claim that he attempted to impose regulations on Fannie and Freddie is implausible at best, not credible at worst.
As for Clinton, he didn't create Fannie and Freddie, nor did he start the deregulation process (that would be Reagan, at least as to the latter point). But you'll get no argument from me that he was part of the problem. Bill Clinton's greatest fault was that he took Bob Knight's advice and laid back and enjoyed the ass-raping he took from Republicans. He was basically Republican-lite. His governing philosophy, in response to the Republican Party, was essentially, "Me too, but not as much."
In fact, I seem to recall a certain quote from somewhere around 2004, goes something like this:
George W. Bush wrote:I have political capital, and I intend to spend it.
Too bad ol' Smirky McFlightsuit chose to spend his political capital on Terri Schiavo, instead of something that really would have helped people, like regulating Fannie and Freddie. Then again, he was the champion deregulator, so that would have been anathema to him.
You might want to stick to discussions on Texas football. You seem to have some knowledge in that area. You're only two posts in on this discussion, and already it isn't going particularly well for you.
Right, because Texas football has everything to do with the Democrats who fucked up this country.
Actually, I was trying to throw you a bone. Went right over your head, apparently.
Blame Bush for a quote but turn a blind eye to the guy who is running for President that knew Fannie and Freddie were not only going to fail, but they kept putting money in his pocket. The deregulation was started by Bill Clinton.
I think they should have pulled the plug on Schaivo. She was gone. But when the president tried to clean up F&F, he was the blame? Right, because if he would have acted in 2003 we would be worse off today??
You're all over the map here. You're trying to blame Obama, when he wasn't even in the Senate in '03 and '04. Meanwhile, you continue to claim, without any supporting evidence, that Bush tried to clean up Freddie and Fannie, when it would have been contrary to his entire political philosophy to do so.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:03 pm
by Harvdog
How's this??
Is this enough proof?
Greatest quotes out of this article from the New york Times:
''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''
and the cock blocker himself.....
Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.
''I don't see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,'' Mr. Watt said.
Does this get me back on center???
Thanks for the football love......
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:16 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
If you read the article, Bush wasn't proposing any new regulation. He was merely proposing that authority for regulation be moved from the legislative branch to the executive branch. A proposal that might very well have been unconstitutional, btw. And given the fact that Bush was a diehard believer in the Gospel of Deregulation, there might very well have been a foxes/henhouse concern as well.
Front Page Magazine? Hmmm, a partial list of their columnists . . .
FrontPage Pundits
Ann Coulter
David Horowitz
David Horowitz and Ben Johnson
David Horowitz and Reut Cohen
Dennis Prager
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
Michael Reagan
Yep, that's a real unbiased source.
Thanks for the football love......
No problem.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:58 pm
by smackaholic
Terry in Crapchester wrote: And given the fact that Bush was a diehard believer in the Gospel of Deregulation, there might very well have been a foxes/henhouse concern as well.
You're right terry. Why, if Bush would have been in control it might have blown up.
Wait, I thought it was Bush's fault.
Now I'm confused.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:06 pm
by Tom In VA
smackaholic wrote:
Now I'm confused.
Just keep clicking your heels and saying "Bush Lied People Died, George Bush Hates Black People, Bush is Stealing Your House".
Then you won't be confused, you'll be "educated".
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:24 pm
by Tom In VA
mvscal wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:And given the fact that Bush was a diehard believer in the Gospel of Deregulation,
Of course that explains why his administration backed one of the most onerous regulations on business in the last 50 years.
You'd think they'd give credit to Bush for "spreading the wealth" and "redistributing the wealth" with that one.
Re: (!) PRAISE Barack Obama!! (!)
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:27 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Tom In VA wrote:
You'd think they'd give credit to Bush for "spreading the wealth" and "redistributing the wealth" with that one.
He is a science fearing man, after all.