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Happy late Halloween LOSERS!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:21 pm
..time to dust off the ol' Image bwahahaaaaaa....good CFB losers have been minding your P&Q's quite well which has allowed me precious time to take care more urgent matters..bwahahahhaaaaaa..Image now this was a hoot...bwahhahaahaaaa, ya know; I can only relive it on the DVD file we have here in the black hole but the time is a comin' ...bwahahhahahaaaa. We've been working on the next great epidemic feverishly..jus' a matta' o' time LOSERS!..bwahhahahhaaaaa..
Let's move on shall we, so I'm watching CFB games with this guy Image and while I'm getting a soft drink (you losers just keep up with those alcoholic beverages and we'll be meeting up all the sooner..bwaahhaaaa.) and I hear him let out a "Wowser" come around the corner to this: Image right after some guy named Crabtree runs that little brown ball in someone's end zone...good work if you can get it I guess...bwahahhaaaaaa.

Soooo...these LOSERS Image fall on their face to a damn Taco Stand. I've seen these taco joints and to lose to pimple faced 15 year olds is enough to make one laugh his ass off..I think I will...bwahhahhahhaaaaahahhhaa...bwwaaaaahhhhaa. NO trophy for you hook-em whores...bwahaha...

And you idiots Image that would stoop so low to worship this sorry excuse for a dogImage got jus' what you'all deserve...)(like that silly southern take in there do ya?) Bwahhahhaaa.... you'all get it? probably not you Civil War losing bitches..bwahahhaaaaaa..Gettyburg was nails BTW; thanks for that!....bwahahahahhaaaaaaaa..

So let's see, we still have some outstanding victims yet to "pull the trigger" I love that term, you CFB losers should take it upon yourselves and do your family and friends...(oh wait, you ain't got no friends if you post on a stupid message board like this POS) ..and PTT. The world will be a better place and you're just speeding up the inevitable. Do you really want this in your future.. Imageyour kids won't! I've seen some of you, it's an improvement to be sure. Be the first on your block..bwahahhaaaaaaaa

Don't get on me LOSERS. It's all about quota..bwahahhaaahaaaahha..

more to come.

Re: Happy late Halloween LOSERS!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:27 pm
by Goober McTuber
SEASON OVER wrote:Do you really want this in your future.. Image
Did JoePa lose his glasses?